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Lancaster Misc Book, vol 1763, pg 323

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Date: 1 Dec 1767 [unknown]
Location: Lancaster County, Pennsylvaniamap
Profile manager: Doug Reider private message [send private message]
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[Lancaster Misc Book, vol 1763, pg 323.[1]]

Dec. 1, 1767
Jacob Reiter
UPON THE PETITION of Michael Reiter only son of Jacob Reiter late
of Cocolico [sic] Township in the County of Lancaster Yeoman deceased setting
forth that the said Jacob Reiter died intestate seized in Fee of and in
a certain Tract of Patented Land situate in the said Township of Cocolico
in the same County Containing one hundred Acres or thereabouts be the same
more or less, & left Issue five Daughters besides the Petitioner several of
whom are yet Minors. That the Petitioner is willing and deisrous [sic] to hold
and enjoy the said Tract of Land & pay the respective Shares of the Widow
and Children of the said deceased According to a Valuation thereof to be
made by an Inquest to be awarded for that Purpose in case the said Tract
of Land cannot be divided without injury to and spoiling of the whole and
praying the Court to award and Inquest to view the said Tract of Land whether
the same may be divided to and amongst the Widow and Children of the said
Jacob Reiter deceased without injury to and Spoiling of the whole & if they
find that the same cannot be so divided then to Value and apprise the same
IT IS CONSIDERED and Ordered by the Court that the Sheriff of the County of
Lancaster do forthwith Summon a Jury to view whether the same may or can be
divided to and amongst all the Children of the said deceased without injury
to and Spoiling of the whole and if they find that the same cannot be so di-
vided then to Value and Appraise the same, that proper Notices be given Ac-
cording to Law to all the Parties Interested and that they make Report of
their Proceedings under their Hands and Seals to this Court on the first
Tuesday in March next.


  1. Orphans' Court (Lancaster County), "Miscellaneous books, 1742-1867," images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-C9B2-295X-K : 1 January 2018), image 456 of 463; County Courthouse, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

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