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Mary Lovett Patch Research Notes

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See: Mary (Lovett) Patch.

There were two men, Thomas Patch, of Essex County, Massachusetts, at the same time. Give or take, they were contemporaries--Thomas Patch, Sr., died at Beverly, 28 September 1711 (Beverly VR 2:523); the other man, Sergeant Thomas Patch, died at Wenham, 9 February 1721 (Wenham VR, 214). One married Mary Lovett (of Salem and Beverly, daughter of John Lovett Sr., one married Mary Scott (of Ipswich, daughter of Thomas Scott).

Mary (Lovett) Patch died, probably Beverly, before 28 March 1707 (deed so dated).[1]

Mary (Scott) Patch, widow of Thomas Patch, died Wenham, Essex County, then "a. above 80 y."[2]

General List of published materials regarding Patch marriage (whether Scott or Lovett):

James Savage (1861) reported Thomas Patch married "Mary Scott of Ipswich, d. Thomas ..."[3] "Thomas, Wenham, s. of Nicholas, b. a. 138, freem. 1670, rep. 189; m. Mary Scott of Ipswich, d. of Thomas ..."
Note: Though it is clearly in John Lovett will, Savage is silent about his daughters' marriages. (3:124).
This association seems followed by Augustus A. Galloupe in his work to annotate the Records of the First Church in Beverly, Massachusetts, 1667-1772 (1905), wherein we find her name Mary edited to add the surname as "[Scott, of Ipswich]. The editors of NEHG Register have found Galloupe's annotations to be "often incorrect," see Errata.[4]
In 1908, Ezra Sterns identified Patch's wife as "Mary A. Lovett ... of Ipswich, the daughter of Thomas Lovett."[5] "Thomas ... son of Nicholas and Elizabeth Patch, was born in Salem, Massachusetts, in 1640. Savage mentions him as Thomas of Wenham, and the year of his birth about 1536. He was made freeman in 170 and representative in 1679. His wife was Mary A. Lovett (Savage says Scott) of Ipswich, daughter of Thomas Lovett, and among their children were Thomas, James, Stephen, Isaac, Ephraim, Timothy, Simeon, Sarah and Marah (Mariah) ..." See the following page for line of descent from son Timothy.
In 1917, and as Mary Scott, this marriage was reported in an overview of the Patch family appearing in the New England Historical and Genealogical Register.[6]
In 1947, Walter Goodwin Davis reported the Patch-Scott marriage, again without providing supporting reference.[7]
In his 2009 sketch of Thomas Scott of Ipswich, Robert Charles Anderson reported his Scott's daughter Mary married Thomas Patch.[8]

Torrey has references for both marriages, but only identifies Thomas as son of Nicholas in the Patch-Scott record.

Thomas Patch m. Mary Scott, as by 1666; Wenham. This record seen, Warner-Harrington 497, 561; Davis: Anc. of Phebe Tilton 120; Dawes-Gates 2:833; Reg 56:128, 71:170; Salem 2:71; Scott (1906) 13, Kendall Anc. (ms) 11; Torrey-Roe; EIHC 4:25, 37:178.[9] Note: Has Salem as reference for Scott marriage, but that reports Lovett.
Thomas Patch m. Mary Lovett. She is dau. of John, date for this is date of his will. Reports this record seen in EIHC 40:215 (abstract of John's will).New England Marriages Prior to 1700 (Boston, Mass.: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2015), multiple vols, 2:1150 digital images by subscription, AmericanAncestors.

New England Marriages ... Patch-Scott references,

  • Warner-Harrington 497, 561; "Warner, Frederick Chester, “The Ancestry of Samuel, Freda and John Warner, typescript, 5 vols. (Boston, 1949, 1955)"; InternetArchive
  • Davis: Anc. of Phebe Tilton 120;
  • Dawes-Gates 2:833 [and 833n]; Hathi Trust, is Entry for Elizabeth Patch m. William Woodbury; references 1 [Register LXXI 168-70; Supplement to Notes n Joseph Kellogg (1899) 13-5], [Warren, Jacksn and Allied Families (1903) 60, 83, 113-5), 18a [New England Register LIV, 224], * [is footnote on p 833]
  • Reg 56:128, 71:170;
  • Salem 2:71;
  • !! Scott (1906) 13, "Allen, Orrin Peer, Descendants of William Scott of Hatfield, Mass., 1668–1906; and of John Scott of Springfield, Mass., 1659–1906 (C. R. Fiske, 1906)"; Hathi Trust. See Essex Files 41, 71 for re-administration of estate.
  • Kendall Anc. (ms) 11; "Kendall, Winthrop Reed, “American Ancestors of Winthrop Reed Kendall . . .,” manuscript (Chicago, 1913)"; OpenLibrary.
  • Torrey-Roe; "Torrey, Clarence Almon, David Roe of Flushing, Long Island and Some of His Descendants, a Record of Six Generations (Tarrytown, N.Y.: Roe, 1926)"; InterentArchive; no reference for page number given; text is index, no entry for either Patch or Scott. There is a Nancy Rogers on p. 22.
  • !! EIHC 4:25[-27] Hathi Trust (Petition to have estate re-administered, see testimony of John Kimball, age about 53), 37:178 Hathi Trust; this is entry in Essex Institute Hist. Coll. of Beverly First Church Baptisms; contain the same annotations by Galloupe (as "corrections"); indicate "corrections to records "already printed in Putnam's Historical Magazine."
  • Sidney Perley,The History of Salem Massachusetts, 1626-1716 (Salem, Mass.: S. Perley, 1924-28), 3 vols., 2:70n-71n; digital images, Hathi Trust; Nicholas Patch, with brief notice of his two sons, John and Thomas, (71n) "Serg. Thomas Patch; lived in Beverly and Wenham; married Mary Lovett..."

