
McGuire Name Study

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Surnames/tags: McGuire Maguire Macguire
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Welcome to the McGuire One Name Study!
Maguire Coat of Arms


About the Project

The McGUIRE Name Study project serves as a collaborative platform to collect information on the McGUIRE name. The hope is that other researchers like you will join the study to help make it a valuable reference point for other genealogists who are researching or have an interest in the McGUIRE name.

As a One Name Study, this project is not limited to persons who are related biologically. Individual team studies can be used to branch out the research into specific methods and areas of interest, such as geographically (England McGUIRE's), by time period (18th Century McGUIRE's), or by topic (McGUIRE DNA, McGUIRE Occupations, McGUIRE Statistics). These studies may also include a number of family branches which have no immediate link with each other. Some researchers may even be motivated to go beyond the profile identification and research stage to compile fully sourced, single-family histories of some of the families they discover through this name study project.

Also see the related surnames and surname variants.

How to Join

To join the McGUIRE Name Study, first start out by browsing our current teams and research pages to see if there is a specific study ongoing that fits your interests. If so, feel free to add your name to the Membership list below, post an introduction comment on the specific team/research page, and then dive right in!

If a team or research page does not yet exist for your particular area of interest, please contact the McGuire Study Coordinator: Kylie Haese for assistance.

Research Pages


Team Members

Related Surnames and Surname Variants



Comments: 29

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Hello, I am interested in being a part of the McGuire One Name Study. One of my second great Grandmothers was Hannah McGuire Golden. I believe that her Father's name was Michael McGuire. However, I have only found Michael McGuire listed as the father of multiple McGuires. I haven't found any other information on him yet. I have been working on other McGuire families who were in the Sterling, Whiteside County, Illinois area and surrounding areas who appear to possibly be related or are ancestors of some of my DNA matches who appear to possibly be related through our McGuire ancestors.
posted by Carrie (Linstrom) Pau
Hi Carrie, thanks for joining, I have added you to the trusted list and your name to the list of team members. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Kind regards, Kylie

posted by Kylie Haese
Hello, everyone. I'd like to join this project. I've been engaged in amateur genealogy for about five years and am descended from Oakley Griffen McGuire (1882-1949), son of Alexander McGuire (1850-1934), son of Herbert Basil (or Basil Herbert?) McGuire (1824-1907). Basil is my brick wall. As far as I can tell, Basil was born in Kentucky (per the 1900 Census) and lived in Ironton, Ohio. He appears on the 1870, 1880, and 1890 Censuses. In Ohio's Civil War draft registration records, he was living in Scioto, Ohio, and he presumably fought for the Union given that he named his youngest son Ulysses after the war (born 1868). But I have *no idea* where he came from. Looking forward to working with all of you and offering assistance however I can!
  • Edit: I am aware that some sources on the internet list Basil as the son of Clementina Potter and Elijah McGuire, but I think this is incorrect.
posted by Sean McGuire
edited by Sean McGuire
Hi Sean,

Thanks for joining and welcome to the McGuire One Name Study! I have added you the team member list. Please request to be on the trusted list of this page so you receive email notifications when the page is updated, or send me a private message so then I can add you instead.

Please read through the project pages, and let me know if you have any questions.

I am open to ideas, and happy to help create team pages to make your work on McGuire profiles on wikitree easier and more collaborative, so please don't hesitate to get in contact with me :)

Kind regards,

Kylie Haese ~ McGuire Study Coordinator

posted by Kylie Haese
edited by Kylie Haese
I would like to join the McGuire Name Study. My grandmother actually got me started in genealogy probably about 15 years ago, and I was given this same information about the McGuire name. I want to find out for sure where my family is, and I have had a blast looking into it so far!
posted by James McGuire
A quick look suggests you may be related to John McGuire, born 1756 Ireland. Unfortunately, there are currently two profiles for the same man in Wikitree, and those profiles need to be merged. Much confusion exists for this man. I may be able to help you with this John, at least for the time he spent in Virginia. But I will need a lot more information before diving into that discussion. I have little information on his descendants, but I probably have some detail on John himself.

If you can send me a private message, maybe we could exchange email addresses and take the discussion further. Jim

posted by Jim McGuire Jr.
Hi James,

Thanks for joining! I have added your name to the list of members. Please read this page to see how you can contribute the McGuire name study. Post on this page or on G2G using the tag 'McGuire' if you have any questions.

Kind regards, Kylie

posted by Kylie Haese
Hi, my maiden name is Guire two-generation it was McGuire, I have a brick wall at my fourth Great Grandfather name is Laurences I have all his children but have not come up with anything. have been following other researchers, but have not heard back on inquiries so far.

Thank you,

M. Kay Thrush

posted by Kay (Guire) Thrush
Hi Kay,

Sorry for the late reply, I didn't notice your comment until just now.

Thanks for joining and welcome to the McGuire One Name Study! I have added you the team member list. Please request to be on the trusted list of this page so you receive email notifications when the page is updated, or send me a private message so then I can add you instead.

Please read through the project pages, and let me know if you have any questions.

I am open to ideas, and happy to help create team pages to make your work on McGuire profiles on wikitree easier and more collaborative, so please don't hesitate to get in contact with me :)

Kind regards,

Kylie Haese ~ McGuire Study Coordinator

posted by Kylie Haese
Thank you for replying, I do not have much work but I have some information and will share it.

