
Maine Town Chronology

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Maineis divided into 16 counties and contains 484 incorporated municipalities consisting of 23 cities, 431 towns, and 34 plantations and about 425 townships and 3 Indian Reservations[1][2][3]

Thirthy Four of these towns were incorporated prior to the American Revolution.
Over 200 town were incorporated before Maine became the 23 state on March 15, 1820.

  • Links to freespace pages or category pages appear.
  • Unorganized areas and townships are not shown except for a few towns that failed.
  • Names prior to incorporation is not shown. Some areas were inhabited by European settlers for decades before the town was errected.
  • Corrections are greatly appreciated.

Maineis divided into 16 counties and contains 484 incorporated municipalities consisting of 23 cities, 431 towns, and 34 plantations and about 425 townships and 3 Indian Reservations[4][5][6]

Thirthy Four of these towns were incorporated prior to the American Revolution.
Over 200 town were incorporated before Maine became the 23 state on March 15, 1820.

  • Links to freespace pages or category pages appear.
  • Unorganized areas and townships are not shown except for a few towns that failed.
  • Names prior to incorporation is not shown. Some areas were inhabited by European settlers for decades before the town was errected.
  • Corrections are greatly appreciated.



Incorporated Current
Note Previous
Abbott18270131 January 31, 1827AbbottPiscataquis Township No. 7, Seventh Range North of Waldo Patent
Acton18300306 March 6, 1830ActonYork formed from part of Shapleigh
Adams18280211February 11, 1828CrawfordWashingtonName changed February 28, 1828Township No. 20 Eastern Division, Bingham's Penobscot Purchase (T20 ED BPP)
Addison17970214February 14, 1797AddisonWashingtonMaine’s 108th townTownship No. 6 East of Union River, Livermore Survey (T6 EUR LS); Englishman River; Pleasant River; Plantation No. 6 West of Machias
Albion18210310March 10, 1821AlbionKennebecOriginally Fairfax name changed to Ligonia on March 10, 1821
and to Albion on February 25, 1824
Most of the town lay in the Plymouth Claim (Kennebec Purchase), but the northern portion was taken from the Nelson Tract
Alexander18250119 January 19, 1825AlexanderWashingtonTownship No. 16 Eastern Division, Bingham's Penobscot Purchase (T16 ED BPP
Alfred18080225February 25, 1808AlfredYorkMaine’s 169th town.North Parish of Sanford; the northern part, together with the town of Waterboro, was earlier known as Massabesic Plantation; includes part of the Fluellen Tract
Allagash19660131January 31, 1966AllagashAroostookTownships No. 16 and 17, Tenth and Eleventh Ranges West of the Easterly Line of the State (T16 R10 WELS, T16 R11 WELS, T17 R10 WELS, T17 R11 WELS)
Alna17940625June 25, 1794AlnaLincolnOriginally New Milford name changed February 28, 1811Part of the Plymouth Claim (Kennebec Purchase); North Precinct of Pownalborough
Alton18440309March 9, 1844AltonPenobscot Formed from part of Argyle Plantation
Amherst18310202 February 2, 1831AmherstHancockTownship No. 26 Middle Division, Bingham's Penobscot Purchase (T26 MD BPP); Mariaville North
Amity18360319March 19, 1836AmityAroostookTownship No. 10, First Range West of the Easterly Line of the State (T10 R1 WELS)
Andover18250603 June 3, 1825AndoverOxfordOriginally East Andover
Name changed on June 13, 1830 "
East Andover from East Andover Plantation, 23 June 1804
Anson17980301March 1, 1798AnsonSomersetTownship No. 1, First Range North of Plymouth Claim, West of Kennebec River (T1 R1 NPC WKR); Titcombtown; Brookfield
Appleton18290128January 28, 1829AppletonKnoxBefore 1800 as Appleton Plantation from part of Barrettstown Plantation. Also called "Appleton Ridge Plantation."
Argyle18390319 March 19, 1839ArgylePenobscotOorganization surrendered in 1938 Old Indian Township No. 3 West of Penobscot River (T3 OIP WPR); Maine Literary and Theological Institute Grant; Birch Stream Settlement
Arrowsic18410302 March 2, 1841ArrowsicSagadahocFormed from part of Georgetown
Arundel18210218February 19, 1821ArundelYork North Kennebunkport from 1915-1958 Formed from part of Kennebunkport
Ashland18620218February 18, 1862AshlandAroostookNamed Dalton from 1862-1869Townships No. 11 and 12, Fifth Range West of the Easterly Line of the State (T11 R5 WELS and T12 R5 WELS)
Athens18040307March 7, 1804AthensSomerset Township No. 2, Second Range North of Plymouth Claim, East of Kennebec River
Auburn18420224 February 24, 1842AuburnAndroscogginCity on February 22, 1869Minot
Augusta17970220February 20, 1797AugustaKennebecCity on August 20, 18491797 as Harrington from part of Hallowell; name changed to Augusta the same year
Aurora18310201Originally Hapton
Name changed on February 1, 1831
AuroraHancockName changed on February 6, 1833Township No. 27 Middle Division, Bingham's Penobscot Purchase
Avon18020222February 22, 1802AvonFranklin Townships No. 8 and 9 Southern Division (T8 & T9 SD)
Baileyville18280219February 19, 1828BaileyvilleWashingtonTownship No. 7 Eastern Division, Bingham's Penobscot Purchase (T7 ED BPP)
