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Major Rowley Will Transcription

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: Apr 1854 [unknown]
Location: Union, Kentucky, United Statesmap
Surname/tag: Rowley, Riddle, StAubin, Barnett
This page has been accessed 89 times.


  • 1854 Major Rowley Will. Kentucky, Union County, Will Book C, pp. 239-240, County Court. 26 Apr 1854, Digital images 406-407 of 570, FamilySearch.org, ([1]: accessed 19 May 2021)

Will Transcription

I Major Rowley of Union County do make this last will and testament. The land I have heretofore deeded to my daughter Ann F Riddle, to my son Gustavus Rowley and to my son Robert Rowley, I ??? and intend is in full of the portion of my said three children in my landed estate. The residue of my lands being my homestead of between five and six hundred acres, I intend a share for my beloved wife as long as she lives and at her death, to belong equally to my three daughters, Jane Rowley, Sarah St. Aubin, and Mary V Barnett in fee simple to them and their heirs forever. I will unto my said wife for life such of my negroes as she chooses to keep, the residue of my negroes not wanted by wife after the last years crops is disposed of and they can be spared off the place may be hired out until such time as they can be ???lty divided equally amongst all my children and not sold if it can be done. I wish my said wife to keep all of the portion of one third farming utensils, p?? and every ?p?s of my personal property that she shall select and have, such as she does not want to be sold. I will my wife five hundred and twenty five dollars money, the rest of my money on hand or due me or to become due me is to be equally divided amongst my children. And I here declare it my intention to equally divide my estate amongst all my children except the land which is disposed of as ???ed and Luellen my wife is to have the use for her life of as many of my negroes and as much of all the personal property as she chooses except money and debts ???? me. I have given her five hundred and twenty five dollars out of that. At the death of my wife, I wish the negroes kept by her to be equally divided amongst all my children as also the personal property that may remain on hand at her death to be equally divided amongst my children. I desire my Executor to settle up my son Johns estate and pay note held by Thomas S. Chapman of about One hundred dollars, and what is left of Johns Estate after it is billed to be paid to my three children Jane, Gustavus and Mary. And lastly I appoint my friend Thomas S. Chapman and George Huston Executors of this my will. I desire my daughter Jane and Mary to each to have a horse, cow and bed and my daughter Sarah E. St. Aubin is to have a cow to equal them with my other children.
Major Rowley
Witnesses Peterson Wall
Geo Huston

Union County Court
April Term 1854
The foregoing writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Major Rowley decd was this day produced in open court and proved by the oaths of Geo Huston and Peterson Wall subscribing witnesses thereto to be the last will and testament of Major Rowley decd and ordered to be recorded, which is done accordingly.
Attest Jeff Brown clk
Union County Court

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