Thank you again

M. Kay Thrush

posted by Kay (Guire) Thrush
edited by Kay (Guire) Thrush
My maiden name is Mcguire and myself also have a long line of McGuire's (Hugh McGuire B. 1788, D. 1872 in Renfrew, ON) coming from Enniskillen, county Fermanagh. I am very new to this site and am still exploring and would like to join your group, thank you in advance.
posted by Tracy McGuire
Hi Tracy, I'm so glad you have joined us! I will add you to the team list. If you have any questions please ask. I'm happy to help, everyone on wikitree is usually happy to help also. Welcome and I look forward to working with you! 😊
posted by Kylie Haese
Joining the group for my ancestor Ann “Nancy“ McGuire, a brickwall ancestor, born about 1804 in Co Armagh and married Bernard Short before immigrating to Kingston area of Canada in the 1830s.
posted by Craig Kanalley
edited by Craig Kanalley
Hi Craig, fabulous! My McGuire ancestor came from Enniskillen, County Fermanagh, Ireland to Western Australia. They really travelled all over the world in the 1800's! Welcome aboard :)
posted by Kylie Haese
My maiden name is McGuire, my paternal grandfather is Richard Andrew McGuire from Thurles Tipperary and is one of thirteen children. I have found it very difficult tracking the McGuire after my grandfather. Can I join please? Thanks
posted by Sharon McGuire
Absolutely! The more the merrier, I have some work to do on this page, as the page requirements by the One Name Study project on wikitree have changed. I am hoping to create some teams very soon, which should be helpful to you and everyone else. Maybe we can have a specific team from McGuire's from Ireland. I think most people's family research reaches a dead end once you trace it to Ireland unfortionately. :)
posted by Kylie Haese
Can you please add me to the Maguire one-name-study? My mother-in-law is a MAguire and I am brick-walled at her ancestor
Yes absolutley! You are now added :)
posted by Kylie Haese
Hi Kylie. We have already connected through my Facebook group Two Convicts and Two Sisters. As you know we are cousins as your gggrandmother and my gggrandmother were sisters. Catherine and Margaret McGuire. Both the sisters married convicts. Catherine married Charles Jordan and Margaret married William Whitehead. I am passionate about the MCGuire story. Currently I am researching Margaret and Catherine’s brother John McGuire who is believed to be the father of John McGuire to an aboriginal woman he worked with in Derby. DNA testing has occurred and we are anxiously awaiting to hear either whether this belief is actually a reality. I would really love to join your group. Robynne Walsh
Of course you can join I will add you to team list. Any questions just ask. But be sure to read this page for all the information.
posted by Kylie Haese
Hello , I am interested in Joining the Maguire study please. My G Grandmother was Alice Maguire born at Gummin Gummin Homestead near .oonabarabran NSW, Australia. She was born on 30/7/1873 and died on 2/9/1903 in Lismore NSW. Her parents were John Maguire and Jane Austin.

John was born in 1828 at Tanderagee, Ireland and died on the 5/2/1887 in Walgett, NSW. Jane was born 1834 Lancashire, England and died 11/10/1913 at Glebe in NSW. John's parents were Edward Maguire and Sarah Gould. Edward was born in 1800 Ballymore, Cork, Ireland and died 9/1885 Clones, Armagh, Northern Ireland. Sarah was born in 1796 in Omagh (Armagh) Northern Ireland and died 1870 in Omagh (Armagh) Northern Ireland. Would like to know some more information if anhyone knows anything on Edward and Sarah please.

Of course you can join I will add you to team list. Any questions just ask. But be sure to read this page for all the information.
posted by Kylie Haese
Hi I would like to join the McGuire study. I was adopted at birth and through Ancestry DNA found my birth mother four years ago and my birth father three years ago. My birth father's last name is McGuire and I'm trying to trace back my history through the McGuire side of my family tree. I currently have up to my third great grandfather John McGuire (1814-1880) and his wife Mary Pillsbury (1788-?). I'm currently struggling trying to find my fourth great grandfather and beyond. I know they are from Virginia and mostly in the Westmoreland in Northumberland Counties. So I'm hoping that maybe somebody on here would be able to help me with this research and find more information about the McGuire's.



posted by Ray McGuire
Of course you can join I will add you to team list. Any questions just ask. But be sure to read this page for all the information.
posted by Kylie Haese
I can only offer my opinion on this. When I got to about 50 variations in the spelling of my surname, I quit counting. The variations shown above are only a fraction of those out there. Personally I suspect the most commonly used variant today is McGuire. I might guess that a person new to the study of the surname might start with McGuire. My opinion would be that a "Maguire Name Study" would best fit as a variant under the McGuire Name Study.

You can reach me via email at anytime. [email address removed]

posted by Jim McGuire Jr.
Hi, I'm trying to straighten out some name studies. There is a set of categories for Category:Maguire Name Study, which was established in 2016. If it should stand as its own name study, then the variant needs to come off this one. If it should be a variant of this study, I'll need to rename all of the categories to something like Category:Maguires, McGuire Name Study]]. Which one is preferable?

Thanks, Natalie, ONS leader

posted by Natalie (Durbin) Trott
Am interested in joining. McGuire is my maiden name, my father was John Patrick McGuire, son of John Thomas McGuire etc. I have quite a bit of history compiled about my father's family on both sides - father and mother.
posted by Mary McGuire
I would like to join the McGuire study . McGuire is my mother's maiden name . Her father is Patrick E McGuire from Coatbridge , Lanarkshire , Scotland . His wife is Margaret Mcgill ....They had 5 children all the daughters immigrated to Canada . The son remained in Scotland with his mother . The McGuire ladies are /were living in Manitoba , Alberta and British Columbia .


Hi Helen, thanks for joining, I have added your name to the list of members above. Welcome!
posted by Kylie Haese