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Mary Dent Beall 1806 Will Transcribed

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Maryland, United Statesmap
Surnames/tags: Beall, Dent Slavery, Black Heritage
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Mary Dent Beall 1806 Last Will & Testament [Transcribe from original, with addition of some punctuation]

In the name of God Amen, I Mary Beall of Georgetown, Washington County and District of Columbia, long aged and infirm and weak in Body but of sound mind, memory and understanding considering certainty of Death and the uncertainty of the time thereof, and desirous of settling my worldly affairs and therefore to be the better prepared to leave the world when it shall please God to call me, do therefore make publish and declare that my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following, that is to say:

First and principally, I commit my soul into the hands of Almighty God and my body to the earth to be decently buried.

I devise and bequeath as follows.

I give and bequeath to Eleanor Beall, Daughter of Basil & Ariana Beall, a Negro girl named Suckey, aged seven years, until she shall arrive to the age of twenty five years.

Item. I give and bequeath to Mary Beall, daughter of Basil and Ariana Beall, a Negro girl named Sarah, about one month old, until she shall arrive to the age of twenty five years.

Item. I give and bequeath to Ariana Beall, wife of Basil Beall, one bed and furniture.

Item. I give and bequeath unto Mary Dent Beall, daughter of Theodore Beall, a Negro girl name Anna, aged 4 years, until she shall arrive to the age of twenty five years.

Item. I give and bequeath to Sarah Ann Hewitt, Daughter of Thomas and Nancy Hewitt, a Negro girl named Kitty, aged two years, until she shall arrive at the age of twenty five years.

Item. I give and bequeath to Mary Beall, Daughter of William Dent Beall and Sarah Ann Beall his wife, one bed and furniture.

And whereas my son William Dent Beall, with whom I have been living there three or four years just past, has to maintain old Negro man Tom and Sarah his wife during their life, and whereas he the said William Dent Beall has paid some of my Debt and is likely to pay all of my just debts, I hereby give grant bargain and sell unto the said William Dent Beall his heirs and assigns, Negro man Simon and Negro woman Ally his wife, for the term of five years from the date hereof, and they shall be free. I also give grant bargain and sell unto the said William Dent Beall, for the reasons above assigned, his heirs and assigns, Negro Boy Luke for the term of eighteen years from the date hereof, then to be free.

Now it shall be understood and it is my will that it will be exactly fulfilled – that Negro man Simon and Negro woman Ally, and Negro boy Luke and Negro girl Suckey and Negro girl Anna and Negro girl Kitty and Negro girl Sarah of the Negros mentioned, to be sold and bequeathed in this instrument of writing, upon arriving at the age herein stipulated and mentioned, shall be free, liberated and released from Slavery them and their children of [-----] and increase.

I also give and bequeath to my son Leve Beall fifty dollars to be paid to him only at such time as he the said William Dent Beall may judge expedient [------] confiding in his judgement and integrity not to withhold it longer than there is reason to believe it be put to proper use.

In testimony whereof I have here unto set my hand and affixed my seal the twenty first day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and six.

Mary Beall

Witnesses: Susanna Magruder Thos. A Brooke Nat. Hentons

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