
Martha Jane Hilton Shaver (Hilton-883)

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Virginia, United Statesmap
Surnames/tags: hilton shaver virginia
This page has been accessed 121 times.

This is an effort to find the parents of Hilton-883.


Martha Jane Hilton married George Thomas Shaver on 3 Aug 1848 in Montgomery County, Virginia. Both were 21 years old. According to the Marriage Records of said County, their Security and Witness was Jesse Taylor.

We have not found George, Martha and family in the 1850 or 1860 census. However, we know that George fought for the Confederate Army during the Civil War (a.k.a. The War Between the States), was captured, and died on 28 May 1865 at Fort Delaware in the state of Delaware and is buried in Finns Point National Cemetery in Salem, New Jersey, in an unmarked mass grave. He was apparently too ill to return home after the war ended.


In 1870, Martha and their seven children – Nancy Elizabeth, John Adam, George W., James M., Samuel T., Charles Dewey and Sarah Ann – were living in Blacksburg, Montgomery County, Virginia. This location was most likely close to her family. The Robert J. Hilton family is further down the same enumeration page.

In 1880, Martha and some of her children are living in the area of Pembroke in Giles County, Virginia. On a farm nearby is the same Robert J. Hilton family. Also in the Pembroke area is John R. Hilton.

In the 1900 census, Martha hasn’t been found but son James M. Shaver is living in the Pembroke area.

In 1910 one of the residents at James’s farm is John Hilton, uncle. This should make John one of Martha’s brothers. The death certificate for John Richard Hilton on 20 Feb 1916 says he was born in Montgomery County and died in Giles County. His parents are listed as William Hilton, father, and Elizabeth Taylor, mother. This couple is listed in some family trees on as the parents of John but not of Martha, Robert or related to Jesse. Without further research, the number and names of all of the children of William & Elizabeth are still unknown.

The documents which include census records and their transcripts in most cases, death certificates, marriage records, etc., to back this up are included in the attached PDF. Some documents of lesser importance had to be deleted in order to upload it. Page numbers in Index were not changed but pages are now missing.


This would lead one to believe that William and Elizabeth are indeed the parents of Martha Jane Hilton Shaver. Martha’s birth date and death date have not been found as yet by research.

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