Location: Crescent City, Del Norte, California, USA

Surnames/tags: california cemeteries crescent city
Cemetery Name: Masonic Cemetery
Address: Cemetery Road at East Cooper Ave., Crescent City, CA 95531
GPS Coordinates: N 41° 45.404 W 124° 12.102
This is the original cemetery on the grounds now known as the Crescent City Cemetery. There are now four separate and distinct cemeteries on these grounds, the Masonic Cemetery being one of those four.
The original Masonic Cemetery in Crescent City was opened in 1854 and located in the area where the Brother Jonathan Cemetery is today on Pebble Beach Drive. It was relocated to Cemetery Road in the 1950s. According to the Del Norte County Historical Society many of the bodies were reinterred from the original cemetery to this newer cemetery.
You can find further history of the original Masonic Cemetery at the Brother Jonathan Cemetery
See the:
- Masonic Cemetery Table of Graves for a table of graves for this cemetery.
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