Baldwin18020623June 23, 1802BaldwinCumberlandMaine’s 135th town. Flintstown Plantation
Bangor17910225February 25, 1791BangorPenobscotCity on February 12, 18341769 as Kenduskeag Plantation
Bar Harbor17960223February 23, 1796Bar HarborHancockOriginally Eden
Name changed on March 5, 1918
Baring Plantation18250119January 19, 1825WashingtonTownship No. 6 Putnam Survey (T6 PS)
Bath17810217February 17, 1781BathSagadahocCity on June 14, 1847Was part of Georgetown
Beals19250407April 7, 1925BealsWashington Was part of Jonesport
Beaver Cove19780131January 31, 1978Beaver CovePiscataquis R13 WELS & TA2 R14 WELS; also called Gore A2 WELS
Beddington18330131January 31, 1833BeddingtonWashington Township No. 23 Middle Division, Bingham's Penobscot Purchase (T23 MD BPP)
Belfast17730629 June 29, 1773BelfastWaldoMaine’s 26th town.
City on August 17, 1850
Part of the Waldo Patent
Belgrade17960203February 03, 1796BelgradeKennebec Washington Plantation
Belmont18140205February 5, 1814BelmontWaldoPart of the Greene Plantation
Benton18420316March 16, 1842BentonKennebecOringally Sebasticook
Name changed on June 19, 1850"
From part of Clinton
Berwick17130609June 9, 1713BerwickYorkMaine’s 9th town. Newichawannock; Upper Kittery; Parish of Unity
Bethel17960610June 10, 1796BethelOxford From Sudbury Canada Plantation
Biddeford16530705July 5, 1653BiddefordYorkMaine’s 4th town.
City on February 10, 1855
Bingham18120206February 6, 1812BinghamSomersetMaine’s 188th town.
Blaine18740210February 10, 1874BlaineAroostook
Bloomfield18140205February 5, 1814SkowheganSomerset
Annexed by Skowhegan in 1836
Blue Hill17890112January 12, 1789Blue HIllHancock
Boothbay17641103November 3, 1764BoothbayLincolnMaine’s 17th town.
Boothbay Harbor18890216February 16, 1889Boothbay HarborLincoln
Bowdoin17880321March 21, 1788BowdoinSagadahoc
Bowdoinham17620918September 18, 1762BowdoinhamSagadahocMaine’s 14th town.
Bowerbank18390304March 4, 1839BowerbankPiscataquis
Bradford18310312March 12, 1831BradfordPenobscot
Bradley18350203February 3, 1835BradleyPenobscot
Bremen18280219February 19, 1828BremenLincoln
Brewer18120222February 22, 1812BrewerPenobscotCity on March 30, 1889
Bridgewater185803022 March 1858.BridgewaterAroostook
Bridgton17940207February 7, 1794BridgtonCumberland
Brighton Plantation
Bristol17650621June 21, 1765BristolLincolnMaine’s 18th town.
Brooklin18490723July 23, 1849BrooklinHancockOringinally Port Watson
Name changed on July 23, 1849
Brooks18161216December 10, 1816BrooksWaldo
Brooksville18170606June 6, 1817BrooksvilleHancock
Brownfield18020220February 20, 1802BrownfieldOxford
Brownville18240203February 3, 1824BrownvillePiscataquis
Brunswick17390126January 26, 1739BrunswickCumberlandMaine’s 11th town.
Buckfield17930316March 16, 1793BuckfieldOxford
Buckstown17920627June 27, 1792BucksportHancockName changed on June 12, 1817
Burlington18320308March 8, 1832BurlingtonPenobscot
Burnham18240204February 4, 1824BurnhamWaldo
Buxton17720714 July 14, 1772BuxtonYorkMaine’s 25th town.
Byron18330124 January 24, 1833ByronOxford
Calais18090616June 16, 1809CalaisWashingtonCity on August 24, 1850"
Cambden17910217February 17, 1791CamdenKnox Spelling changed soon after incorporation
Cambridge18340208February 8, 1834CambridgeSomerset
Canaan17880618June 18, 1788CanaanSomerset
Canton18210205February 5, 1821CantonOxford
Cape Elizabeth17750923 August 23, 1775Cape ElizabethCumberlandMaine’s 34th town.
Cape-Porpus16530705July 5, 1653Kennebunkport YorkMaine’s 5th town.
Name changed 10 June 1719
Caratunk19771014October 14, 1977CaratunkSomerset
Caribou18590405April 5, 1859CaribouAroostookCity on February 23, 1967
Carmel18110621June 21, 1811CarmelPenobscot
Carrabassett Valley19711026October 26, 1971Carrabassett ValleyFranklin
Carroll18450302March 2, 1845CarrollPenobscotDisolved in 1937
Carthage18260220February 20, 1826CarthageFranklin
Casco18410318March 18, 1841CascoCumberland
Castine17960210February 10, 1796CastineHancock
Castle Hill1903022525 February 1903Castle HillAroostook
Caswell19860716July 16, 1986CaswellAroostook
Chapman19150311March 11, 1915ChapmanAroostook
Charlotte18250119 January 19, 1825CharlotteWashington
Chebeague Island20070701July 1, 2007Chebeague IslandCumberland
Chelsea18510301March 1, 1851ChelseaKennebec
Cherryfield18160209February 9, 1816CherryfieldWashington
Chester18340226February 26, 1834ChesterPenobscot
Chesterville18020220February 20, 1802ChestervilleFranklin
China18180205February 5, 1818ChinaKennebec
Clifton18480808August 8, 1848CliftonPenobscotOriginaly Maine
Name changed on June 9, 1849
Clinton17950228February 28, 1795ClintonKennebec
Columbia17960208February 8, 1796ColumbiaWashington
Columbia Falls18630325March 25, 1863Columbia FallsWashington
Connor19130712 July 12, 1913Connor TownshipAroostookDissolved in 1945
Cooper18220206 February 6, 1822CooperWashington
Corinna18161211December 11, 1816CorinnaPenobscot
Corinth18110621June 21, 1811CorinthPenobscot
Cornish17940227February 27, 1794CornishYork
Cornville17980224February 24, 1798CornvilleSomerset
Coxhall17780311March 11, 1778LymanYorkName changed February 20, 1803
Cranberry Isles18300316March 16, 1830Cranberry IslesHancock
