Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: mayflower rogers

I'm happy to report that all of the Rogers family profiles have been worked through and updated using data from the Mayflower Society as of 2020.
Goal: Every project profile, descendants of Thomas Rogers, will have an accurate, written biography, with inline citations, using primary sources and reliable secondary sources. Who's in the Project? The passenger, their spouse, their children and grandchildren, other direct descendants born before 1700. (This is sometimes great grandchildren and occasionally great great grandchildren.)
- How do I find descendants? Go to the Passenger Profile > Family Tree & Tools Tab > Descendant List.
These pages should be read before working on Mayflower Profiles.
Mayflower Project Page
Mayflower Families Teams page
Rogers Family Team Members:
- Anne B
- Bobbie (Madison) Hill
- S (Hill) Willson
- Stu Wilson
- Nick Dan
- Timothy Wilder
- Linda Massey
- Stephanie Singer
- Jennifer (Jacoby) Trippeer
Contents |
- Thomas Rogers and his son
- Joseph Rogers
Reliable sources:
- Stott, Clifford L. "English Ancestry of the Pilgrim Thomas Rogers and His Wife Alice (Cosford) Rogers," The Genealogist: Volume: 10, No. 2, (1989) free at https://www.thomasrogerssociety.com/trleiden.html
- Pilgrim Migration: Immigrants to Plymouth Colony 1620-1633, by Robert Charles Anderson, (Great Migration Study Project, New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston: 2004), p. 386. Free at https://mayflower.americanancestors.org/thomas-rogers-biography
- Ann T. Reeves [Revised by], (Originally compiled by Alice W. A. Westgate) , Mayflower Families Through Five Generations: Descendants of the Pilgrims who landed at Plymouth, Mass. December 1620: Family of Thomas Rogers (Plymouth, MA: General Society of Mayflower Descendants, 2000), 1:1. (Silver Book)
- Baker, Peggy M. (revised by) Originally compiled by Alice W. A. Westgate and revised by Ann T Reeves 2000. Mayflower Families Through Five Generations: Descendants of the Pilgrims who landed at Plymouth, Mass. December 1620: Family of Thomas Rogers (Plymouth, MA: General Society of Mayflower Descendants, 2013. (Silver Book)
- Thomas Rogers Society Use the surname index. Cites sources. Citation: Thomas Rogers Society citing -- xxxx
- Children's Baptisms can be confirmed at Ancestry (images) of Northamptonshire registers.
Category: Mayflower Project Rogers Family Work List
Add this category at the top. [[Category: Mayflower Project Rogers Family Work List]] Remember that it will be visible at the bottom of the profile.
Mayflower Profile Checklist (Temporary)
The Mayflower project will be updating this profile. We encourage you to help where you can. Want to join the team? Send a private message Anne B
Use the check list to evaluate each profile. As tasks are completed, mark them done. When the whole list is complete, leave a comment on the profile stating it's checked. '''=== Mayflower Project Checklist Completed ===''' will be added to profiles after Sources before Acknowledgements.
General housekeeping
- Does the profile belong in the Project?
- Project box in place {{Mayflower Family Member}} or {{Mayflower Passenger}}
- Mayflower Project as manager? Other managers are ok also.
- Duplicates?
- Are the categories appropriate?
Data section
- Data Correct? birth date and place, parents, marriage date and place, death date and place. Pay close attention to before, after, estimate, exact. Do they agree with what's in the bio?
- If no children, check the box. If no more children/siblings, check the box.
- There is on the marriage page a place to click no spouse.
- Check the appropriate certainty and confidence buttons.
Biography Section
- Good Bio?
- Are there sentences with clear sources for the data points?
- Does the bio agree with the data points?
- If a marriage is mentioned in the bio is it also in the Data section?
- Inline citations? Inline Citations help If still confused ask.
- Good Sources? There are plenty of primary sources for passengers and children and good secondary sources. Ancestry trees, Millenium file, Yates Pub., Find a grave indexes, Find a Grave without stones are not acceptable.
- Childrens list (sourced)? Each profile of a person who had children should have a list of those children at the end, (with some identifying fact). One secondary source for the list is fine. Their profiles will have better sourcing.
- Are the children attached the ones on the list? Do the facts agree?
Surnames in the project
Rogers, Richmond, Tisdale, Makepeace, Leonard, Terry, Bradford, Searle, Williams, Harding, Phinney, Ferris, Cole, Higgins, Yates?.
- Login to edit this profile and add images.
- Private Messages: Contact the Profile Managers privately: Anne B, Bobbie Hall, and Mayflower Project WikiTree. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
- Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)