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Marriage Settlement Andrew Umfrevile and Frances Apleford 1628

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Marriage settlement of Andrew Umfrevill and Frances Apleford (27 October 1628) [1]

  • Spelling and punctuation are as per the original document.
  • Paragraphs have been inserted where the original text was in a larger bold script for ease of reading.
  • Where present, ff has been rendered as F, and the old letter Thorn has been rendered as th.
  • Abbreviations and breviographs have been expanded in [square brackets].
  • Additions and margin notes, where they occur, have been added where indicated in the text.
  • Difficult to read with slight damage and folded in places.

People mentioned in the Indenture:

  • Andrewe Umfrevill the elder (father of the groom)
  • William Umfreville, deceased (father of Andrew the elder)
  • Frannces Apleford the elder (mother of the bride)
    • Frannces Apleford the younger (daughter of Frannces the elder)
  • Richard Shafteberry & Julyan, Andrewe Inwoodes - deceased (previous property owners)
  • Andrewe Inwoodes, deceased (owner of adjoining land)
  • George Woodward (party to a deed made with William Umfrevill)
  • Signatories [unreadable Apleford], Andrewe Umfrevile Junior, Andrew Umfrevile, Edward Apleford, Fra. Chamberlaine

This Indenture made the Seven & twentith day of October in the furth yeare of the Raygne of o[ur] Sov[er]eigne Lord Charles by the grace of god of England Scotland France & Ireland knige defender of the fayth &c Betwene Andrewe Umfrevill the elder of Farneham Ryall in the county of Bucks gent of thone p[ar]te And Frannces Apleford ^thelder of the citty of Winchester in the county of South[ampton] widdowe And Frannces Apleford ^the younger the daughter of the sayd Frannces Apleford thelder of thother p[ar]te

Whereas the sayd Andrew Umfrevile the elder is now lawfully seised in his demesne as of Fee of & in certen lands in the parishes of Farneham aforesayd Burneham & Sypensam in the sayd county of Bucks called or knowne by the name of Wades feilds conteyneinge by estimac[i]on twenty Acres w[hi]ch lately were the lands of Richard Shafteberry & Julyan his wife And of & in one Capitall messuag[e] or tenem[en]t called or knowne by the name of Farneham Lee in Farneham aforesayd wh[ich] diver[se] lands meadowes pastures & Appu[ur[tennc[e]s thereunto belongeinge, And of & in one Pightle toft or Close of land in Farneham aforesayd betwixt a certen lane withe the sayd Farneham Lee on the west & the feild called Farneham feild on the east And abuttel[es] on the land late William Umfrevilles deceased father of the sayd Andrew Umfrevill thelder & the land lately Andrewe Inwoodes deceased on the south together w[it]h twelve acres of land lyeing dispersedly in the comon feilds of Farneham aforesayd as they are bounded in acerten deed made betwene George Woodward of Lee in the p[ar]ishe of Upton in the sayd county of Bucks gent deceased of thone p[ar]te and the sayd ^William Umfrevill deceased of thother p[ar]te beareinge date the eight & twentith day of March in the xxixvth yeare of the Raygne of o[ur] late queene Elizabeth as in & by the sayd deed more fully appeareth,

And whereas by gods grace there is shortely a marriage intended to be had & solempnised betwene Andrew Umfrevill the younger sonne & ^heire apparant of the sayd Andrew Umfrevill thelder & the sayd Frannces Apleford the younger

Now these p[re]sents doe witnes that the sayd Andrew Umfrevill thelder for & in a considerac[i]on of the sayd marriage & for & in considerac[i]on of the somme of Fowre hundred powndes lawfull Englyshe ^mony beinge the marriage porc[i]on of the sayd Frannces Apleford the younger in hand payd doth [...] and grannte for himselfe his heirs & assignes to & w[i]th the sayd Frannces Apleford thelder & Frannces Apleford the younger their heires & assignes that he the sayd Andrewe Umfrevill thelder & his heires shall & will stand & be seised of & in all the sayd sev[er]all messuages lands tenem[en]ts & premisses w[it]h all & singuler thapp[er]tenn[an]c[e]s to the use of himselfe for the terme of his naturall life w[i]thout impeachem[en]t of was[te] And after his decease to the use of the sayd Andrewe Umfrevill the the younger & the heires of the sayd Andrew Umfrevill ^the younger he shall begett of the sayd Frannces Apleford the younger And for want of such issue to theuse of the Right heires of the sayd Andrew Umfrevill ^the elder for ever.