Crawford18280211February 11, 1828CrawfordWashingtonOriginaly Adams
Name changed February 28, 1828
Crystal19010321 March 21, 1901CrystalAroostook
Cumberland18210319March 19, 1821CumberlandCumberland
Cushing17890128January 28, 1789CushingKnox
Cutler18260128January 28, 1826CutlerWashington
Damariscotta18480315March 15, 1848DamariscottaLincoln
Danforth18600317March 17, 1860DanforthWashington
Danville1800000001802 AuburnAndroscogginAbsorbed by Auburn in 1852
Dayton18540407 April 7, 1854DaytonYork
Deblois18520304March 4, 1852DebloisWashington
Dedham18370201February 1,1837DedhamHancock
Deer Isle17890130 January 30, 1789Deer IsleHancockMaine’s 63rd town
Denmark18070220February 20, 1807DenmarkOxfordMaine’s 163rd town.
Dennysville18180213February 13, 1818DennysvilleWashington
Detroit18280219February 19, 1828DetroitSomerset
Dexter18160201June 17, 1816,DexterPenobscot
Dixfield18030621June 21, 1803DixfieldOxford
Dixmont18070228February 28, 1807DixmontPenobscot
Dover18220119 January 19, 1822Dover-FoxcroftPiscataquisTowns merged March 1, 1922
Dresden17940625June 25, 1794DresdenLincoln
Drew19210405April 5, 1921Drew PlantationPenobscotDisolved in 1930's
Durham17890217February 17, 1789DurhamAndroscoggin
Dutton18220129January 29, 1822GlenburnPenobscotName changed March 18, 1837
Dyer Brook18910321March 21, 1891Dyer BrookAroostook
Eagle Lake19110316March 16, 1911Eagle LakeAroostook
East Andover18250603 June 3, 1825AndoverOxfordName changed on June 13, 1830 "
East Livermore18440301March 1, 1844Livermore FallsAndroscogginName changed on March 15, 1929 "
East Machias18260126January 26, 1826East MachiasWashington
East Millinocket19070221February 21, 1907East MillinocketPenobscot
East Thomaston18480728 July 28, 1848RocklandKnoxMaine’s 37th town.
Name changed in 1850
became a City in 1854
Eastbrook18370208February 8, 1837EastbrookHancock
Easton18650224February 24, 1865.EastonAroostook
Eastport17980224February 24, 1798EastportWashingtonCity on March 18, 1893
Eddington18110222 February 22, 1811EddingtonPenobscot
Eden17960223February 23, 1796Bar HarborHancockName changed on March 5, 1918
Edgecomb17740303 March 3, 1774EdgecombLincolnMaine’s 28th town.
Edinburg18350131 January 31, 1835EdinburgPenobscot
Eliot18100301March 1, 1810EliotYork
Ellsworth18000226February 26, 1800EllsworthHancockCity on February 8, 1869
Embden18040622June 22, 1804EmbdenSomerset
Enfield18350131 January 31, 1835EnfieldPenobscot
Etna18200215February 15, 1820EtnaPenobscot
Eustis18710218February 18, 1871EustisFranklin
Exeter18110216 February 16, 1811ExeterPenobscot
Fairfax18040309March 9, 1804AlbionKennebecName changed to Ligonia on March 10, 1821
and to Albion on February 25, 1824
Fairfield17880618June 18, 1788FairfieldSomerset
Falmouth16580714July 14 1658FalmouthCumberlandMaine’s 7th town.
Farmingdale18520403April 3, 1852FarmingdaleKennebec
Farmington17940201February 1, 1794FarmingtonFranklin
Fayette17950228February 28, 1795FayetteKennebec
Fort Fairfield19580311March 11, 1858Fort FairfieldAroostook
Fort Kent18690223February 23, 1869Fort KentAroostook
Fox Isle18470301March 1, 1847North HavenKnoxName changed July 13, 1847
Foxcroft18120229February 29, 1812Dover-FoxcroftPiscataquisTowns merged March 1, 1922
Frankfort17890625June 25, 1789FrankfortWaldo
Franklin18250124January 24,1825FranklinHancock,
Freedom18130611June 11, 1813FreedomWaldo
Freeman18080304March 4, 1808 East Central
Franklin township
Franklin Disolved in 1937
Freeport17890214February 14, 1789FreeportCumberland Formed from part of North Yarmouth and a tract known as Prout's Gore
Frenchboro18570211February 11, 1857FrenchboroHancock Lunt's Long Island Plantation
Frenchville18710126January 26, 1871FrenchvilleAroostook
Friendship18070225February 25, 1807FriendshipKnox
Frye Island19760326March 26, 1976Frye IslandCumberland
Fryeburg17770111January 11, 1777FryeburgOxford
Gardiner18030217February 17, 1803GardinerKennebecCity on November 26, 1849
Garland18110216 February 16, 1811GarlandPenobscot
Georgetown17160613June 13 1716GeorgetownSagadahocMaine’s 10th town.
Gilead18040623June 23, 1804GileadOxfordMaine’s 158th town.
Gorham17641030October 30, 1764GorhamCumberlandMaine’s 16th town. Gorhamtown Plantation
Narragansett Township No. 7
Gouldsborough17890216February 16, 1789GouldsboroHancockName changed unknown 1850-1860
Grand Isle18690302March 2, 1869Grand IsleAroostook Township No. 18, Third Range West of the Easterly Line of the State (T18 R3 WELS)
Gray17780619June 19, 1778GrayCumberland New Boston Plantation
Great Pond18950305March 5, 1895Great PondHancock
Greenbush18340226February 26, 1834GreenbushPenobscot
Greene17880618June 18, 1788GreeneAndroscoggin
Greenfield18340129 January 29, 1834GreenfieldPenobscot
Greenville18360206February 6, 1836GreenvillePiscataquis
Greenwood18160202February 2, 1816GreenwoodOxford
Guilford18160208February 8, 1816GuilfordPiscataquis Township No. 6, Seventh Range North of Waldo Patent
Hallowell17710426April 26, 1771HallowellKennebecMaine’s 21th town.
Name changed on February 17, 1852
Hammond18950305March 5, 1895HammondAroostook
Hampden17940224February 24, 1794HampdenPenobscotMaine’s 85th town
