Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: Canada Manitoba Rupert's_Land
The Manitoba Team is a sub-team of the Western Canada Team which is part of the Canada Project.
Team Leader: Open
Members: Navarro Mariott | Carmen van de Wall | Finn Helstrom | Mike Mintz | Deb (Popham) Boehne
Contents |
The Mission of this team is to create and manage WikiTree profiles for historically-significant Manitobans, including politicians, authors, singers, etc. Everyone from Louis Riel to Gabrielle Roy. Our secondary purpose is to assist others with Manitoba research whenever possible, using our local knowledge and experience.
Here are some general goals this project is working towards:
- Biographies written for all of the Manitoba Premiers (see list below).
- More goals to come!
Useful Pages
Project pages:
- Project:Manitoba Cemeteries - The project that is working on photographing all of Manitoba's cemeteries.
Categories for notable Manitobans:
- Category:Manitoba, Premiers
- Category:Members of the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba
- Category:Canadian Senators from Manitoba
- Category: Manitoba Municipal Councilors
Maintenance categories:
Manitoba Premiers
Manitoba Lieutenant Governors
- 1870-1872 Adams George Archibald (1814-1893)
- 1872-1877 Alexander Morris (1826-1889)
- 1877-1882 Joseph Edouard Cauchon (1816-1885)
- 1882-1888 James Cox Aikins (1823-1904)
- 1888-1895 John Christian Schultz (1841-1896)
- 1895-1900 James Colebrooke Patterson (1839-1929)
- 1900-1911 Daniel Hunter McMillan (1846-1933)
- 1911-1916 Douglas Colin Cameron (1854-1921)
- 1916-1926 James Albert Manning Aikins (1851-1929)
- 1926-1929 Theodore Arthur Burrows (1857-1929)
- 1929-1934 James Duncan McGregor (1860-1935)
- 1934-1940 William Johnston Tupper (1862-1947)
- 1940-1953 Roland Fairbairn McWilliams (1874-1957)
- 1953-1960 John Stewart McDiarmid (1882-1965)
- 1960-1965 Errick French Willis (1896-1967)
- 1965-1970 Richard Spink Bowles (1912-1988)
- 1970-1976 William John McKeag (1928-2007)
- 1976-1981 Francis Laurence “Bud” Jobin (1914-1995)
- 1981-1986 Pearl Kathryne McGonigal
- 1986-1993 George Johnson (1920-1995)
- 1993-1999 Yvon Dumont
- 1999-2004 Peter Michael Liba (1940-2007)
- 2004-2009 John Harvard (1938-2016)
- 2009-2015 Philip S. Lee
- 2015-2022 Janice Clare Filmon
- 2022-present Anita Schwartz Neville
Other Famous Manitobans
Please list other famous Manitoban profiles managed by this project here.
- Cuthbert Grant (Métis leader) - managed by Lianne Lavoie
- Louis Riel (Métis leader, a founder of Manitoba, Canadian folk hero) - managed by Lianne Lavoie
- Gabrielle Roy (French-Canadian author born in Saint-Boniface) - managed by Lianne Lavoie
- Terry Fox (Athlete, cancer research activist) - managed by Lianne Lavoie
- Larry Updike (Radio DJ, musician, advocate) - managed by Rae Santema
- Sigtryggur Jonasson (MLA, founder of New Iceland]] - managed by Lianne Lavoie
- Thomas George Prince (Saulteaux, decorated WWII and Korea vet) - managed by (open for adoption)
- William Nassau Kennedy (1839 - 1885) (Winnipeg Mayor, Soldier, Business - managed by Santino Rocca
- The Virtual Museum of Métis History and Culture. Gabriel Dumont Institute, in partnership with the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education, the Department of Canadian Heritage's Canadian Culture Online Program, the Canada Council for the Arts, SaskCulture, the Government of Canada and the University of Saskatchewan
- Login to edit this profile and add images.
- Private Messages: Send a private message to the Profile Manager. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
- Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)
Thanks, K.
763 pages, 734 with full-text search
Document Record Title Holy Ghost Parish fonds [Winnipeg, Man.] - 1812 Identifier lac_reel_h1812 H-1812 115731 104313 103544 156375 104257 Document source -Library and Archives Canada / Bibliothèque et Archives Canada Language -English Permanent Link http://heritage.canadiana.ca/view/oocihm.lac_reel_h1812
by Manitoba Village History Committee is a wonderful resource for Manitoba Métis and those who have roots in the Hudson Bay Company and the fur trade that brought so many to Rupert's Land https://digitalcollections.lib.umanitoba.ca/islandora/object/uofm%3A2397653#page/188/mode/2up