Location: London England
Surname/tag: Mobbs
Location: London England

Surname/tag: Mobbs
This page has been accessed 113 times.
- 1901 census
- James Mobbs 1853 Head Nk
- Martha Mobbs 1855 Wife Vauxhall, London
- Louisa Mobbs 1877 Dau Vauxhall, London
- Mary Ann Mobbs 1876 Dau-in-law Vauxhall, London
- Albert Mobbs 1882 Son Battersea, London
- Mary Ann Mobbs 1894 Dau Battersea, London
- Ellen Mobbs 1895 G Dau Vauxhall, London
- James Mobbs 1897 G Son Vauxhall, London
- Mary Ann Mobbs 1901 G Dau Camberwell, London
- 1911 census
- James Mobbs 1876 Head Lambeth, London
- Mary Mobbs 1876 Wife Lambeth, London
- Ellen Mobbs 1895 Dau Lambeth, London
- James Mobbs 1897 Son Lambeth, London
- Emma Mobbs 1907 Dau Lambeth, London
- Annie Mobbs 1908 Dau Camberwell, London
- Alfred Mobbs 1911 Son Camberwell, London
- James Sr Family
- James Mobbs 1853 Nk
- wife Martha Mobbs 1855 Vauxhall, London
- children-
- James Mobbs 1876 Lambeth, London
- Louisa Mobbs 1877 Vauxhall, London
- Albert Mobbs 1882 Battersea, London
- Mary Ann Mobbs 1894 Battersea, London
- James Jr Family
- James Mobbs 1876 Lambeth, London
- wife Mary Ann (Mobbs) 1876 Lambeth, London
- children-
- Mary Mobbs 1894 Lambeth, London
- Ellen Mobbs 1895 Lambeth, London
- James Mobbs 1897 Lambeth, London
- ** Mary Ann Mobbs 1901 Camberwell, London
- Emma Mobbs 1907 Lambeth, London
- Annie Mobbs 1908 Camberwell, London
- Alfred Mobbs 1911 Camberwell, London
- This from the document James Mobbs & Family
- Emma Mobbs 1906-1978, m-Ernest Crook 1906-1978
- children --
- Rose Crook 1928, London England, m-Harry Bowman
- Christine Bowman 1955, London England, m-Roger
- Colin Bowman 1959, London England
- children --
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