Hampton18310201Name changed on February 1, 1831AuroraHancockName changed on February 6, 1833
Hancock18280221February 21, 1828HancockHancock
Hanover18430214February 14, 1843HanoverOxford
Harmony18030615June 15, 1803HarmonySomerset
Harpswell17750923August 23, 1775HarpswellCumberlandMaine’s 30th town.
Harrington17970617June 17, 1797HarringtonWashington
Harrison18050308March 8, 1805HarrisonCumberland
Hartford17980613June 13, 1798HartfordOxford
Hartland18200217February 17, 1820HartlandSomerset
Haynesville18760219February 18, 1876HaynesvilleAroostook
Hebron17920306March 6, 1792HebronOxford
Hermon18140613 June 13, 1814HermonPenobscot
Hersey18730125January 25, 1873HerseyAroostook
Hiram18140614June 14, 1814HiramOxfordMaine’s 207th town
Hodgdon18210211February 11, 1821HodgdonAroostook
Holden18520412April 13, 1852HoldenPenobscot
Hope18040623June 23, 1804HopeKnox
Houlton18310308March 8, 1831HoultonAroostook
Howland18260210 February 10, 1826HowlandPenobscot
Huntressville18370209February 9, 1837LowellPenobscotName changed 1838
Industry18030620June 20, 1803IndustryFranklin Townships No. 8 and 9 Southern Division (T8 & T9 SD)
Island Falls18720227February 27, 1872Island FallsAroostook
Isle au Haut18740228February 28th, 1874Isle au HautKnox
Islesboro17890128January 28, 1789IslesboroWaldo
Jackman18950305March 5, 1895JackmanSomerset
Jackson18180612June 12, 1818JacksonWaldo
Jay17950226February 26, 1795JayFranklin
Jefferson18070224February 24, 1807JeffersonLincoln
Jonesboro18090304March 4, 1809JonesboroWashington
Jonesport18320203February 3, 1832JonesportWashington
Kenduskeag18520220February 20, 1852KenduskeagPenobscot
Kennebunk18200731July 31, 1820KennebunkYork
Kingfield18160124January 24, 1816KingfieldFranklin
KingmanJanuary 25, 1873KingmanPenobscotDisolved April 13, 1935
Kingville18120222February 22, 1812TroyWaldoMaine’s 189th town.
Joy in 1815, Montgomery in 1815 and Troy 1826
Kirkland18250225 February 25, 1825HudsonPenobscotName changed on March 17, 1855
Kittery16471020 October 20, 1647KitteryYorkMaine’s 1st town.
Knox18190212February 12, 1819KnoxWaldo
Lagrange18320211February 11, 1832LagrangePenobscot
Lamoine18700211February 11, 1870LamoineHancock
Lebanon17670617June 17, 1767LebanonYorkMaine’s 19th town.
Lee18320203February 3, 1832LeePenobscot
Leeds18020216February 16, 1802LeedsAndroscoggin
Levant18130614June 14, 1813LevantPenobscot
Lewiston17950218February 18, 1795LewistonAndroscogginCity on November 22,1862
Liberty18270131 January 31, 1827LibertyWaldo
Limerick17870306March 6, 1787LimerickYork
Limestone18690226February 26, 1869LimestoneAroostook
Limington17920209February 9, 1792LimingtonYork
Lincoln18290130January 30, 1829LincolnPenobscot
Lincolnville18020623June 23, 1802LincolnvilleWaldo
Linneus18360319March 19, 1836LinneusAroostook
Litchfield17950218February 18, 1795LitchfieldKennebec
Littleton18560318March 18, 1856LittletonAroostook
Livermore17950228February 28, 1795LivermoreAndroscogginMaine’s 98th town
Long Island19930701,1-Jul-93Long IslandCumberland
Lovell18001115November 15, 1800LovellOxford
Lubec18110621June 21, 1811LubecWashington
Ludlow18640321March 21, 1864LudlowAroostook
Machias17840623June 23, 1784MachiasWashington
Machiasport18260124January 24, 1826MachiasportWashington
Madawaska18310315March 15, 1831MadawaskaAroostook
Madison18040307March 7, 1804MadisonSomerset
Maine18480808August 8, 1848CliftonPenobscotName changed on June 9, 1849
Malta18090303March 3, 1809WindsorKennebecRenamed Gerry in 1821
Renamed Windsor in 1822
Manchester18500812August 12, 1850ManchesterKennebec
Mansell18480603June 3, 1848TremontHancockName changed on August 8 1848
Mapleton18800305March 5, 1880MapletonWashington
Mariaville18360229February 29, 1836,MariavilleHancock
Mars Hill18670221February 21,1867Mars HillAroostook
Marshfield18460630June 30, 1846MarshfieldWashington
Masardis18390321March 21, 1839MasardisAroostook
Mattawamkeag18600214February 14, 1860MattawamkeagPenobscot
Maxfield18240206February 6, 1824MaxfieldPenobscot
Mechanic Falls18930322 March 22, 1893Mechanic FallsAndroscoggin
Meddybemps18410220February 20, 1841MeddybempsWashington
Medford18240131January 31, 1824MedfordPiscataquis
Medway18750208 February 8, 1875MedwayPenobscot
Mercer18040622June 22, 1804MercerSomerset
Merrill19110304March 4, 1911MerrillAroostook
Mexico18180213February 13, 1818MexicoOxford
Milbridge18480714 July 14,1848MilbridgeWashington
MilburnFebruary 5, 1823 SkowheganSomerset
Milford18330228 February 28, 1833MilfordPenobscot
Millinocket19010316March 16, 1901MillinocketPenobscot
Milo18230121January 21, 1823MiloPiscataquis
Minot18020218February 18, 1802MinotAndroscoggin
Monmouth17920120January 20, 1792MonmouthKennebec
Monroe18180112January 12, 1818MonroeWaldo
Monson18220208February 8, 1822MonsonPiscataquis
Monticello18430729July 29, 1846MonticelloAroostook
Montville18070218February 18, 1807MontvilleWaldo
Moose River19571007October 7, 1957Moose RiverSomerset
Morrill18550303March 3, 1855MorrillWaldo
Moscow18160130January 30, 1816MoscowSomerset
Mount Chase18640321March 21, 1864Mount ChasePenobscot
Mount Desert17890217February 17, 1789Mount DesertHancock
