
McCool Name Study - Toberhead Line

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Surnames/tags: McCool McCoole
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This is one of several research areas of the McCool Name Study.

The Toberhead McCool Line is part of the Y-DNA Haplogroup R-FGC13495 Study

All of these research pages are under construction in Jan 2021.

The patriarch of the Toberhead line was John McCoole Sr (abt.1645-abt.1719), who established the Hillmount Farm in Toberhead Townland, County Londonderry, Ireland [now Northern Ireland] about 1680.

Here is the best understanding we have of the earliest Toberhead generations:

Y-DNA Tests (as of 1 Mar 2021)

As of March 2021, we have six matching Y-DNA tests from descendants of his eldest two sons, Archibald McCoole (abt.1685-abt.1740) and John McCoole Jr (abt.1690-1761).

We don't have any Y-DNA tests from descendants of John McCoole Sr's five other sons (from his second wife, Olivia). Some members of this line still live in County Londonderry; most have spread across the southern and middle US. Here are the six existing Toberhead McCool Y-DNA tests, and how the testers are believed to be related.

  • John McCoole Sr (abt.1645-abt.1719) is the earliest confirmed Toberhead McCool. He is somewhat arbitrarily labeled as "Generation 2" because we may identify his father in the future (who might be Archbold McCull).
  • His six sons are generation 3. We need a Big Y-700 test from at least one descendant of each of his sons.
  • We have four matching Y-DNA tests (including one Big Y-700) from descendants of Benjamin McCool (abt.1735-abt.1805). Benjamin is the grandson of one of John Sr's two eldest sons - either Archibald McCool (abt.1685-abt.1740) or John McCool Jr (abt.1690-1761).
  • We have two matching Y-DNA tests (including one Big Y-700) from descendants of John Jr's son, Adam McCool (bef.1740-abt.1801).
  • Because all six tests match, we've proven they share a common ancestor. Depending on the identity of Benjamin's grandfather, that most recent common ancestor is either John Jr or is John Sr.

Toberhead McCool Y-DNA Testing Strategies

In a perfect world where cost wasn't an issue, we'd try to get a Big Y-700 test from one descendant of every generation seven male McCool.

Any male McCool can take a Y-37 test to confirm if they are (or are not) a Toberhead McCool. However, especially in families where we have questions about the exact Toberhead line of descent, multiple (spread out) Big Y-700 tests are needed.

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