
Maxwell Name Study - Maxwells in County Fermanagh

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Part of Maxwell Name Study

Plantation of Ulster


Maxwells in County Fermanagh

Fermanagh was a stronghold of the Maguire clan and Donn Carrach Maguire (died 1302) was the first of the chiefs of the Maguire dynasty.

However on the confiscation of lands relating to Hugh Maguire, Fermanagh was divided, as part of the Ulster Plantation, in similar manner to the other five escheated counties among Scottish and English undertakers and native Irish. The baronies of Knockinny and Magheraboy were allotted to Scottish undertakers, those of Clankelly, Magherastephana and Lurg to English undertakers and those of Clanawley, Coole, and Tyrkennedy, to servitors and natives.


Wikipedia Magheraboy


Wikipedia map of Knockninny

Wikipedia Knockninny

history of Fermanagh and the Plantation

New link for Ulster Ancestry Fermanagh free pages @ Jul 2024

===Muster Rolls ===

Maxwells contained on Muster Rolls and Estate Maps of the eight Plantation Counties of Ulster for the period 1607 - 1633, which was the initial phase of the plantation scheme.

1630-1631 Parish of Devenish County Fermanagh Muster Roll Ulster Ancestry - 1630-1631 Parish of Devenish County Fermanagh Muster Roll

No Maxwell's listed

History of Enniskillen page 198 - Muster role c 1630

1. Lists the Townsmen of Enniskillen and their arms. Only one Maxwell is listed out of 53 households.

John Maxwell - no armes (some had only a sword or pike - 16 had no armes )

2. Page 207/208 - Muster Role - Barony de Lourgg - Sir Gerrard Lowther KT, undertaker of 2000 acres

John Maxwell - sword and pike.
Robert Maxwell - sword and musket
James Maxwell - sword and pike (total of 47 men listed for this undertaker)

3. Page 216 - Muster Role - Barony de Tirkenedy - Sir Ralph Goer Knight - 1000 acres Manor of Carrick

Edward Maxwell - no arms (31 men listed all had no arms)

A total of five Maxwells listed out of a grand total of 971 men - confirmed at page 219. No Lloyds listed.

John Maxwell Lourgg Sir G. Lowther Fermanagh
Robert Maxwell Lourgg Sir G. Lowther Fermanagh
James Maxwell Lourgg Sir G. Lowther Fermanagh
John Maxwell Magherbuy Enniskillen Town Fermanagh
Edward Maxwell Tyrkenedy Sir R. Gower Fermanagh

1747 to 1768 Fermanagh Freeholders Registered to Vote

MAXWELL Dav. Tattykeep M'culmoney Oct-67
MAXWELL James Carrigolagh I'macsaint Jul-51
James Maxwell (bef.1726-) Shankhill Devenish Oct-47
Robert Maxwell (bef.1746-aft.1779) Sandhill I'macsaint Oct-67
MAXWELL William Drumsoo Clones Jan 47/48
MAXWELL William Tattykella M'culmoney Oct-47

1766 Religious Census

Religious Census 1766 - A Perfect List of all the Families in the Parish of Devenish and Diocese of Clogher, determined and reckoned by the Head of each Family. 25 March, 1766.

Total of Protestant Families 309
Total of Catholic Families 224
Overall Total 533
No Maxwells are listed.
No Maxwells listed
Maxwell, David Mullybreslin Protestant
Maxwell, John Mullybreslin Protestant
Maxwell, John Lowtherstown Protestant

Rossorry 1766 Religious census - No Maxwells listed

Flax Growers Bounty List 1796 - County Fermanagh

There is only one Maxwell listed out of "hundreds" of names -

William Maxwell - Devenish, Fermanagh.

1798 Fermanagh Poll of Electors

Only Maxwell's listed :-

Maxwell Andw Mullybreslan
Maxwell Fras. Mullybreslean ( Only Maxwell listed in 1788 Fermanagh Poll of Electors )
Maxwell John Crocklusky
Maxwell Thos Innishdony
Maxwell Wm Lowtherstown

Co. Fermanagh Freeholders 1829

Registrations of Freeholders, County of Fermanagh 1306 freeholders listed i.e those registered to vote - no Maxwells listed.

Census Information.

Profiles for all 76 Maxwells in Fermanagh have been created, from the 1901 census information. See Maxwell Name Study i.e category link- also at top of page for link to individual profiles.

There were 79 Maxwells in Fermanagh at time of 1911 census

I've now completed adding the 1911 census info to the above profiles and creating profiles for new Fermanagh Maxwells.

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