
Memorial Cemetery of St. John's Church

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 1862 [unknown]
Location: Laurel Hollow, Oyster Bay, Nassau, New York, United Statesmap
Surname/tag: St._John's_Episcopal_Church
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General Information

Memorial Cemetery of St. John's Church

Cemetery name: Memorial Cemetery of St. John's Church

Address: Route 25A Laurel Hollow, Syosset, Nassau County, New York, United States

GPS Coordinates: 40.8513079,-73.4857008


Memorial Cemetery was founded by John Divine Jones in 1862. This cemetery replaced the original cemetery located above St. John's Episcopal Church in Cold Spring Harbor, Suffolk County, New York United States. The design was to emulate a park like setting for the internment of loved ones.

Notable Monuments

Notable Interments

1) John Divine Jones (1814-1895) Sec. 4

Founded the Memorial Cemetery in 1862. His estate is now the site of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Many insurance companies would not insure the US Navy ships because they feared heavy losses. John Divine Jones then insured the USN ships during the Civil War.

2) Benjamin Moore (1886-1938) Sec. 3 Plot 13 Lawyer. Estate in East Norwich called Chelsea which was designed by Architect William Delano. Grandson of Clement Moore author of "Twas the night before Christmas". Descendent of Rev. Moore whose farm in Lower Manhattan, Chelsea is the namesake for the NYC district.

3) Henry Lewis Stimson (1867-1950) Sec. 3 Plot 14 Secretary of State under FDR. Last Secretary of War during World War II before it was changed to the Department of Defense.

4) Otto Hermann Kahn (1867-1934) Sec. 3 Plot 18 Banker and Philanthropist. When the Metropolitan Opera was going bankrupt, he set up a foundation that saved the opera house and to this day still funds the Met. Commissioned William Delano to build his residence Oheka Castle. Was considered the ablest reorganizer of railroads on the US.

5) Alfred Pritchard Sloan Jr. (1875-1966). Sec. 1 Plot 12 CEO, President and Chairman of General Motors from 1920's through 1950's. He introduced new styles annually marketed to low, middle and high-end consumer. Founded Sloan Kettering Hospital with Charles Kettering, Vice President of General Motors.

6) Willaim Adams Delano (1874-1960) Sec. 2 Plot 12 Architect. Partner in Delano & Aldrich. Designed WW II Memorial in France, Oheka Castle in Huntington, New York, the Chelsea Estate for Benjamin Moore, the Sterling Divinity Quadrangle, Yale Divinity School, and Kykuit, the John D. Rockefeller Estate, in Pocantico Hills, a hamlet in the town of Mount Pleasant, New York.

7) Henry Wheeler de Forest (1855-1938) and Robert Weeks DeForest (1848-1931) Sec.1 Descendants of Isaac DeForest who worked for the West Indies Co. Had one of the first contracts for a house to be built in New Amsterdam. They hired the Olmsted Brothers to landscape 10 acres back to Memorial Cemetery.

8) Mortimer Loeb Schiff (1877-1931) Sec. 8 Plot 8; American Banker, partner in the financial firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. from 1900 until his death in 1931. Philanthropist and notable Boy Scout leader. He was also the father of Dorothy Schiff, who was the owner and publisher of the New York Post from 1939 to 1976.

9) William Samuel Paley (1901-1990) Sec.8 Plot 9 Chief Executive who built CBS from a small network into one of the leaders of radio and TV. Philanthropist.

10) Alfred Day Hershey (1908-1997) Sec. 8 Chemist. Winner of the Nobel Price won for physiology of Medicine in 1969.

11) David Franklin Houston (1866-1940) Sec. 11 Statesman. Secretary of Agriculture 1913-1920 and Secretary of Treasury under President Wilson.

12) Nicholas Andrew Rey (1938-2009) Sec.11 Block 3 Plot 16 US Ambassador to Poland in the Clinton Administration.

13) John Vliet Lindsay (1921-2000) Sec. 11 Block 2 Plot 16 Politician. Mayor of New York City 1966-1973.

14) George Bruce Cortelyou (1862-1940) Sec. 11 President McKinley's Secretary; United States Secretary of Commerce and Labor in 1903; Chairman of the Republican National Committee 1904; Postmaster General 1905; 44th United States Secretary of the Treasury March 4, 1907 – March 7, 1909; President of the Consolidated Gas Company 1909

15) Arthur Garfield Dove (1880-1946) Sec. 9 Seminal abstract painter. Studied in Paris with other experimental artists. His second wife was artiste, Helen Torr.