For deed research.

Early Patch grantee index (Essex County) begins here, FamilySearch.
Early Patch grantor index (Essex County) begins here, FamilySearch .
Early Lovett grantee index (Essex Count) begins here, FamilySearch.
Early Lovett grantor index (Essex County) begins here, FamilySearch.
  • 4:47 - John & Thomas Patch 26 : 10 : 1673 agreement (division of father's estate); "Massachusetts Land Records, 1620-1986"; images, FamiySearch, img. 77-78; Essex (Mass.) Deeds, 4:47; witnesses as John Lovet, Senr and Hilliard Veren, Senr.
  • 10:157, Ipswich. recorded 1694 May 14 et al. to John Knowlton. Edmund Patch and Thomas Ffiske & Thomas Patch, agents of _____ to John Knowlton. I Edmund Patch, of Ipswich ... with ye consent of Thomas Ffiske & Thomas Patch my Agents or ___ in Trust ... for One hundred pound already paid by John Knowlton ... sold ... my dwelling house and Land being within the Limits of Ispwich ... containing about thirty acres of upland & meadow being part the land witch ___ Edmund Patch bought of Major General Denison bounded by .. John Powland, Samuel Dodge, .
  • 22:188, Wenham, recorded 1710, June 17, to Richard Dodge.
  • 33:101 Wenham, recorded 1717, et al. February 6, to Daniel Dodge
  • 38:84 Beverly, recorded 1718, May 17, Jr. to James Patch
  • 38:84 Beverly, recorded 1718, May 17, Sr. to James Patch
  • There are more.

Estate of Edmund Patch. George Francis Dow, The probate records of Essex County, Massachusetts, 3 vols. (Salem, Mass., Essex Institute, 1916-1920), 3:395-398 (Edmund Patch of Ipswich); digital images, Hathi Trust. Administration initially 1680 to Thomas Patch. At Wenham, 1695, to Capt. Sewall, an "addition to [Edmund's] inventory made by Thomas Patch, administrator of the estate of his uncle, Edmund Patch, who lived in Ipswich and died there," 10 November 1680. This goes on and on. At 3:397 of Essex Probate, "estate ... was in the possession ... and under the care of Capt. Fisk and Thomas Patch of Wenham and John Powland of Ipswich."

Child List. Prior versions of Thomas Patch child list based on previously linked child profiles. Note: WikiTree has his death at Wenham, 19 February 1721, citing vital record (see Wenham VR, 214) . Beverly VR has death of Thomas Patch [sr] there. 28 September 1711.[10]

Sarah Patch Hale, said bap. 08 December 1666, Wenham. [as born 8 December 1666,[11] Wenham.]
Thomas Patch (Jr.), said bap. 19 July 1668, Beverly.[12] [separately as born 19 July 1674[13] Wenham.]
William Patch, bap. 19 July 1668, Beverly.[14]
Mariah Patch Lewis, said bap. 3 February 1668/9, Wenham [as born 3 Feb 1669[/70?], Wenham[15]]
Timothy Patch (b. about 1676)
Steven Patch ?? (WikiTree does not link him as son of Thomas; "may not belong..." [as Stephen, born 12 : 2 m : 1680,[16] Wenham.]
James Patch, said bap 31 March 1678, Beverly[17]
Simon Patch, as b. 1682
Ephraim Patch, as b. about 1682
Isaac Patch, as b; 1682, Wenham.

See also, Wenham vital record ledger, 1666-1672, "Massachusetts, Town Clerk, Vital and Town Records, 1626-2001," database with images, FamilySearch image 172 of 610 (image 173 has additional years), cites Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth, Boston. Note: Image 133 is spine of bound volume, "Marriages, Births & Deaths, County of Essex."

