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Marion County, Tennessee Land Entries

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Marion County, Tennesseemap
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Marion County Court Records Free Space Link to the original documents.

No. 194- James Jackson enters twelve acres of land in Marion County on big sequache above the mouth of the little sequache adjoining land of the said Jackson and the line of Burgess Mathews beginning on the south east corner of the said Jackson land then eastwardly up the river as it meanders to the line of the heirs of said Mathews then with that line northwardly and round to the beginning including all the vacant land between the said lines. 28th September 1842

James Jackson, Locator

No. 2215- James Jackson enters two thousand acres of land in Marion County on top of cumberland mountain beginning on a chestnut oak in Mathews line then westwardly to Daxons line then with said line to teh Cliff or bluff of Grays creek then with the Cliff to Daxons gap then with the Cliff of the Pocket creek to the mouth of Mikes branch then to the head of Mikes branch then northwardly to the beginning to include all the vacant land in the bounds. September 1st, 1849.

James Jackson, Locator.

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