Mount Vernon17920628June 28, 1792Mount VernonKennebec
Naples18340304March 4, 1834NaplesCumberland
New Canada19760326March 26, 1976New CanadaAroostook
New Charleston18110216 February 16, 1811CharlestonPenobscotName changed 1827
New Gloucester17740309 March 9, 1774New GloucesterCumberlandMaine’s 29th town.
New Limerick18370318March 18, 1837New LimerickAroostook
New Milford17940625June 25, 1794AlnaLincolnName changed February 28, 1811
New Portland18080309March 9, 1808New PortlandSomerset
New Sharon17940620June 20, 1794New SharonFranklin
New Sweden18700723July 23, 1870New SwedenAroostook
New Vineyard18020222February 22, 1802New VineyardFranklin
Newburgh18190215February 15, 1819NewburghPenobscot
Newcastle17750923August 23, 1775NewcastleLincolnMaine’s 31th town.
Formed as a district on June 19, 1753
Newfield17940226February 26, 1794NewfieldYork
Newport18140614 June 14, 1814NewportPenobscot
Newry18050615June 15, 1805NewryOxford
Nobleboro17881120November 20, 1788NobleboroLincoln
Norridgewock17880618June 18, 1788NorridgewockSomerset
North Berwick18310322March 22, 1831North BerwickYork
North Yarmouth16800220February 20 1680North YarmouthCumberlandMaine’s 8th town.
Northfield18380321March 21, 1838NorthfieldWashington
Northport17960213February 13, 1796NorthportWaldo
Norway17970309March 9, 1797NorwayOxford
Oakfield18970224February 24, 1897OakfieldAroostook
Ogunquit19800701July 1, 1980OgunquitYork
Old Orchard18830220 February 20, 1883Old Orchard BeachYorkBeach added to the name in 1929
Old Town18400316March 16, 1840Old TownPenobscotCity on March 30, 1891
Orient18560409April 9, 1856OrientAroostook
Orland18000212February 12, 1800OrlandHancock
Orono18060312March 12, 1806OronoPenobscot
Orrington17880321 March 21, 1788OrringtonPenobscot
Osborn19760211February 11, 1976OsbornHancock
Otis18350319March 19, 1835OtisHancock
Otisfield17980219February 19, 1798OtisfieldOxford
Owls Head19210709July 9, 1921Owls HeadKnox
Oxford18290227 February 27, 1829OxfordOxford
Palermo18040623June 23, 1804PalermoWaldo
Palmyra18070620June 20, 1807PalmyraSomerset
Paris17920620 June 20, 1793ParisOxford
Parkman18220129 January 29, 1822ParkmanPiscataquis
Parsonsfield17850305March 5,1785ParsonsfieldYork
Passadumkeag18350131 January 31, 1835PassadumkeagPenobscot
Patten18410416April 16, 1841PattenPenobscot
Pembroke18320204February 4, 1832PembrokeWashington
Penobscot17870223February 23, 1787PenobscotHancock
Pepperellborough17750923August 23, 1775Saco YorkMaine’s 33rd town.
Name changed on February 23, 1805
City on February 18, 1867
Perham18970326March 26, 1897PerhamAroostook
Perry18180212February 12, 1818PerryWashington
Peru18210205February 5, 1821PeruOxford
Phillips18120225February 25, 1812PhillipsFranklin
Phillipsburg17980227February 27, 1798HollisYorkName Changed on January 22, 1812
Phippsburg18140126January 26, 1814PhippsburgSagadahoc
Pittston17790204February 4, 1779PittstonKennebec
Plymouth18260221February 21, 1826PlymouthPenobscot
Poland17950217February 17, 1795PolandAndroscoggin
Port Waston18490723July 23, 1849BrooklinHancockName changed on July 23, 1849
Portage Lake19090324March 24, 1909.Portage LakeAroostook
Porter18070220February 20, 1807PorterOxfordMaine’s 164th town.
Portland17860704July 4, 1786PortlandCumberlandCity in 1889
Pownal18080303March 3, 1808PownalCumberlandMaine’s 170th town.
Pownalborough17600213February 13, 1760WiscassetLincolnMaine’s 12th town.
Presque Isle18590404April 4, 1859Presque IsleAroostookCity on January 1, 1940"
Princeton18320203February 3, 1832PrincetonWashington
Prospect17940224February 24, 1794ProspectWaldo
Rangeley18550329March 29, 1855RangeleyFranklin
Raymond18030621June 21, 1803RaymondCumberland
Readfield17910311March 11, 1791ReadfieldKennebec
Richmond18230210February 10, 1823RichmondSagadahoc
Ripley18161211December 11, 1816RipleySomerset
Robbinston18110218February 18, 1811RobbinstonWashington
Rockport18910225February 25, 1891RockportKnox
Rome18040307March 7, 1804RomeKennebec
Roque Bluffs189103121March 12, 1891Roque BluffsWashington
Roxbury18350317March 17, 1835RoxburyOxford
Rumford18000221February 21, 1800RumfordOxford
Sanford17680227 February 27, 1768SanfordYorkMaine’s 20th town.
City on January 1, 2013
Sangerville18140613 June 13, 1814SangervillePiscataquis
Scarborough16580714July 14 1658ScarboroughCumberlandMaine’s 6th town.
Searsmont18140205February 5, 1814SearsmontWaldo
Searsport18450213February 13, 1845SearsportWaldo
Sebago18260210February 10, 1826SebagoCumberland
Sebasticook18420316March 16, 1842BentonKennebecName changed on June 19, 1850"
Sebec18120228February 28, 1812SebecPiscataquis
Sedgwick17890112January 12, 1789SedgwickHancock
Shapleigh17850305March 5,1785ShapleighYork
Sherman18620128January 28, 1862ShermanAroostook
Shirley18340304March 4, 1834ShirleyPiscataquis
Sidney17920130January 30, 1792SidneyKennebec
Smithfield18400229February 29, 1840SmithfieldSomerset
Smyrna18390307March 7, 1839SmyrnaAroostook
Solon18090223February 23, 1809SolonSomerset
Somerville18580325March 25, 1858SomervilleLincoln
Sorrento18950303March 3, 1895SorrentoHancock
South Berwick18140215February 15, 1814South BerwickYorkMaine’s 203rd town.