[Insert in left margin next to above paragraph] The enclosed grounds belonging to the Lee are in the Jointure /

And the sayd Andrewe Umfrevill thelder doth for himselfe his heires executo[rs] & administrators & ev[er]y of them Covenante p[ro]myse & grannte to & w[i]th the sayd Frannces Apleford thelder & Frannces Apleford the younger their heires & assignes & ev[er]y of them by these p[res]entes That he the sayd Andrew Umfrevill thelder at the sealinge & deliv[er]y of these p[re]sentes is solely seised of an indefesible estate in Fee simple of & in the p[re]misses & ev[er]y p[ar]te thereof And that he the sayd Andrewe Umfrevill the younger & his heires w[hi]th he shall lawfully begett of the body of the sayd Frannces Apleford the younger shall & may after the decease of him the sayd Andrew Umfrevill thelder lawfully & quietly have hold & enioy all & ev[er]y the p]re]misses w[i]th thapp[ur]tenn[ances] according to the true intent & meaninge of these p[rese]ntes freely [rest of line unreadable due to fold] mortgages rent chardges Joyntures dowers & in [...] whatsoever had made committed suffered or done or hereafter to be had made comitted suffered [several words unreadable due to fold] Andrew Umfrevill thelder or his assignes or by any other p[er]son or p[er]sons whatsoever lawfully claymeinge of from by or under him them or any of them,

One anuity or yearely rent of Forty poundes hereafter menc[i]oned in these p[rese]ntes And one statute of eight hundred poundes heretofore acknowledged by him the sayd Andrew Umfrevill to the sayd Frannces Apleford thelder beareinge date the xxvth Day of this instant moneth of October only excepted & [...prised],

And also that the sayd Andrew Umfrevill thelder shall & will before the first day of July now next ensueinge lawfully surrender or cause to be surrendered accordinge to the Custome of the mannor of Farneham Royall aforesayd all the estate title right interest use & demande w[hi]ch he now hath or may have of in and [to?] all the Coppyhold lands p[ar]cell of the sayd mannor now in the tenure or possession of him the sayd Andrew Umfrevill the younger & his heires of the body of the sayd Andrewe Umfrevill the younger w[hi]ch he shall begett of the body of the sayd Frannces Apleford the younger And for want of such issue to the use of the right heires of the sayd Andrew Umfrevill thelder for ever

And the sayd Andrew Umfrevill thelder for the considerac[i]ons aforesayd doth further Covenante p[ro]myse & grannte to & w[i]th the sayd Frannces Apleford thelder her executors administrators & assignes & ev[er]y of them for & in liewe of a competent Joynture & full satisffac[i]on of all dowers & widdowes estates of the sayd Frannces Apleford the younger that shall or may hereafter happen & accrewe to her of & in all & ev[er]y of the p[re]misses that he the sayd Andrew Umfrevill thelder or his heires executors administrators or assignes shall & will from & immediatly after the sayd marriage had & solempnised yearely pay or cause to be payd unto the sayd Franncis Apleford the younger her executors administrators & assignes dureinge the lives of the sayd Andrew Umfrevill the younger & the sayd Frannces Apleford the younger & the longest liver of them the full some of Forty poundes of lawfull mony of England at two feasts or termes in the yeare most usuall videl[ice]t at the feast of thannunciac[i]on of the blessed virgin mary & St michaell tharchangell in even & equall porc[i]ons And the first paym[en]t thereof to beginn at the first of the sayd parts w[hi]ch shall first ^happen next after the sayd ^marriage so had and solempnised as aforesayd

And the sayd Frannces Apleford the younger doth for herselfe & her assignes covenante p[ro]myse & grannte to & w[i]th the sayd Andrew Umfrevill thelder his heires & assignes that she shall & will accept & [take] the sayd Forty powndes yearely to her payde as aforesayd in full satisfac[i]on of all her dower or widdowes estate that shall or may happen or accrewe to her of & in the p[re]misses & ev[er]y p[ar]te thereof In witness whereof the p[ar]ties above named have hereunto [...] put their handes & seales the day & yeare ^first above [written]

Signed sealed & delivered in the p[re]sence of us [...] Apleford Andrewe Umfrevile Junior Andrew Umfrevile Edward Apleford Fra. Chamberlaine


  1. C 107/155 Description: Short title: Garbutt v Washbourne. Documents exhibited in court: Copy purchased and transcribed

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