Location: Maryland

Surname/tag: Brooke, Dent, Somervell, Chew, Magruder
Officers of the Flying Camp elected, Committee to examine the Accounts of the Supervisors of Saltpetre Works Resolution empowering the Council of Safety to contract for building a Powder-Mill on the publick account, repealed
Saturday, June 29, 1776.
Convention met. All Members present as on yesterday, except Mr. /Gantt/. The Proceedings of yesterday were read.
On motion, /Resolved/, That the Bills of Credit issued by the Congress, and the Conventions of this Province, be received by the Commissioners of the Loan Office in payment of any interest due to the said Office.
/Ordered/, That the above Resolution be published in the /Maryland Gazette/.
The Convention resumed the election of Officers. Mr. /William Hyde / was elected Lieutenant-Colonel of the upper Battalion on the /Western-Shore/, and Dr. /John Cradock / Major.
For the Company to be raised in /St. Mary' s / County, /Uriah Forrest / was appointed Captain, /William Bond / First Lieutenant, /Moses Tabbs / Second Lieutenant, and /Edward Mattingly / Ensign.
For the Companies in /Charles / County. /Thomas Hanson / Captain, /George Dent / (third) First Lieutenant, /Samuel Jones / Second Lieutenant, and /William Adams / Ensign. /Belain Posey / Captain, /Henry Boarman / First Lieutenant, /John Forbes / Second Lieutenant, and /Gerard Fowke / Ensign.
/Calvert. John Brooke / Captain, /Frederick Skinner / First Lieutenant, /Nathaniel Wilson / Second Lieutenant, and /James Somerville / Ensign.
/Prince George' s. John Hawkins Lowe / Captain, /John Magruder Burgess / First Lieutenant, /William Duvall/, Second Lieutenant, and /Horatio Claggett / Ensign. /Robert Bowie / Captain, /Benjamin Brooks / First Lieutenant, /William Dent Beall / Second Lieutenant, and /Colmore Beans/, Ensign. /Alexander Howard Magruder / Captain, /William Sprigg Bowie / First Lieutenant, /Benjamin Contee / Second Lieutenant, and /Alexander Truman / Ensign.
/Anne Arundel County. Edward Norwood /Captain, /Samuel Godman / First Lieutenant, /John W. Dorsey / Second Lieutenant, and /Richard Talbot / Ensign. /Edward Tillard / Captain, /Samuel Lloyd Chew / First Lieutenant, /John Sprigg Belt / Second Lieutenant, and /John Gassaway / Ensign. /Daniel Dorsey / Captain, /Joseph Burgess / First Lieutenant, /John Lorah / Second Lieutenant, and /Michael Burgess / Ensign. /James Disney / Captain, /Henry Ridgely / First Lieutenant, /Jonathan Sellman / Second Lieutenant, and /Edward Spurrier / Ensign. /Thomas Hammond / Captain, /Thomas Mayo / First Lieutenant, /Joshua Merriken / Second Lieutenant, and /Andrew Hammond / Ensign.
/Frederick. Lower District. Edward Burgess / Captain, /John Gaither / First Lieutenant, /Thaddeus Beall / Second Lieutenant, and /Thomas Edmondson / Ensign. /Leonard Deakins / Captain, /Thomas Nowland / First Lieutenant, /Elisha Williams / Second Lieutenant, and /John Griffith / Ensign. /Benjamin Spyker / Captain, /Greenbury Gaither / First Lieutenant, /Richard Anderson / Second Lieutenant, and /Nicholas Seybert / Ensign.
/Middle District. Philip Meroney / Captain, /Elisha Beall / First Lieutenant, /John Hellen / Second Lieutenant, and /William Beatty/, Jun., Ensign. /Jacob Good / Captain, /John Baptist Thompson / First Lieutenant, /John Ghiselin / Second Lieutenant, and /John Smith / Ensign. /Peter Mantz / Captain, /Adam Grosh / First Lieutenant, /Peter Adams / Second Lieutenant, and /John Richardson / Ensign.
/Upper District. AEneas Campbell / Captain, /Clement Hollyday / First Lieutenant, /John Courts Jones / Second Lieutenant, and /David Lynn / Ensign. /John Reynolds / Captain, /Moses Chapline / First Lieutenant, /Christian Orendorff / Second Lieutenant, and /Nathan Williams / Ensign. /Henry Hardman / Captain, /Daniel Stuff / First Lieutenant, /Peter Contee Hanson / Second Lieutenant, and /John Rench / Ensign.