South Bristol19150326March 26, 1915South BristolLincoln
South Portland18950315March 15, 1895South Portland CumberlandCity on March 22, 1898
South Thomaston18480728 July 28, 1848South ThomastonKnox
Southport18420212February 12, 1842SouthportLincoln
Southwest Harbor19050221February 21, 1905Southwest HarborHancock
Springfield18340112 February 12, 1834SpringfieldPenobscot
St. Agatha18990317March 17, 1899St. AgathaAroostook
St. Albans18130614June 14, 1813St. AlbansSomerset
St. Francis18750529May 29, 1875St. FrancisAroostook
St. George18030207February 7, 1803St. GeorgeKnox
Stacyville18600721July 21, 1860StacyvillePenobscot
Standish17851130November 30, 1785StandishCumberland
Starks17950228February 28, 1795StarksSomerset
Stetson18310128January 28, 1831StetsonPenobscot
Steuben17950227February 27, 1795SteubenWashington
Stockholm19110227February 27, 1911StockholmAroostook
Stockton18570313March 13, 1857Stockton SpringsWaldoName changed on February 5, 1889
Stoneham18340131January 31, 1834StonehamOxford
Stonington18970218February 18, 1897StoningtonHancock
Stow18330128January 28, 1833StowOxford
Strong18010131January 31, 1801StrongFranklin
Sullivan17890216February 16, 1789SullivanHancock
Sumner17980613June 13, 1798SumnerOxfordMaine’s 120th town
Surry18030621June 21, 1803SurryHancock
Swans Island18979326March 26, 1897Swans IslandHancock
Swanville18180219February 19, 1818SwanvilleWaldo
Sweden18130226February 26, 1813SwedenOxford
Talmadge18750208February 8, 1875TalmadgeWashington
Temple18030620June 20, 1803TempleFranklin
Thomaston17770320March 20, 1777ThomastonKnox
Thompsonborough17990622June 22, 1799LisbonAndroscoggin
Thorndike18190215February 15, 1819ThorndikeWaldo
Topsfield18380224February 24, 1838TopsfieldWashington
Topsham17640131January 31, 1764TopshamSagadahocMaine’s 15th town.
Trenton17890216February 16, 1789TrentonHancock
Turner17860707July 7, 1786TurnerAndroscoggin
Union17861020October 20, 1786UnionKnox
Unity18040622June 22, 1804UnityWaldo
Upton18600209February 9, 1860UptonOxford
Van Buren18810211February 11, 1881Van BurenAroostook
Vanceboro18740304March 4, 1874VanceboroWashington
Vassalboro17710426April 26, 1771VassalboroKennebecMaine’s 22nd town.
Veazie18530326March 26, 1853VeaziePenobscot
Verona18610218February 18, 1861Verona IslandHancock
Vienna18020220February 20, 1802ViennaKennebec
Vinalhaven17890625June 25, 1789VinalhavenKnox
Wade19110304March 4, 1911WadeAroostook
Waite18760222February 22, 1876WaiteWashington
Waldo18450317March 17, 1845WaldoWaldo
Waldoborough17730629June 29, 1773WaldoboroLincolnMaine’s 27th town.
Wales18160201February 1, 1816WalesAndroscoggin
Wallagrass19790604June 4, 1979WallagrassAroostook
Waltham18330129January 29, 1833WalthamHancock
Warren17761107 November 7, 1776WarrenKnox
Warsaw18190619June 19, 1819PittsfieldSomersetName changed in 1824
Washburn18610225February 25, 1861WashburnAroostook
Washington18110227February 27, 1811WashingtonKnox
Waterboro17870306March 6, 1787WaterboroYork
Waterford17970302March 2, 1797WaterfordOxford
Waterville18020623June 23, 1802WatervilleKennebecCity on January 12, 1888
Wayne17980212February 12, 1798WayneKennebec
Webster18400307 March 7, 1840SabattusAndroscogginName changed on May 13, 1971
Weld18160208February 8, 1816WeldFranklin
Wellington18280223February 23, 1828WellingtonPiscataquis
Wells16530705July 5, 1653WellsYorkMaine’s 3rd town.
Wesley18330124 January 24, 1833WesleyWashington
West Bath18440214February 14, 1844West BathSagadahoc
West Gardiner18500808August 8, 1850West GardinerKennebec
West Paris19570900 September, 1957West ParisOxford
West Pittston18870304March 4, 1887RandolphKennebecName changed shortley after
West Waterville18730226February 26, 1873OaklandKennebecName changed in 1883
Westbrook18140214February 14, 1814WestbrookCumberlandMaine’s 204th town.
Was briefly Stroudwater
became as City in 1891
Westfield19050307 March 7, 1905WestfieldAroostook
Westmanland18920525May 25, 1892WestmanlandAroostook
Weston18350317March 17, 1835WestonAroostook
Westport Island,18280205February 5, 1828Westport IslandLincoln
Whitefield18090619June 19, 1809WhitefieldLincoln
Whiting18250215February 15, 1825WhitingWashington
Whitneyville18450210 February 10, 1845WhitneyvilleWashington
Williamsburg18200621June 21, 1820Williamsburg TownshipPiscataquisdissolved February 8 1931
Willimantic18810222February 22, 1881WillimanticPiscataquis
Wilton18030622June 22, 1803WiltonFranklin
Windham17620612June 12, 1762WindhamCumberlandMaine’s 13th town.
Winn18570321March 21, 1857WinnPenobscot
Winslow17710426April 26, 1771WinslowKennebecMaine’s 23rd town.
Winter Harbor18950221February 21, 1895Winter HarborHancock
Winterport18600312March 12, 1860WinterportWaldo
Winthrop17710426April 26, 1771WinthropKennebecMaine’s 24th town.
Woodland18800305March 5, 1880WoodlandAroostook
Woodstock18150207February 7, 1815WoodstockOxford
Woodville18950228 February 28, 1895WoodvillePenobscot
Woolwich17750923August 23, 1775WoolwichSagadahocMaine’s 32nd town.
District in October 20, 1759
Yarmouth18490820 August 20, 1849YarmouthCumberland
York16521122November 22, 1652YorkYorkMaine’s 2nd town.

