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Milwaukie Pioneer Cemetery Table of Graves, Surnames beginning with C

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Milwaukie Pioneer Cemetery, Milwaukie, Clackamas, Oregonmap
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Milwaukie Pioneer Cemetery Table of Graves, Surnames beginning with C

Photograph Plot Name Transcription
George Washington Cadman
August Caesar
R. C. Cain
Winifred Calkins
Etta Callahan
Ada Cameron
Esther Ruth Cameron
Leonard Wallace Cameron
William Lindsey Cameron
Charles A. Campbell
Guy Campbell
Plot 096 Grave 02[1] Hector Campbell
Hector Batchelder Campbell
Hector S. Campbell
J. C. Campbell
Lucy Ann Campbell
Minnie K. Campbell
Olive Campbell
J. Cane
Charles H. Canine
Giuseppi Cardelli
Clarence D. Carder
John B. Carder
Sarah Carey
Baby Boy Carley
Samuel Carlile
Carl James Carlson
Ella Carlson
Erick John Carlson
Hedda Katherine Carlson
James Carlson
John Carlson (1919)
John Carlson (1928)
Lucille Carlson
John Carpenter
Curtis C. Carsey
George W. Carsey
Alitha May Carter
Cornelius Carter
Margaret Ann Carter
Nellie Carter
Baby Boy Cary
Reed Samuel Cavitt
Clara Chadsey
Stephen J. Chapel
A. Henry Charles
Eli Charlton
Joseph W. Charlton
Fannie Elizabeth Chatham
William Chatham
William Floyd Chatterton
Eva Cherry
Kenneth L. Chitty
Julia M. Christiansen
Nels Peter Christiansen
George Churchman
Janette Ann Churchman
Emily Clanton
Charles Clark
James T. Clark
Leona Mae Clark
Lester Verne Clark
Irving Lewis Clarke
Slatha Ann Clarke
Frederic Clayton
Ann Clayton Kalkoffen
Maud Mable Clearwater
Grover Mathias Clemens
Mark Twain Clemens
Mathias Clemens
Pearl Margaret Clemens
Robert Shield Clemens
Sarah Clemens
Baby Boy Clements
Frank Clifton
Anna C. Clum
Harvey R. Clum
Cora Belle Coffman
Joshua Coffman
Margaret Frances Coffman
Eugene Charles Coignet
Clayton Marlen Coleman
Martha T. Collins
George W. Colson
William Reggie Colson
Agnes Hazel Comer
Ethel Compton
Henry Clay Compton
Lester R. Compton
Minnie C. Compton
George Washington Conklin
Lillian E. Conklin
Mary “Tessie” Conklin
Baby Boy Conner
Elias Henry Conner
Nancy C. Conner
Geneva L. Conover
Howard Lester Conover
Merwyn G. Conover
Eliza Conrad
Jennie May Conrad
James Constable
Agnes Mae Cook
Annie Elizabeth Cook
Elizabeth O. Cook
Lillian Celest Cook
Seth Beal Cook
Geraldine Louise Cooke
Norman Clifford Cooke
Ruth L. Cooke
Mary Ethel Cooley
Sarah Mehitable Cooley
Emma Violet Coomer
John Campbell Copeland
John G. Cottrell
Nancy E. Cottrell
Janice Countryman
Reed Countryman
Amy Courter
Walter Montague Courter
Arther Thornton Courtney
Elizabeth Courtney
Charles Cousins
Russell E. Cousins
George W. Covert
Sarah Covert
Andrew Jason Crafton
Caddie Belle Crafton
Baby Craig
Etta Mary Craig
Lucina Craig
Nelson Craig
Samuel Dennis Craig
Samuel Morse Crandall
Daniel C. Crane
Lewis Albert Crane
Mary Ellen Crane
Ezra W. Cressy
Bessie Crippin
Jesse Crippin
Martha Alice Criteser
Sylvester J. Criteser
Marule Cross
Elizabeth Jane “Jennie” Crowell
Ronald Crowell
Ross Alexander Crowell
Timothy French Crowell
John E. Crowley
Winifred R. Crowley
Calvin C. Crumley
Charles P. Crumley
George Luther Crumley
Nancy Elizabeth Crumley
Betsy Ann Crytzer
Howard Crytzer
Baby Csoxicky
William James Cumming
Caroline A. Cunningham
James G. Cunningham
Alta Curnutt
Frank Curnutt
Smith Curnutt
Addie Curtis
Anthony Curtis
Clarence Noble Curtis
Herbert Curtis
Stella Curtis
William G. Curtis
William Henry Curtis
Baby Girl Cushman
Sarah Olive Cusick
Albert Henry Cutress
Photograph Plot Name Transcription


  1. Find A Grave: Memorial #31668060

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