Location: Marion County, Tennessee

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Transcription of the Deed Transaction of T.A. Floyd and wife to David Kilgore recorded on May 1st, 1897
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- This deed was written by William Rankin, notary public, in Whitwell, Tennessee in 1897. It was not sent to the County Courthouse in Jasper until 1899.
- Link to original document.
- Transcribed by Dominikus on 20 July 2019
Floyd T. A. and Wife Deed To Kilgore David
For and in consideration of ($1800) written Eighteen Dollars to us in hand paid the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged we have this day bargained and sold and do by this presents transfer and convey to David Kilgore and wife a certain tract or parcel of land lying in the 2and civil district of Marion County Tennessee and bounded as follows: Beginning on a rock and blush pine pointers near John Branch, running west up Said branch 30 poles to a holly tree in the branch, the same being the South west corner of our home tract, then north 36 poles to a hickory and poplar pointers, thence East 45 poles to a rock near the road leading from our house to Whitwell, thence South 53 poles to the beginning containing Ten acres more or less, to have and to hold the Same to the Said David Kilgore, his wife, heirs and assigns forever, and we further covenant with the Said David Kilgore and bind ourselves our heirs and assigns to warrant and forever defend their title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever and that we are lawfully seized of said land and have a Just right to convey the Same. In tistimony[sic] Whereof we have hereunto Set our hand and Seal This Deed Shall be null and Void if there be any intoxicating liquors Sold on said land This the 1st day of May 1897
T. A. Floyd (his mark) (Seal) Matilda Floyd (her mark) (Seal)
State of Tennessee County of Marion Before me William Rankin a Notary Public duly appointed commissioned and qualified in and for the county and state aforesaid, personally appeared [[Floyd-3882|T. A. Floyd] the within named barganor Whith[sic] Whom I am personally acquainted of, and who acknowledged that he executed the within instrument for the purpose therein contained. And [[Jackson-33632|Matilda Floyd] wife of the said T. A. Floyd having appeared before me privately and apart from her husband, the Said, Matilda Floyd acknowledged the execution of the said deed to have been done by her freely, Voluntarily, and understandingly, Without compulsion or constraint from her said husband, and for the purpose therein expressed. In tistimony[sic] Whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and notarial Seal at office in the town of Whitwell, Tennessee. On this the 1st day of May 1897. William Rankin Notary Public
Received for Registration Feby 18-1899 at 11-25-am S. C. Byrne Reg.
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