Historical Names

Various regions of present day Maine had different names at different times.


Name Begin End Note
Maine March 15, 1820 PresentMaine becomes the 23rd State
District of Maine October 25, 1780 March 15, 1820

Wikipedia Article

Province of Maine July 4 1776 Oct 25, 1780 Wikipedia Article
Province of Maine, Massachusetts Bay Oct 7, 1691 1760
Province of Maine, New York 1664 1691
New Somersetshire 1635 1647
Acadie, Nouvelle-France 1524 1763varies by area


From Maine Atlas of Historical County Boundaries[9]

County Date Previous
York20 Nov 1652area between the Kennebec and Piscataqua Rivers
Cumberland01 Nov 1760York
Lincoln01 Nov 1760York
Hancock01 May 1790Lincoln
Washington01 May 1790Lincoln
Kennebec20 Feb 1799Lincoln
Oxford04 Mar 1805Cumberland and York
Somerset01 Jun 1809Kennebec
Penobscot15 Feb 1816Hancock
Waldo03 Jul 1827Hancock, Kennebec, Lincoln and Penobscot
Androscoggin31 Mar 1854Cumberland, Kennebec and Lincoln
Sagadahoc04 Apr 1854Lincoln
Piscataquis30 Apr 1838Somerset and Penobscot
Franklin09 May 1838Kennebec, Oxford and Somerset
Aroostook01 May 1839Penobscot and Washington
Knox01 Apr 1860Lincoln and Waldo


See Maine Plantations at Family Search

Plantation County
Cary Aroostook
Cyr Plantation Aroostook
Garfield Plantation Aroostook
Glenwood Aroostook
Macwahoc Aroostook
Moro Aroostook
Nashville Plantation Aroostook
Oxbow Aroostook
Reed Plantation Aroostook
Saint John Plantation Aroostook
Winterville Plantation Aroostook
Coplin Plantation Franklin
Dallas Plantation Franklin
Rangeley Plantation Franklin
Sandy River Plantation Franklin
Matinicus Knox
Monhegan Lincoln
Lincoln Plantation Oxford
Magalloway Plantation Oxford
Carroll Plantation Penobscot
Drew Plantation Penobscot
Seboeis Plantation Penobscot
Webster Plantation Penobscot
Kingsbury Plantation Piscataquis
Lake View Plantation Piscataquis
Brighton Plantation Somerset
Dennistown Somerset
Highland Plantation Somerset
Pleasant Ridge Plantation Somerset
The Forks Plantation Somerset
West Forks Somerset
Baring Plantation Washington
Codyville Plantation Washington
Grand Lake Stream Washington


See Maine Townships at Family Search

Township Codes
Code Township
ED Eastern Division
MD Middle Division
ND Northern Division
SD Southern Division
TS Titcomb Survey
BKP Bingham's Kennebec Purchase
BPP Bingham's Penobscot Purchase
EKR East of the Kennebec River
NWP North of Waldo Patent
PLT Plantation
TWP Township
WKR West of the Kennebec River
NBKP North of Bingham's Kennebec Purchase
NBPP North of Bingham's Penobscot Purchase
WBKP West of Bingham's Kennebec Purchase
WELS West of the Easterly Line of the State


Maps (Click an image for details)
New England 1753
MAINE in 1798
1833 Map
Map Exhibiting the Principal Original Grants & Sales of Lands in the State of Maine
1875 Township Map

Extinct Towns:

  1. Berlin 1824-1842 now Township 6 North of Weld
  2. Carroll 1845-1937 Concord 1821-1939
  3. Connor 1913-1945
  4. Danville 1802-1852 is now part of Auburn
  5. Deering 1871-1889 is now part of Portland
  6. Drew 1921-193?
  7. Flagstaff 1895-1950
  8. Freeman 1808-1937 is now part of East Central Franklin township
  9. Kingman 1873-1935
  10. Lexington 1833-1885
  11. Madrid 1836-2000
  12. Perkins 1847-1917
  13. Salem 1823-1945 is now part of East Central Franklin township
  14. Williamsburg 1820-1931


  1. Wikipedia:List of municipalities in Maine
  4. Wikipedia:List of municipalities in Maine
  7. Abbott, John S. C., and Edward H. Elwell. 2018. The history of Maine. Augusta, Me: Published for E.E. Knowles & Co., by B. Thurston Co.
  8. Williamson, William D. 2018. The history of the state of Maine: from its first discovery, A.D. 1602, to the separation, A.D. 1820, inclusive. Hallowell [Me.?]: Glazier, Masters.
  9. Maine: Individual County Chronologies Maine Atlas of Historical County Boundaries

See also:

  • Attwood, Stanley Bearce. 2004. The length and breadth of Maine. Orono, Me: University of Maine Press in association with the Maine Genealogical Society.
  • Abbott, John S. C., and Edward H. Elwell. 2018. The history of Maine. Augusta, Me: Published for E.E. Knowles & Co., by B. Thurston Co.

