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Miamisburg, Ohio

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Date: Feb 1818 [unknown]
Location: Miami Township, Montgomery County, Ohio, United Statesmap
This page has been accessed 199 times.

Miamisburg, Miami Township, Montgomery County, Ohio, United States

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The town started out as Hole's Station, a blockhouse and stockade built in 1799 on the land of Zachariah Hole. [1] When originally platted in 1818, Miamisburg was located in Washington Township. In 1829, Miami Township was formed from Washington Township. [2]

In February, 1818, the town of Miamisburg was platted by Peter and John Treon, Jacob Kercher and Emanuel Grebhart, and within a few days, the following announcement was made: [3]

Public Venue
On Friday, February 20, will be offered for sale, a large number of lots in a new town by the name of Miamiesburg.
Situated on the left bank of the Great Miami River, on a beautiful and fertile plane, free from inundation by the river, and through which the State road from Dayton to Cin- cinuati, and the county road from Centerville to Germantown pass, completely situated for its future inhabitants.
The plan itself shows order and convenience; in the whole it is divided into squares, each lot containing the fifth part of an acre, adjoining on alleys sixteen feet wide; and also public grounds gratis in the center.
It is contemplated to convey the water from the river to the center of the town. Fur- ther description would be unnecessary, as the elegant situation and plat will entice the purchaser; and reasonable credit will be given, with approved security. Terms made known on day of sale, and good titles will be given to purchasers. Due attendance by us. Dr. Treons, Jacob Kirger, Emanuel Gebhart.
N. B. — Said lots being six miles from Franklin and eleven miles from Dayton, and known by the name of Hole’s Station. [3]
Friday, May 22, the same parties had a second sale of lots. The post office was established in June, 1822, with Adam Shuey as Postmaster. [4]


  1. Source: #HMCO History of Montgomery County, p. 362.
  2. Source: #HMCO History of Montgomery County, p. 327.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Source: #HMCO History of Montgomery County, p. 343.
  4. Source: #HMCO History of Montgomery County, p. 344.

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