Location: Marion County, Tennessee

Transcription of the Deed Transaction of James Jackson to Jesse Rogers recorded on September 5th, 1828
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- Marion County Court Records Free Space
- Link to original (typed) document.
- Transcribed by Dominikus on 21 July 2019
James Jackson TO Deed Jesse Rogers
This Indenture made the 5th day of Septemer[sic] in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty eight between James Jackson of the County of Marion and State of Tennessee of the one part and Jesse Rogers of the same place of the other part Witnesseth that the said James Jackson for and in consideration of the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars to him in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath and by these presents doth bargain sell and convey unto the said Jesse Rogers a certain tract or parcel of land situated on the north west side of Sequachee River in the County and State aforesaid Beginning at a stake and pointers on the west boundary of Amos Griffiths 96 acres survey survey thence west 32 poles to the foot of Cumberland Mountain thence with sid[sic] mountain as it meanders north twenty nine poles to a stake thence north sixty to Two maples of the bank of Dry Creek then down the said creek as it meanders to the valley road 100 poles; thence with said road to the line of Griffiths 96 acres survey 20 poles thence west thirty six poles to pointers thence with said Griffith line to the beginning containing fifty acres but[illegible] the same more or less together with alland[sic] singular the weeds water mines hereditaments and appurtenances To have and to hold unto the said Jess Rogers his heirs and assigns forever lastly I the said James Jackson do bind myself my heirs unto the said Jesse Rogers his heirs &c[sic] to warrant and forever defend the sd[sic] Tract of land with the appurtenances unto the said Jesse Rogers his heirs forever free from the lawful claims of all and every person or persons lawfully claiming to claim the same or any part thereof. In witness whereof I the said James Jackson have hereunto set my hand and seal this day and date first above written Number of the Grant 13130 ack. signed sealed and delivered in presence of us Henry Grayson and Dennis Evans (his mark)
James Jackson (his mark).
State of Tennessee Marion County Court August Session 1829. Then was the foregoing Deed of Conveyance from James Jackson to Jesse Rogers for fifty acres of land in Marion County was this day produced in open court and execution thereof acknowledged by the conveyor and ordered to be certified and admitted to record. Registered Feby. 5th 1830 Test Jno Kelly Clk Jno. Kelly D. Register By Geo. W. Rice D. C.
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