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Martha A Jones

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 1850
Location: Ohio and West Virginia along the Misisissippi Rivermap
Surnames/tags: Jones Tiffner
This page has been accessed 48 times.

Martha A Jones according to the 1850 Ohio census was born in Virginia in 1825. She was not mentioned in Hillary Jones will. There is a gap of dates when children born in about 1825 is the only suggestion I have that she is his daughter. Again she might be a cousin or niece. John Jones fathered several sons who did not leave much of a history, as like their father they went further west into the wilderness that had limited contact with others.

Hilary Jones had a uncle William Morris who operated a flat bottom boat manufacturing at the conference of Paint Creek and the Kanawha River, a popular way to travel to the Ohio Territory in early 1800's was to buy a flat bottom boat from the Morris's and float down the Kanawha River to a destination on the Mississippi. This would probably be the way Henry Tiffner traveled (upon his arrival to New York Harbor from Austria) to his work place as a stone mason at the iron ore furnace at Scioto, Ohio. The only poof I have is five DNA matches to her. Bob Tiffner

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