/Baltimore, Zachariah Maecubbin / Captain, /Thomas Yates / First Lieutenant, /John Christie / Second Lieutenant, and /Thomas Lingan / Ensign. /John E. Howard / Captain, /Thomas Lansdale / First Lieutenant, /William Riley / Second Lieutenant, and /Robert Morrow / Ensign. /John Stevenson / Captain, /Edward Oldham / First Lieutenant, /James Ogleby / Second Lieutenant, and /Joseph Lewis / Ensign. /James Young / Captain, /James Bond / First Lieutenant, /John Smith / Second Lieutenant, and /James Tool / Ensign.
/Harford. Aquila Paca / Captain, /John Beedle Hall / First Lieutenant, /Michael Gilbert / Second Lieutenant, and /John Patterson / Ensign. /Bennet Bussey / Captain, /Joshua Miles / First Lieutenant, /Asahel Hitchcock / Second Lieutenant, and /Aquila Amos / Ensign.
/Cecil. Joshua George / Captain, /William Veazey/, (third) First Lieutenant, /John Stockton / Second Lieutenant, and /Richard Bird / Ensign. /Walter Alexander / Captain, /Andrew Porter/, Jun., First Lieutenant, /Harmon Arrants / Second Lieutenant, and /George Hamilton / Ensign.
/Kent. Isaac Perkins / Captain, /Abraham Falconer / First Lieutenant, /Jesse Cozden / Second Lieutenant, and /James Henry / Ensign. /Thomas Smyth / Captain, /James Williamson / First Lieutenant, /Nathaniel Kinnard / Second Lieutenant, and /Josiah Johnson / Ensign.
/Queen Anne' s. John Dean / Captain, /John Hawkins / First Lieutenant, /John Neville / Second Lieutenant, and /Samuel Earle / Ensign. /John Dames / Captain, /Thomas Lane Emory / First Lieutenant, /Samuel Wright Thomas / Second Lieutenant, and /John Jackson / Ensign.
/Talbot. Greenbury Goldsborough / Captain, /Woolman Gibson / (son of /John/) First Lieutenant, /John Thomas/, Jun., Second Lieutenant, and /Perry Benson / of (/James/) Ensign.
/Caroline. Zabdiel Potter / Captain, /Thomas Wyer Lockerman / First Lieutenant, /Levin Handy / Second Lieutenant, and /Philip Casson / Ensign. /Philip Fiddeman / Captain, /Henry Downes/, Jun., First Lieutenant, /John Reynolds / Second Lieutenant, and /Thomas Mason / Ensign.
/Dorchester. Thomas Burk / Captain, /Berkit Falcon / First Lieutenant, /John Lynch / Second Lieutenant, and /James Woolford Gray / Third Lieutenant.
On motion, /Resolved/, That a Committee be appointed to examine the Accounts of the Supervisors of Saltpetre Works, and report thereon ; and that Mr. /T. Johnson/, Mr. /Rumsey/, Mr. /Ringgold/, Mr. /Gilpin/, Mr. /Hooper/, and Mr. /Hooe/, be a Committee for that purpose.
On motion, /Resolved/, That so much of the former Resolutions of Convention as directs or empowers the Council of Safety to contract for the building or working a Powder-Mill on the publick account, be repealed.
On motion, /Resolved/, That the Council of Safety be authorized to advance the further sum of £5,000 to such persons as they shall think proper, for the purpose of purchasing good and effective Fire-Arms, on the terms and agreeable to such orders as they may think will best procure the same.
On reading and considering a Memorial from /Francis Baker/, of /Talbot / County, praying a remission of that part of the sentence pronounced against him by this Convention in its session of /December / last, forbidding him "to offer himself for any office of trust,"
/Resolved/, That the same be granted.
On motion, /Resolved/, That the Council of Safety be authorized to cause Muskets found by the Militia, or borrowed or purchased, without Bayonets, iron Ramrods, Priming-wires, Belts, or Scabbards, to be fitted therewith; and to furnish each Private with a Cartridge-box containing twenty-three rounds, six Flints, one Blanket, one Knapsack, with a Haversack, and a Canteen or wooden Bottle to hold one quart, and to give such orders as they may think will best furnish the Militia with Provisions and Baggage Wagons on their march.
Adjourned till four o' clock.
/Post Meridiem/. Convention met.
Mr. /Samuel Edmondson / was elected Quartermaster of the Battalion of Militia to be raised on the /Eastern-Shore/; Mr. /William Parran/, Quartermaster of the lower Battalion on the /Western-Shore/; and Mr. /Isaac Griest/, Quartermaster of the upper Battalion.
/Officers of the Flying Camp elected, Committee to examine the Accounts of the Supervisors of Saltpetre Works Resolution empowering the Council of Safety to contract for building a Powder-Mill on the publick account, repealed <#>./ [1776-06-29] [S4-V6-p1491] [Document Details </cgi-bin/amarch/documentidx.pl?doc_id=S4-V6-P02-sp25-D0010&showfullrecord=on>][Complete Volume </cgi-bin/amarch/documentidx.pl?vol_id=S4-V6>]
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