16) Mary Huttleston (Rogers) Coe (1875-1924) Coe Mausoleum Her father, Henry Rogers operated the Wamsutta Oil Refinery. He then worked with Charles Pratt and developed a process for separating naptha from crude oil for which he received a patent. JD Rockefeller and Standard Oil acquired them. In 1913, she acquired the Planting Field property and began planting and landscaping the estate. She imported many species of trees shrubs and flowers. 1949 the 353-acre estate was deeded to the State of NY and became "Planting Fields Arboretum State Park".

17. Frank Piro (1921-1989) Sec. 8 Block D plot 78 Professional dancer and instructor to the "stars" and high society. Appeared on Johnny Carson, Merv Griffin and Mike Douglas shows where he would teach the Twist, Mambo, Cha Cha, Watsui, and the Frug with his GOGO girls.

18. Mary Gardiner Jones (1920-2009) plot Sec. 8 Block B Nationally recognized feminist and consumer advocate. Died in 12/23/09. Pres. Johnson appointed her to the Federal Trade Commission. She was a trustee of Wellesley college and Colgate U. Last 15 years, dedicated to aged, homeless and inner-city children mental health services and issues.

19. William John Matheson (1856-1930) Sec. 3 Founded Allied Chemical and Dye Corp. He owned 2/3's of Key Biscayne now occupied by Miami-Dade County's Crandon Park.

20. Walter Jennings (1858-1933) Sec. 1 Plot 20 Jennings was director of Standard Oil of New Jersey, serving as secretary from 1908 to 1911 and remaining a member of the board until his death. From 1908 to 1919, he served as president of the National Fuel Gas Company. He was also a director of the Bank of Manhattan and a trustee of the New York Trust Company. His father, Oliver Burr Jennings was an original stock holder in Standard Oil.

21. Arthur Hobson Dean (1898-1987) Sec.8 Block D 1899-1987. NY Lawyer and Diplomat. Chairman and Sr. Partner of Sullivan and Cromwell. Worked closely with JF Dulles as Chief negotiator at Panmunjom and helped the Truce and Cease Fire of the Korean War. Negotiated the nuclear test ban treaty.

22. Harold Alexander Abramson (1899-1980) Sec. 8 Block B 1899-1980. US Allergist who played a significant role in the CIA's program to investigate military application of LSD.

23. Thomas Ashley Sparks (1877-1964) Sec. 1 Plot 14 US resident director of the Cunard Line.

24. John Kirtland Colgate (1905-1978) Sec. 8 Block A President of Colgate.

25. Robert P. Koenig (1904-1984) Sec.8 Block A plot 281 Mining engineer and a former president of the Cerro Corporation.

26. Harold Irving Pratt (1904-1975) Sec. 8 Block B Plot 163,4,5 Died 1976. Son of Harold Irving Pratt who owned "Welwyn Manor" which is now the Welwyn Preserve. Presently housing the Nassau County Holocaust Museum. Founder of Pratt Institute in New York and director of Standard Oil.

More Internments

Harriet C (Davidson) Hershey (1918-2000) Peter Manning Hershey (1956-1999) Alice (Kristiansen) Steen

Olmsted Rooms

List of Olmsted Rooms in Memorial Cemetery MEMORIAL CEMETERY ORGO # 6621

1. Alfred P. Sloan Jr. (1875-1966) Sec. 1 Plot 12 (ORGO# 328, 1932)
2. Otto Kahn (1867-1934) Sec. 3 Plot 18 (ORGO#7671, 1925-26)
3. Walter Burr Jennings (1858-1933) Sec. 1 Plot 20 (ORGO #6904, 1920-21)
4. Col. Henry Stimson (1867-1950) Sec. 3 Plot 14 (ORGO#9494, 1937)
5. Benjamin Moore (1886-1938) Sec. 3 Plot 13 (ORGO #9006, 1928)
6. Henry (1855-1938)
7. & Robert Deforest (1845-1924) Sec. 1 (ORGO #5571, 1912-1924)
8. Mai (Mary) Rogers Coe (1875-1924) Coe Mausoleum (ORGO #7403, 1926)
9. William John Matheson (1856-1930) Sec. 3 (ORGO#6906, 1920-22)
10. John A. Garver ORGO#7128, 1923)
11. F.H. Kalbfleisch ORGO#7018, 1922
12. Ray Morris ORGO #7108, 1923
13. James C. Ayer ORGO#7862, 1925-29
14. Oliver Campbell ORGO#9061, 1929
15. James A. Blair ORGO#9077, 1929
16. Fred A. Snow ORGO#9241, 1930-39
17. William Kennedy ORGO#9286, 1931-32
18. H.U. Harris ORGO#9499, 1937
19. Paul E. Gardner (1888-1938) ORGO#9550, 1937
20. Trawbridge ORGO#9496
21. Dr. James ORGO#6907, 1920 - wax model
22. Nichols ORGO#6967, 1921
23. McKelvey ORGO#6343

More Information

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