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Mansion House at Mount Vernon, Fairfax County, Virginia

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Fairfax, Virginiamap
Surnames/tags: Washington Slavery
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Index of Plantations

Mount Vernon Estate



The Mansion House is the original mansion built by Augustine Washington around 1734. It is where the Washingtons lived. Washington’s elder half-brother Lawrence lived at the property from 1741 until his death in 1752. George Washington began leasing the property in 1754. Although he did not inherit it outright until 1761, he expanded the house in the late 1750s, raising the roof to make the Mansion two and a half stories high. In 1774, he began to add the north and south wings, the cupola and piazza to create the structure it is today.

The following lists are taken from the Mount Vernon slavery database of Tithables from 1760 - 1769.[1]

1760 List of Dower Slaves

NameCensusPlace of AbodeDateList of Dower Slaves, 1760
BettyCensusMansion House1760List of Dower Slaves, 1760
Brunswick ACensusMansion House1760List of Dower Slaves, 1760
Caesar ACensusMansion House1760List of Dower Slaves, 1760
Captain ACensusMansion House1760List of Dower Slaves, 1760

1760 Slaves on List of Tithables

NameCensusPlace of AbodeDateMemorandum List of Tithables, 1760
BettyCensusMansion HouseMay 1760Memorandum List of Tithables, 1760
Breechy ACensusMansion HouseMay 1760Memorandum List of Tithables, 1760
George PCensusMansion HouseMay 1760Memorandum List of Tithables, 1760
Jack BCensusMansion HouseMay 1760Memorandum List of Tithables, 1760
Jenny BCensusMansion HouseMay 1760Memorandum List of Tithables, 1760
London BCensusMansion HouseMay 1760Memorandum List of Tithables, 1760
Michael ACensusMansion HouseMay 1760Memorandum List of Tithables, 1760
Moll ACensusMansion HouseMay 1760Memorandum List of Tithables, 1760
Morris ACensusMansion HouseMay 1760Memorandum List of Tithables, 1760
Natt BCensusMansion HouseMay 1760Memorandum List of Tithables, 1760
Peter FCensusMansion HouseMay 1760Memorandum List of Tithables, 1760
Phillis CCensusMansion HouseMay 1760Memorandum List of Tithables, 1760
Sam ICensusMansion HouseMay 1760Memorandum List of Tithables, 1760
Schomberg ACensusMansion HouseMay 1760Memorandum List of Tithables, 1760
Tom NokesCensusMansion HouseMay 1760Memorandum List of Tithables, 1760
Will CCensusMansion HouseMay 1760Memorandum List of Tithables, 1760
Will NCensusMansion HouseMay 1760Memorandum List of Tithables, 1760

List of Slaves by Name and Date listed on Memorandum of Tithables 1761-69

NameCensusPlace of AbodeDatesList Type
Ben DCensusMansion HouseJune 20, 1769Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Ben ECensusMansion HouseJune 1767 - June 1769Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Betty ECensusMansion HouseJune 1761 - June 1769Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Betty MCensusMansion HouseMay 1760 - June 1769Memorandum List of Tithables
Betty NCensusMansion HouseJune 04, 1761Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Betty OCensusMansion HouseJune 1761 - June 1762Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Betty PCensusMansion HouseJune 1763 - July 1765Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Bob CCensusMansion HouseJune 1766 - June 1769Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Breechy ACensusMansion HouseMay 1760 - June 1769Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Caesar BCensusMansion HouseJune 1761 - June 1763Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Charles GCensusMansion HouseJune 1761 - July 1765Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Frank ICensusMansion HouseJune 1766 - June 1769Memorandum Lists of Tithables
George ACensusMansion HouseJune 20, 1768Memorandum Lists of Tithables
George ICensusMansion HouseJune 1761 - June 1769Memorandum Lists of Tithables
George PCensusMansion HouseJune 1761 - June 1769Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Giles ACensusMansion HouseJune 15, 1767Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Giles ACensusMansion HouseJune 20, 1769Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Guy BCensusMansion HouseJune 10, 1763Memorandum Lists of Tithables
HarryCensusMansion HouseJune 1766 - June 1769Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Jack BCensusMansion HouseJune 1761 - July 1765Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Jack GCensusMansion HouseJune 1761 - June 1769Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Jack QCensusMansion HouseJune 1761 - June 1769Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Jack UCensusMansion HouseJune 1762 - June 1763Memorandum Lists of Tithables
James ICensusMansion HouseJune 19, 1762Memorandum Lists of Tithables
JennyCensusMansion HouseJune 15, 1767Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Jenny BCensusMansion HouseJune 1761 - June 1769Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Joe QCensusMansion HouseJune 1767 - June 1769Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Judy ACensusMansion HouseJune 17, 1764Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Julius BCensusMansion HouseJune 1767 - June 1769Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Jupiter BCensusMansion HouseJune 1763 - June 1769Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Kate HCensusMansion HouseJune 1761 - June 1769Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Kitty ACensusMansion HouseJune 20, 1769Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Lewis CCensusMansion HouseJune 1764 - June 1769Memorandum Lists of Tithables
London BCensusMansion HouseJune 1761 - June 1762Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Lydia ACensusMansion HouseJune 1768 - June 1769Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Michael ACensusMansion HouseJune 1761 - June 1769Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Moll ACensusMansion HouseJune 1761 - June 1769Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Morris ACensusMansion HouseJune 1761 - July 1765Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Natt ACensusMansion HouseJune 1763 - June 1769Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Natt BCensusMansion HouseJune 04, 1761Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Ned HoltCensusMansion HouseJune 1761 - June 1764Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Ned PCensusMansion HouseJune 1762 - June 1769Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Peter CCensusMansion HouseJune 20, 1769Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Peter FCensusMansion HouseJune 1761 - June 1769Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Phillis CCensusMansion HouseJune 1761 - June 1762Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Phillis CCensusMansion HouseJune 1766 - June 1769Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Phoebe BCensusMansion HouseJune 20, 1768Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Phoebe BCensusMansion HouseJune 20, 1769Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Robin BCensusMansion HouseJune 17, 1764Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Sall ACensusMansion HouseJune 1761 - June 1769Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Sam ICensusMansion HouseJune 1761 - June 1769Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Sarah BCensusMansion HouseJune 1763 - June 1767Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Sarah DCensusMansion HouseJune 1764 - June 1769Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Schomberg ACensusMansion HouseJune 1761 - June 1769Memorandum Lists of Tithables
SueCensusMansion HouseJune 20, 1769Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Tom NokesCensusMansion HouseJune 1761 - June 1769Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Will CCensusMansion HouseJune 04, 1761Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Will HCensusMansion HouseJune 04, 1761Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Will NCensusMansion HouseJune 1761 - June 1769Memorandum Lists of Tithables
William LeeCensusMansion HouseJune 20, 1769Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Winny ACensusMansion HouseJune 1766 - June 1767Memorandum Lists of Tithables
Winny ACensusMansion HouseJune 20, 1769Memorandum Lists of Tithables


  1. https://www.mountvernon.org/george-washington/slavery/slavery-database/?purpose=Census&person=&skill=&time=1760-1769&owner=&gender=&location=

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