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Maness- Bedford, Virginia

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The goal of this project is to ... Find a citation to prove Vincent's father. Rev. Seth Isham Maness

Right now this project just has two members,

  1. me. I am Carole Taylor.
  2. William F. James, Jr (his family historian)

Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help.

  • the profile is TOO LONG
  • bring over the RESEARCH NOTES
vincent Maness Vincent Maness (B1780?)/ Rachel Hampton (brother to Jesse James Manis)
Rev. Seth Isham Maness Rev. Seth Isham Maness (1762-1852) / Susan “Patsy” Fields
William Jacob Maness Jr William Jacob Maness, Jr (1738-1832) /Ophelia Lydia Brooks
William Jacob Maness Sr (1715-1787) /Nalise ‘Nancy’ Williamson
MOVED OVER from: Rev. Seth Isham Maness

I have not been able to locate the marriage record yet but the familysearch tree says, "1780-1782 Knoxville, TN. USA" So far I have only been able to pull up the 1840 census for Seth Maness living in Hawkins County TN.

NO 1850 census record listing SETH or SUSAN PATSY MANIS
So maybe they did not live until 1850 but just prior to the enumeration of that census............

If anyone finds additional info please let me know

And am curious was Susannah born on the Reservation, "White Mans farming :section" or was she Indian? She was Indian.. as per the rootsweb TREE above.
AND my DNA tests says I have .5% American Indian in me....LOL LOL LOL
And this is the only gramma I have any idea was Indian...


March 3, 2015: have been told that the Richard Fields/ Susannah Emory-Martin are not the correct parents, according to their records. She has never heard of a Seth Maness Sr. So for now I will only make mention of the memorial #s until we can find further proof...Richard Fields #61974741/ Susannah #61972720.. 2nd Note: Have not located any proof source that our Grampa Seth Maness that says he was a Minister. But all of the "family" says he was.

Familysearch.org Several Family Trees HERE Is the NOTE: NOTES (1) Information Received from Tom Manes on October 1998

"The Family of Seth Manis born Feb 1762 in Bedford Co. Va.,and died 1852 in Hawkins Co. Tenn. at the age of 90, Married Susan "Patsy" Fields, born 1763, died 1853 in Hawkins Co. Tenn., age of 90. "
"Both are buried on the old home place, north of Rogersville, Tennessee."
Jacob Wilson Manes - born 1782
William Manis - Born 1782
George Manes - born 1785
Jesse Manis - born 1790
Elizabeth Manis - born 1794
John Manis - born 1795
James Manis Tempa Manes - born between 1800-1810

This record shows that he moved from Va. to Moore County, NC. No definite date of this of his arrival has been established.

"We have found no actual proof, but I feel, as others do, that Seth was the son Of William, born 1735. If he was early age, for William was found on the banks of the Bear Creek in Moore County in 1765. We do know that Seth was there on Sept. 1,1780, at the age of 18, for that was when he entered the Service of his county. Seth, at the age of 28, was not included as the head of a family in 1790 census. He was either missed of was possibly living with William, who had 16 people living in his house at the time. Letter written in 1920 by Seth's grandson, Samuel Jasper Manes, states that his grandmother's name was Patsy Fields. No record of this marriage was found in Moore County. Patsy was born in 1763. It is hard to set the date that Seth moved from Moore County to Hawkins County, Tenn. Jacob Wilson and William Seth's first and second sons, were born in Moore County.

Census records show that Seth's third son, John, was born about 1795 in Tenn, so Seth was the in 1795. He was also included in the 1800 tax list, Hawkins County, Tenn.

All of the Manis Family may not have moved have moved at one time.

In a biographical sketch on Seth's grandson, Dalzel Manis, it is stated that his parents, William and Lydia (Lawson) Manis, were natives of the Old North State, but after their marriage moved to Tenn. The age of William in 1795 would have been 13 yrs, to young to leave behind. William, however, may have gone back to NC, to get married.

William, first child was born about 1800 in Tennessee. Seth lived 7 miles North of Rogersville, Tennessee, on the North Side of the Clinch Mountain. The records show that in 1831, Seth's sons William, John,and Jesse, all acquired land on the North side of the Clinch Mountain. Seth didn't show up in the census records until 1840, in Hawkins Co. He was also listed on this census as a Revolutionary War pensioner, age 78.

Another record shows that Seth was still drawing his pension of $20.00 per annul in 1840. The sixth Federal census - 1840 Hawkins County, Tennessee Seth Manis b.1760 - 1770 One female b.1760 - 1770

Research Tennessee/North Carolina

Tennessee Land Grants [1] The new state of North Carolina, which claimed most of what later became Tennessee, froze land grants in 1781 and passed an act in 1782 setting aside a huge military reservation east of the Tennessee River. The primary purpose was to discharge the state’s obligation to its Revolutionary veterans by awarding land grants whose size would be determined by military rank and length of service. The act provided that soldiers who served at least two years in the Continental line (not the militia) from North Carolina could apply to the Secretary of State for a warrant, which could be redeemed for a land claim in this reservation. These warrants are numbered and recorded in the Secretary of State’s office in North Carolina, and do not include any Witts. A special land office to process these military claims was opened in Knoxville with Col. Martin Armstrong its entry-taker. By 1791 nearly three million acres had been claimed based on these military warrants, mainly by assignees who purchased them from soldiers. In each case, the military warrant is attached to the grant, with any assignments written thereon. In addition to these military grants, settlers already living in the area as of 1 June 1780 were allowed “preemptive grants”, and another 300,000 acres were granted in Knoxville to these settlers. In this case, the entry taker noted that the basis of the claim was “prior right” rather than a military warrant.

But North Carolina had another problem. The coffers of the state had been much depleted by the war, and the state owed an enormous debt. In particular, North Carolina needed to redeem the IOUs (called “specie certificates”) which it had issued during the war. On 26 April 1783, North Carolina passed a “Land-Grab Act”, opening up land in the Tennessee military reservation to any citizen of North Carolina who was willing to pay 10 pounds per 100 acres. The act further provided that specie certificates could be redeemed only for land in this reservation, and conversely that the purchase money for these grants had to be paid in specie certificates. Although this act was in effect for only seven months, four million acres were granted in this manner, much of it to land speculators. These grants are easily identified because the entry-taker noted the purchase price in each claim, and because they were filed at a special land office set up for that purpose. The special land office to record these purchase claims was opened in Hillsboro, Orange County, North Carolina on 20 October 1783 with Martin Armstrong’s brother, John Armstrong, as the entry-taker.

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