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Mary (Durant) Ring proposed changes

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Mary & William Ring in the Records of Leiden (Pilgrim Museum)

"Charles, Mildreth [Mildred Charles] of England, acc[ompanied] by Jenne Tickins [Jane Thickens nee White] and Maycken Ring [Mary Ring] his acq[aintances] betr[othed] 16 May 1614, mar[ried] 31 May 1614 to Samuel Terrier [Samuel Terry] of Caen in Normandy [France], Say-worker, acc[ompanied] by Rogier Wiltsum [Roger Wilson] and Samuel Fuller his acq[aintances]." Johanna W. Tammel, The Pilgrims and other people from the British Isles in Leiden 1576-1640 (Isle of Man : Mansk-Svenska Publishing, c1989), p. 67, 256.

"Ringh, Willem [William Ring], Say-worker, guar[anteed] as Citz[Citizen] by Alexander Prijs [Alexander Price] and William Bradford [William Bradford], 7 June 1619."

Johanna W. Tammel, The Pilgrims and other people from the British Isles in Leiden 1576-1640 (Isle of Man : Mansk-Svenska Publishing, c1989), p. 226. http://www.pilgrimhall.org/ringmarydocs.htm

Death: "15th or 19th of July, 1631". In Cape Cod Series, Vol. 1.
Will: proved in "publik Court the 28th of Oct. 1633".
She came to Plymouth with her three children, Andrew, Susan, and Elizabeth, in 1629. She is mentioned numerous times in Plymouth records as "widow Ring", but it is doubtful that her late husband ever arrived in America. Soon after the arrive of widow Ring in 1629, John and Robert Ring embarked from England in the "Bevis" and are found in Salisbury as early as 1638. Source: Cape Cod Series 1:147.
Mayflower Families, Hopkins, pg. 12, suggests her maiden name may have been Durrant.
Immigration: On the second Mayflower, which sailed from Gravesend in March, and landed at Salem Mass. on 15 May 1629, bringing 35 passengers.
William Ring turned back to England on the Speedwell in 1620 and did not make it to Plymouth. From Stratton, Plymouth Colony: “It was most likely his wife, Mary Ring...who arrivede at Plymouth ca. 1629 with children Elizabeth, Susanna, and Andrew” (Stratton, Plymouth Colony: Its History & people 1620-1691, quoting from John Insley Coddington, “The Widow Mary Ring, of Plymouth, Mass., and Her Children,” TAG 42:193).
Date: 21 MAY 1601
Place: Ufford, Suffolk, England[1]

Sister of Elizabeth (wid. Deane) Cooke. 1629: Came to Plymouth on Ship..??


Date: 1590
Place: Ufford, Suffolk, England, England[2]


Date: ABT 15 JUL 1631[3]


New Plymouth
A Coppy of the will & Test of Mary Ring widow who dyed the 15th or 19th of July 1631. the will being proved in publick Court the 28th of Oct. in the ninth yeare of the raigne of our Sov. Lord Charles &c.
It. I give unto him [son Andrew] all my wollen cloath unmade except one peece of red wch my will is that my daughter Susan shall have as much as will make a bearing Cloath and the remainder I give unto Stephen Deanes childe.
...As also the forty shillings of Comodities I am to have out of Englan (worn) I give unto him [son Andrew] also except the green Say wch I give unto Stephen Deanes childe to make her a Coat.
... It. one Ruffe I had of goodman Gyles I give to my daughter Eliz. Deane.
... The goods I give my two daughters are all my wearing cloathes, all my wearing linnen.
... It. my will is that the Cattle I give my sonne be kept to halfes for him by Stephen Deane, or at the discretion of my Overseers to take order for them for the good of the childe.
... It. my will is that Andrew my son be left wth my son Stephen Deane; And doe require of my son Deane to help him forward in the knowledge & fear of God, not to opresse him by any buthens but to tender him as he will answere to God. My Overseers of my will I institute & make my loving ffriends Samuell ffuller & Thomas Blossom. whom I entreate to see this my will pformed according to the true intent of the same.[4][5]

Ancestral File Number

Ancestral File Number: WL8V-8X
Ancestral File Number: 8NXM-7C


  1. Source: #S718414 Data: Text: "1601 Wylliam Ringe of Petistrey singlman & Marie Durrante of Ufford single woman weare married togerther the xxi day of May."
  2. Source: #S3 Data: Text: Date of Import: Jun 3, 2003
  3. Source: #S166 pp. 29-33
  4. ["Massachusetts, Plymouth County, Probate Records, 1633-1967," images, FamilySearch : 20 May 2014, Wills 1633-1686 vol 1-4 > image 13 of 616; State Archives, Boston. Plymouth Colony records, wills, 1633-1686, Vol. 1:4-6, Will & inventory of Mary Ring, 1633.
  5. George Ernest Bowman,"Plymouth Colony Wills & Inventories," Mayflower Descendant Vol. 1(1899):29-34, Will and inventory of Mary Ring, 1633 (full transcription).
  • The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England 1620-1633, Volumes I-III. (Online database: AmericanAncestors.org, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2010), (Originally Published as: New England Historic Genealogical Society. Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England 1620-1633, Volumes I-III, 3 vols., 1995). featured name: Mary Ring.subscription site
  • The Chrisman Pedigree, website created by Lonnie Chrisman, http://chrisman.org/pedigree/
  • Stratton, Eugene A. Plymouth Colony: Its History and People 1620-1691, Ancestry Publishing, Provo, UT, 2000, 1986.
  • Parish Registers of Ufford, Suffolk 1558-1630
  • Cape Cod Series Vol. I: History and Genealogy of the Mayflower Planters and First Comers to Ye Olde Colonie. Copyright 1936, Hills Publishing Company, Washington D.C. Leon Clark Hills
  • Genealogy of the Dean Family: Descended from Ezra Dean, of Plainfield, Conn. and Cranston, R.I. Printed 1903, F.H. Gerlock and Co., Scranton, PA. Arthur D. Dean.
  • The Lee-Beckwith Genealogy. www.theleefamily.org/genealogy/index2.html Last updated October 15, 2002. Monty Lee.
  • Plymouth Colony, History and People. Copyright 1986, Ancestry Incorporated. Eugene Aubrey Stratton, former Historian General of the General Society of Mayflower Descendents.
  • Source: S166 Bowman, George E.,Mayflower Descendant: The Will of Mary Ring, Vol. I, Editor: Bowman, George E. Publication: Jan 1899


Contributors: Merilee Burton, Bobbie Hall.

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Looks good Bobbie. Thank you.
posted by Jillaine Smith