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McClintock Township, Ontario

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Surnames/tags: Canada Ontario
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The township was named after Capt. Sir Francis Leopold McClintock, leader of the Arctic expedition to find Sir John Franklin. The 1871 Peterborough County Directory states that it was not settled at this time. The township was surveyed in 1876. Stanhope chose to be separate from Minden and Dysart and on January 15, 1866 the first council meeting of Stanhope was held at Gull River (now Minden). That first government represented the Townships of Stanhope, Sherborne and McClintock, and in 1895 Stanhope went its own way again, leaving Sherborne and McClintock to eventually become Sherborne et al. The Townships of Sherborne and McClintock are located in the north-west corner of Haliburton County. They form part of the United Municipalities of Sherborne, McClintock and Livingstone which was created in 1979. Sherborne was the first of the Townships surveyed in 1862. SHERBORNE, McCLINTOCK & LIVINGSTONE, TWP. was amalgamated into the Township of Sherborne-McClintock, Livingstone, Lawrence & Nightingale (et al) on 01/12/1982. In 2000, the townships were amalgamated once again to become the Township of Algonquin Highlands. Three townships from Victoria county and twenty from northern Peterborough county joined together to form the Provisional County of Haliburton in 1874. On December 16, 1982, the Haliburton County Act passed provincial legislation to instate Haliburton as a full fledged county. Algonquin Highlands is a township located in Haliburton County, Ontario, Canada. The northeastern section of the township is included in Algonquin Provincial Park. The township was formed through the amalgamation of Stanhope and Sherborne et al. townships, the latter of which included McClintock, Livingstone, Lawrence and Nightingale. It was thereafter briefly known as the Township of Sherborne, Stanhope, McClintock, Livingstone, Lawrence and Nightingale until it was renamed to its current name in March 2001.

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