From Records of the First Church in Beverly ... p. 11

(quoting) Thomas Patch wth other children of ye Church were dismissed from under ye watch of Salem Church to this ... in this manner following. Viz These are to signifie yt T. Patch, J. Lovet & goody Wood comeing to me shewing their desire to joyne with ye Church on Bass River Side enquirering whether they had need of any particular Letters of Dismission from this Church ... Salem May 10 [1668] John Higginson.
17 : 3 mo, The writing abovesaid was read & ye partys therein expressed were accepted as dismissed from Salem Church to ors to be under ye watch of this Church but not thereupon in full communion.
30 : 3 mo. 1668, John Lovet, Jur. abovesaid & Bethia his wife solemnly & publickly owning ye Covenant of God & giving up themselves & their see to ye Lord ... had their children baptized ... Mary Wood had her childe baptized also ye same time upon ye same grounds.
[the next entry, two months later]
12 : 5 mo. Thomas Patch & Mary his wife having been first privately examined in their knowledge & good affections & desires by ye Pastor ... upon their publick laying hold of ye Covenant &c. as above had their children baptized.
From p. 86
The 31 : 3 : 1668 were Baptized Symon, John and Susanna, sonns & daughter of John Lovet jur by Bethia [Rootes] his wife & allso William ye son of Anthonie Wood by Mary [Grover] his wife.
19 : 5 : 1668 were baptized William & Thomas sons of Thomas Patch by Mary [Scott, of Ipswich] his wife.
From p. 94
1678 31 March James son of Thomas Patch by his wife [Mary Scott, of Ipswich] baptized 31 : 1 : 78.


  1. Thomas Patch Sr to James Patch, deed dated 28 March 1707, "Massachusetts Land Records, 1620-1986"; images, FamilySearch (image 92 of 605), otherwise Essex County Deeds 38:84, recorded 17 May 1718; refers to "Land given to my late wife Mary by her father Lovits Last Will and Testament."
  2. Mary Patch 1723 death entry, citing "C. R. [church record]," Vital Records of Wenham, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849 (Salem, Mass.: The Essex Institute, 1904), 214 (Patch); digital images, Hathi Trust.
  3. James Savage, A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England ... (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1860-1862), 4 vols., 3:368-369; digital images, Hathi Trust.
  4. William P. Upham, ed., with annotations by Augustus A. Galloupe, Records of the First Church of Beverly, Massachusetts, 1667-1772 (Salem, Mass.: Essex Institute, 1905), p. 86, 94; digital images, InternetArchive].
  5. Ezra S. Stearns, Genealogical and family history of the state of New Hampshire ... (New York, Chicago: The Lewis Pub. Co., 1908), 621; digital images, Hathi Trust.
  6. "Genealogical Research in England," New England Historical and Genealogical Register, 71 (1917):166-170, in particular, 169-170; digital images, InternetArchive.
  7. Walter Goodwin Davis, The ancestry of Phoebe Tilton, 1775-1847, wife of Capt. Abel Lunt ... (Portland, Me: Anthoensen Press, 1947), 120; digital images, Hathi Trust.
  8. Without further citation, Robert Charles Anderson The Great Migration, Immigrants to New England, 1634-1635, Volume VI, R-S (2009), 209-213, in particular, p. 212; digital images by subscription, AmericanAncestors, "eldest known child b. Wenham 8 December 1666."
  9. New England Marriages Prior to 1700 (Boston, Mass.: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2015), multiple vols, 2:1150 digital images by subscription, AmericanAncestors.
  10. Th[mas] Patch, sr. death entry, citing C.R. I [church record, First Parish Unitarian Church]," Vital Records of Beverly, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849, 2 vols. (1906-1907) 2:523; digital images, Hathi Trust.
  11. Sarah Patch 1666 birth entry, citing "CT R [Essex Co. Quarterly Court]," Vital Records of Wenham, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849 (Salem, Mass.: The Essex Institute, 1904), 66; digital images, Hathi Trust; "d..Thomas."
  12. Thomas Patch 1668 birth entry (as baptism), citing C.R. I [church record, First Parish Unitarian Church]," Vital Records of Beverly, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849, 2 vols. (1906-1907) 1:251; digital images, Hathi Trust; "19 : 5 m : 1668"; "s. Thomas and Mary."
  13. Thomas Patch 1674 birth entry, citing "CT R [Essex Co. Quarterly Court]," Vital Records of Wenham, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849 (Salem, Mass.: The Essex Institute, 1904), 66; digital images, Hathi Trust; "s. Thomas."
  14. William Patch 1668 birth entry (as baptism), citing C.R. I [church record, First Parish Unitarian Church]," Vital Records of Beverly, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849, 2 vols. (1906-1907) 1:251; digital images, Hathi Trust; "19 : 5 m : 1668"; "s. Thomas and Mary."
  15. Mara Patch 1669[/70?] birth entry, citing "CT R [Essex Co. Quarterly Court]," Vital Records of Wenham, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849 (Salem, Mass.: The Essex Institute, 1904), 66; digital images, Hathi Trust; "d..Thomas."
  16. Stephen Patch 1680 birth entry, citing "CT R [Essex Co. Quarterly Court]," Vital Records of Wenham, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849 (Salem, Mass.: The Essex Institute, 1904), 66; digital images, Hathi Trust; "s..Thomas."
  17. James Patch 1678 birth entry (as baptism), without further reference, Vital Records of Beverly, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849, 2 vols. (1906-1907) 1:249; digital images, Hathi Trust; "s. Thomas."

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