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Margaret Ruggles DNA Sandbox

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
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This page has been accessed 120 times.



Birth Name:
Adopted Name:
Father is:
Mother is:
Are your birth parents related?: No indication that your parents are related.
mtHaplogroup: U5b1b1
YDNA Halogroup
DNA Test kit #: 23andMe
DNA Test Kit #:
GEDmatch #: M950730
Any Other Pertinent Info.:




Sue B., Ch 1

Comparing Kit M950730 (M. Ruggles) and A156367 (*SueB)
Minimum threshold size to be included in total = 500 SNPs
Mismatch-bunching Limit = 250 SNPs
Minimum segment cM to be included in total = 7.0 cM
ChrStart LocationEnd LocationCentimorgans (cM)SNPs
Largest segment = 38.0 cM
Total of segments > 7 cM = 38.0 cM
1 matching segments
Estimated number of generations to MRCA = 4.3

David McGinnis, Ch 2

olivetreegenealogy@gmail.com - 08-22-2018
Comparing Kit M950730 (M. Ruggles) and M184767 (David McGinnis)
Minimum threshold size to be included in total = 500 SNPs
Mismatch-bunching Limit = 250 SNPs
Minimum segment cM to be included in total = 7.0 cM
ChrStart LocationEnd LocationCentimorgans (cM)SNPs
Largest segment = 38.4 cM
Total of segments > 7 cM = 38.4 cM
1 matching segments
Estimated number of generations to MRCA = 4.3

Matthew McLennan. Ch 2, 5

Comparing Kit M950730 (M. Ruggles) and A129916 (Matthew McLennan)
Minimum threshold size to be included in total = 500 SNPs
Mismatch-bunching Limit = 250 SNPs
Minimum segment cM to be included in total = 7.0 cM
ChrStart LocationEnd LocationCentimorgans (cM)SNPs

Largest segment = 31.5 cM Total of segments > 7 cM = 41.6 cM 2 matching segments Estimated number of generations to MRCA = 4.2

Linda Goodwin, Ch 8

tree at MyHeritage
Comparing Kit M950730 (M. Ruggles) and M013882 (linda goodwin)
Minimum threshold size to be included in total = 500 SNPs
Mismatch-bunching Limit = 250 SNPs
Minimum segment cM to be included in total = 7.0 cM
ChrStart LocationEnd LocationCentimorgans (cM)SNPs
Largest segment = 29.1 cM
Total of segments > 7 cM = 29.1 cM
1 matching segments
Estimated number of generations to MRCA = 4.5
"would like to see what cousins we are. my DNA says we are related. my maternal haplogroup is u5b1b1a, quite close to yours.some of my family names are Carle....Carroll, Messier, Forcier, Louis St Billy, Mauseth, Mack, Vanasse just to name a few, would like to explore our geneology. regards Linda" on 23andMe

Jackie, Ch 16

jstoddard@actrix.co.nz | GEDCOM
Comparing Kit M950730 (M. Ruggles) and A477132 (*Jackie)
Minimum threshold size to be included in total = 500 SNPs
Mismatch-bunching Limit = 250 SNPs
Minimum segment cM to be included in total = 7.0 cM
ChrStart LocationEnd LocationCentimorgans (cM)SNPs
Largest segment = 37.7 cM
Total of segments > 7 cM = 37.7 cM
1 matching segments
Estimated number of generations to MRCA = 4.3

Balfie Ch 19, 20, 7, 6, 2, 18, 5, 4

Comparing Kit M950730 (M. Ruggles) and T118976 (*Balfie) Ch 19, 20, 7, 6, 2, 18, 5, 4
Minimum threshold size to be included in total = 500 SNPs
Mismatch-bunching Limit = 250 SNPs
Minimum segment cM to be included in total = 7.0 cM
ChrStart LocationEnd LocationCentimorgans (cM)SNPs
Largest segment = 29.1 cM
Total of segments > 7 cM = 169.5 cM
9 matching segments
Estimated number of generations to MRCA = 3.2

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