
Montague Township Settlers

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First Settlers - 1790s

The first settlers in what is now Montague Township, Lanark County, Ontario, Canada were United Empire Loyalists and arrived between 1790 and 1794.

Surname First Name or Profile Origin Arrival Year Located Details
Stevens Roger Stevens Pittsford, Vermont, USA 1790 Site of Present Day Merrickville, Ontario First settler in Montague Township
Mix Polly Stevens Vermont, USA 1790 Wife of Roger Stevens. Married August 13, 1786 in Vermont
Stevens Martha (Stevens) Burritt Vermont, USA 1791 Marlborough Township Daughter of Roger Stevens. Wife of Stephen Burritt
Stevens Sarah Vermont, USA 1790 Daughter of Roger and Polly Stevens
Merrick William Merrick Massachusetts, USA 1791 Site of present day Merrickville, Ontario Received land grant originally given to Roger Stevens
Merrick Sylvia (Comstock) Merrick Unknown location, USA 1796 Site of present day Merrickville, Ontario wife of William Merrick
Burritt Stephen Burritt USA 1791 Site of present day Burritt's Rapids, Ontario Husband of Martha (Stephens) Burritt. A United Empire Loyalist
Nettleton Daniel Nettleton USA 1793 A United Empire Loyalist. Status proven
Heck Samuel Heck (1771-1841) before 1797 Augusta Township He did not receive the grant for his lands in Montague Township
Barton Joseph
Landery (Landrie) Mitchel
Brown William
McCrea John McCrea (1777-1869) Stillwater, New York, United States before 1790 Montague Township Is credited with cutting the first road from Montague to Perth.
McCrea Samuel McCrea (1749-1806) Saratoga County, New York, United States before 1790 Montague Township Was one of the original settlers in Montague Township
McCrea William No documentation found
Stafford Samuel
Dow Samuel
Chester John Chester UE (1763-1839) Albany, New York, United States before 1787 Montague and Wolford Townships


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