
Mathematicians and Scientists I

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Date: 16 Jul 2021
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68 entries. 22 connected.

Name Birth Notes Status Origin
Jost Bürgi1552-02-28 Germany
Johann Faulhaber1580-05-05 Spouse. Parents. Child.Germany
Bonaventura Cavalieri1598 Italy
Abraham de Moivre1667-05-26 No Spouse.France
Thomas Bayes1701 No Spouse. Parents.Connected.England
Johann Lambert1728-08-26 No Spouse. Parents.France
Joseph-Louis Lagrange1736-01-25 Spouse. Parents. No Children.France
Charles de Coulomb1736-06-14 Spouse.France
Caspar Wessel1745-06-08 Spouse. Parents.Norway-Denmark
Gaspard Monge1746-05-09 Spouse.France
Adrien-Marie Legendre1752-09-18 Spouse. Parents.France
Johann Friedrich Pfaff1765-12-22 Spouse. Parents. GParents.Connected.Germany
Karl Mollweide1774-02-03 Spouse. No Children.Germany
Jean-Baptiste Biot1774-04-21 Spouse. Child.France
Amedeo Avogadro1776-08-09 Father.Italy
Siméon Denis Poisson1781-06-21 Spouse. Parents. Children.France
William Sturgeon1783-05-23 Spouse. Parents.England
August Möbius 1790-11-17 Spouse. Parents. GParents. Sibling. Children.Connected.Germany
George Peacock1791-04-09 Spouse. Parents.Connected.England
Nikolai Lobachevsky1792-11-20 Spouse. Parents.Russia
G-G. de Coriolis1792-05-21 No Spouse. Parents.France
Gabriel Lamé1795-07-22 Spouse. Child.France
Jakob Steiner1796-03-18 No Spouse. Parents. GParents.Connected.Switzerland
Émile Clapeyron1799-01-26 Spouse. Children.France
János Bolyai1802-12-15 Spouse. Parents. Children.Hungary
Niels Abel1802-05-08 No Spouse. Parents. GParents. MatGGParents.Connected.Norway
Wilhelm Weber1804-10-24 No Spouse. Parents.Germany
Hermann Grassmann1809-04-15 Spouse. Parents. Children.Poland
Rudolf Kohlrausch1809-11-06 Spouse. Parents. Pat. GParents.Germany
Anders Jonas Ångström1814-10-13 Spouse. Parents.Connected.Sweden
Karl Weierstrass1815-10-31 No Spouse. Parents.Germany
Hippolyte Fizeau1819-09-23 Spouse. Parents.France
Pafnuty Chebyshev1821-05-16 No Spouse. Parents.Russia
James Croll1821-01-02 Spouse. Parents. No Children.Scotland
Charles Hermite1822-12-24 Spouse. Parents.France
Gotthold Eisenstein1823-04-16 No Spouse. Parents.Germany
Leopold Kronecker1823-12-07 Spouse. Parents. Children.Poland
Gustav Kirchhoff1824-03-12 Spouses. Parents. GParents. Children.Connected.Germany
Johann Balmer1825-05-01 Spouse. Parents. GParents.Connected.Switzerland
George Stoney1826-02-15 Spouse. GParents. Children.Connected.Ireland
Elwin Bruno Christoffel1829-11-10 No Spouse. Parents. GParents.Germany
Richard Dedekind1831-10-06 No Spouse. Parents.Germany
William Crookes1832-06-17 Spouse. Parents. GParents.England
Josef Stefan1835-03-24 Spouse. Parents.Austria
August Toepler1836-09-07 Spouse. Father. Child.Germany
Ernst Mach1838-02-18 Spouse. Parents. Child.Austria
George Hill1838-03-03 No Spouse. Parents. Gparents.America.
Erneste Solvay1838-04-16 Spouse. Parents. GParents. Children.Belgium
Osborne Reynolds1842-08-23 Spouses. Parents. Pat. GParents. Children.Connected.Ireland
Sophus Lie1842-12-17 Spouse. Parents. GParents. Children.Connected.Norway
Hermann Schwarz1843-01-25 Spouse. Parents.Connected.Germany
William Kingdon Clifford1845-05-04 Spouse. Pat.GParents. Mat.Tree. Children.Connected.England
Gösta Mittag-Leffler1846-03-16 Spouse. Parents. GParents.Sweden
F. Georg Frobenius1849-10-26 Spouse. Parents.Germany
Felix Klein1849-04-25 Spouse. Parents. GParents. Child.ConnectedGermany
John Ambrose Fleming1849-11-29 Spouse. Parents.Connected.England
Sofia Korvin-Krukovsky1850-01-15 Spouse. Parents. Child.Connected.Russia
George Francis Fitzgerald1851-08-03 Spouse. Parents. GParents. Children.Connected.Ireland
John Henry Poynting1852-09-09 Spouse. Parents. GParents. Children.Connected.England
Gregorio Ricci-Curbastro1853-01-12 Spouse. Parents.Italy
Hjalmar Mellin1854-06-19 Spouse. Parents.Finland
Edwin Hall1855-11-07 Spouse. Parents. GParents.Connected.America
Andrey Markov 1856-06-14 Spouse. Parents. Child.Russia
Émile Picard1856-07-24 Spouse. Parents.France
Carl Runge1856-08-30 Spouse. Parents.Connected.Germany
Thomas Stieltjes1856-12-29 Spouse. Parents.Connected.Holland
Andrija Mohorovičić1857-01-23 Spouse. Father. Child.Croatia
Alexandr Lyapunov1857-06-06 Spouse. Parents. No children.Russia


Marin Mersenne
Simon Stevin
Philipp Lenard

Future Collabs


André-Marie Ampère
Niels Bohr
George Boole
Max Born
Georg Cantor
Maria Curie
Peter Gustave Dirichlet
Arthur Eddington
Albert Einstein
Leonhard Euler
Adriaan Fokker
Galilæo Galilæi
Carl Friedrich Gauss
Sophie Germain
Kurt Gödel
Oliver Heaviside
Werner Heisenberg
Heinrich Hertz
David Hilbert
Paul Lévy
Hendrik Lorentz
James Clerk Maxwell
Elise Meitner
Isaac Newton
Max Planck
Henri Poincaré
Bernhard Riemann
Wilhelm Röntgen
Ernest Rutherford
Erwin Schrödinger
Joseph John Thomson
William Thomson L. Kelvin

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