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Marion and Lazar Katsman of Seattle

Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Date: 1899 to about 1982
Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: Cohen Katsman
Profile manager: K. Bloom private message [send private message]
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Marion and Lazar Katsman of Seattle

From The story of the Julius Cohen family of Seattle, Washington, prepared by Joseph Cohen.[1]

Marion is two years younger then Sam and her growing-up experiences in the home and in the community, with due allowance for difference in gender, were very much like his. She was married in 1920 to Louis (Lazar) Katsman of Mozyr, White Russia. He left Russia when World War I broke out, expecting the absence to last no longer than a few months. In Seattle he joined a colony of other similar refugees who had no relatives elsewhere in the United States and remained in that city. Louis engaged in different phases of the women’ s ready-to-wear business all through the years until his retirement in the middle 1970’s.

Marion and Louis have both been extremely active in orthodox Jewish organizations, including especially the synagogue and talmud torah. The Katsman‘s have three children.

  1. The oldest, Dr. Alvin (Abraham) is engaged in private medical practice. He is married to Sheila Beck of Vancouver, British Columbia. Their three children are Ralph, Bruce and Leslie.
  2. The middle Katsman child is Avner who lives with his parents.
  3. The youngest Katsman child, Anita, is married to Louis Friedman of Seattle. The Friedman’s also have three children. The oldest is Lauri Beth (Mrs. Hanan) Katz who, until recently, has been living in Arad, Israel, where she gave birth to Julius and Basha Reyzl’s first and as yet sole great-great grandchild, Zvi, who was born in Beersheba in 1981. Michael and Jonathan are the Friedman’s teen-age sons.


  1. Document in the possession of Harvey Levitt. Wiki'd by K. Bloom.



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