Historical Names

Various regions of present day Maine had different names at different times.


Name Begin End Note
Maine March 15, 1820 PresentMaine becomes the 23rd State
District of Maine October 25, 1780 March 15, 1820

Wikipedia Article

Province of Maine July 4 1776 Oct 25, 1780 Wikipedia Article
Province of Maine, Massachusetts Bay Oct 7, 1691 1760
Province of Maine, New York 1664 1691
New Somersetshire 1635 1647
Acadie, Nouvelle-France 1524 1763varies by area


From Maine Atlas of Historical County Boundaries[12]

County Date Previous
York20 Nov 1652area between the Kennebec and Piscataqua Rivers
Cumberland01 Nov 1760York
Lincoln01 Nov 1760York
Hancock01 May 1790Lincoln
Washington01 May 1790Lincoln
Kennebec20 Feb 1799Lincoln
Oxford04 Mar 1805Cumberland and York
Somerset01 Jun 1809Kennebec
Penobscot15 Feb 1816Hancock
Waldo03 Jul 1827Hancock, Kennebec, Lincoln and Penobscot
Androscoggin31 Mar 1854Cumberland, Kennebec and Lincoln
Sagadahoc04 Apr 1854Lincoln
Piscataquis30 Apr 1838Somerset and Penobscot
Franklin09 May 1838Kennebec, Oxford and Somerset
Aroostook01 May 1839Penobscot and Washington
Knox01 Apr 1860Lincoln and Waldo


See Maine Plantations at Family Search

Plantation County
Cary Aroostook
Cyr Plantation Aroostook
Garfield Plantation Aroostook
Glenwood Aroostook
Macwahoc Aroostook
Moro Aroostook
Nashville Plantation Aroostook
Oxbow Aroostook
Reed Plantation Aroostook
Saint John Plantation Aroostook
Winterville Plantation Aroostook
Coplin Plantation Franklin
Dallas Plantation Franklin
Rangeley Plantation Franklin
Sandy River Plantation Franklin
Matinicus Knox
Monhegan Lincoln
Lincoln Plantation Oxford
Magalloway Plantation Oxford
Carroll Plantation Penobscot
Drew Plantation Penobscot
Seboeis Plantation Penobscot
Webster Plantation Penobscot
Kingsbury Plantation Piscataquis
Lake View Plantation Piscataquis
Brighton Plantation Somerset
Dennistown Somerset
Highland Plantation Somerset
Pleasant Ridge Plantation Somerset
The Forks Plantation Somerset
West Forks Somerset
Baring Plantation Washington
Codyville Plantation Washington
Grand Lake Stream Washington


See Maine Townships at Family Search

Township Codes
Code Township
ED Eastern Division
MD Middle Division
ND Northern Division
SD Southern Division
TS Titcomb Survey
BKP Bingham's Kennebec Purchase
BPP Bingham's Penobscot Purchase
EKR East of the Kennebec River
NWP North of Waldo Patent
PLT Plantation
TWP Township
WKR West of the Kennebec River
NBKP North of Bingham's Kennebec Purchase
NBPP North of Bingham's Penobscot Purchase
WBKP West of Bingham's Kennebec Purchase
WELS West of the Easterly Line of the State


Maps (Click an image for details)
New England 1753
MAINE in 1798
1833 Map
Map Exhibiting the Principal Original Grants & Sales of Lands in the State of Maine
1875 Township Map

Extinct Towns:

  1. Berlin 1824-1842 now Township 6 North of Weld
  2. Carroll 1845-1937 Concord 1821-1939
  3. Connor 1913-1945
  4. Danville 1802-1852 is now part of Auburn
  5. Deering 1871-1889 is now part of Portland
  6. Drew 1921-193?
  7. Flagstaff 1895-1950
  8. Freeman 1808-1937 is now part of East Central Franklin township
  9. Kingman 1873-1935
  10. Lexington 1833-1885
  11. Madrid 1836-2000
  12. Perkins 1847-1917
  13. Salem 1823-1945 is now part of East Central Franklin township
  14. Williamsburg 1820-1931


  1. Wikipedia:List of municipalities in Maine
  4. Wikipedia:List of municipalities in Maine
  7. Abbott, John S. C., and Edward H. Elwell. 2018. The history of Maine. Augusta, Me: Published for E.E. Knowles & Co., by B. Thurston Co.
  8. Williamson, William D. 2018. The history of the state of Maine: from its first discovery, A.D. 1602, to the separation, A.D. 1820, inclusive. Hallowell [Me.?]: Glazier, Masters.
  9. Maine: Individual County Chronologies Maine Atlas of Historical County Boundaries
  10. Abbott, John S. C., and Edward H. Elwell. 2018. The history of Maine. Augusta, Me: Published for E.E. Knowles & Co., by B. Thurston Co.
  11. Williamson, William D. 2018. The history of the state of Maine: from its first discovery, A.D. 1602, to the separation, A.D. 1820, inclusive. Hallowell [Me.?]: Glazier, Masters.
  12. Maine: Individual County Chronologies Maine Atlas of Historical County Boundaries

See also:

  • Attwood, Stanley Bearce. 2004. The length and breadth of Maine. Orono, Me: University of Maine Press in association with the Maine Genealogical Society.
  • Abbott, John S. C., and Edward H. Elwell. 2018. The history of Maine. Augusta, Me: Published for E.E. Knowles & Co., by B. Thurston Co.

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