
Maxwell Name Study - Scotland

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Surname/tag: Maxwell
Profile manager: Maria Maxwell private message [send private message]
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Maxwell Name Study


Maxwells In Scotland - Study manager Maria Maxwell


The early Scottish Maxwell history is covered in the Clan Maxwell pages of the Scotland Project. This part of the study is concentrating on Maxwells in Scotland in more recent times.

Irish genealogy toolkit - irish immigration to Scotland
history of immigration/emigration in Scotland

A lot of Maxwell's came from Ireland to Scotland in the 19th Century. Fleeing famine and other forces. Many settled in areas such as Greenock or Glasgow Gorbals, to work in shipbuilding, dock work, or iron foundries on the River Clyde or Paisley with the linen/cotton trade there. Their ancestors may well have, before them, fled Scotland in the 17th century due to religious persecution together with the Plantation of Ulster.

Method and Research Progress

6 Mar 2024 - Now that I have profiles for every available online BMD / census record for Maxwell families for whole of Ireland, I am researching Maxwells who came from Ireland to Scotland. I'm using the 1861 Scotland Census as the 1841 census has more limited information. I am starting with those families who settled in Glasgow and the surrounding areas which now form part of Glasgow. I'm taking their line forward using Ancestry and Scotlands People prime records. I'm also trying to link them back to our existing Ireland profiles.

1. from Ireland to Glasgow - done - See Category: Glasgow, Scotland, Maxwell Name Study for profiles.
2. from Ireland to Lanarkshire - see Category: Scotland, Maxwell Name Study for profiles - review completed.
3. Ireland to Renfrewshire - see Category: Renfrewshire, Scotland, Maxwell Name Study for profiles - review completed.
4. Ireland to Ayrshire - see Category: Ayrshire, Scotland, Maxwell Name Study for profiles - review complete.
5. Ireland to Dunbartonshire - see Category :Scotland, Maxwell Name Study for profiles. 18 Jun 2024 - review complete.

External Resources

Scotlands People The official Government registry site for all Birth, Marriage, Death and Census records for Scotland. Various indexes are free to view. Copies of online records can be downloaded for a small fee for credits. Their offices are in Edinburgh and are due to reopen late April 2021 following closure due to COVID restrictions. At November 2021 the reading/research rooms are re-opening on a very controlled basis. Mainly for researchers with a business need. Appointments must be made ,paid for and confirmed by e-mail well in advance and numbers are very restricted only 16 seats per day currently available.

The 1921 census records for Scotland are available on Scotlands People as free index or full info behind a pay wall.

The latest Scotland census is due to take place spring 2022.

See Also

Images: 1
Maxwell tartan
Maxwell tartan

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