Location: [unknown]
Convict ship Minerva 14 July 1824 from London - 19 November 1824 at Port Jackson
On Friday arrived the ship Minerva, Captain John Bell, sailed from London the 14th of July, touched at the Cape of Good Hope, which she left the 1st of October, with 170 male pri-soners; lost two on the passage. The guard consists of Major Kirkwood, Quarter Master Hales and 43 men of the 40th Regt. lost one man. Surgeon Superintendent Dr. Nesbitt, R. N. Brings a mail. Passengers—Mrs. Hales and three children, and Mrs. Bell.
From The Australian (Sydney, NSW : 1824 - 1848) of Thursday 25 November 1824, Page 3. SHIP NEWS. at: https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/37071698?
For Full Passenger Lists check
Convict Records Database - site by Steve Thomas at: https://convictrecords.com.au/ships/minerva/1824
Claim a Convict website Lesley Uebel & Hawkesbury on the Net © 1998 - 2018 : at: http://www.hawkesbury.net.au/claimaconvict/shipDetails.php?shipId=275
Convict Stockade from OZGENIE & History Australia at: http://www.historyaustralia.org.au/twconvic/Minerva+1824
Further Information From
Jen Willetts' Free Settler or Felon website at: https://www.jenwilletts.com/convict_ship_minerva_1824.htm
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