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Monthly Meeting Category Names

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List of proposed renames for Friends Monthly Meeting Categories

This page is a list of existing, and misnamed categories for Monthly meetings of the Religious Society of Friends. Category names for US Monthly Meetings have to follow the standard "Meeting names, Place, State".

For a near-complete list of existing categories for Friends monthly meetings in the USA, please go to the Quaker Meetings, United States of America and navigate to state categories from there.

StateCurrent NameNew Name
DelawareCamden Monthly Meeting, DelawareCamden Monthly Meeting, Camden, Delaware
DelawareCentre Monthly Meeting, DelawareCentre Monthly Meeting, New Castle County, Delaware
DelawareDuck Creek Monthly Meeting, DelawareDuck Creek Monthly Meeting, Smyrna, Delaware
DelawareNewark Monthly Meeting, Pennsylvania (now Delaware)Newark Monthly Meeting, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania
DelawareWilmington Monthly Meeting, DelawareWilmington Monthly Meeting, Wilmington, Delaware
IndianaAmboy Monthly Meeting, IndianaAmboy Monthly Meeting, Amboy, Indiana
IndianaBloomfield Bloomingdale Monthly Meeting, IndianaBloomfield Monthly Meeting, Bloomingdale, Indiana
IndianaBridgeport Monthly Meeting, IndianaBridgeport Monthly Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana
IndianaDuck Creek Monthly Meeting, IndianaDuck Creek Monthly Meeting, Greensboro, Indiana
IndianaFairfield Monthly Meeting, Indiana Fairfield Monthly Meeting, Camby, Guilford Township, Hendricks County, Indiana
IndianaIndianapolis Monthly Meeting, IndianaIndianapolis Monthly Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana
IndianaLick Creek Monthly Meeting, IndianaLick Creek Monthly Meeting, Paoli, Indiana
IndianaNew Garden Monthly Meeting, IndianaNew Garden Monthly Meeting, Fountain City, Indiana
IndianaPoplar Ridge Monthly Meeting, IndianaPoplar Ridge Monthly Meeting, Carmel, Indiana
IndianaPoplar Run Monthly Meeting, IndianaPoplar Run Monthly Meeting, Randolph County, Indiana
IndianaSpiceland Monthly Meeting, IndianaSpiceland Monthly Meeting, Spiceland, Indiana
IndianaSpringfield Monthly Meeting, IndianaSpringfield Monthly Meeting, Hagerstown, Indiana
IndianaSugar Plain Monthly Meeting, IndianaSugar Plain Monthly Meeting, Thorntown, Indiana
IndianaWalnut Ridge Monthly Meeting, IndianaWalnut Ridge Monthly Meeting, Carthage, Indiana
IndianaWest Grove Monthly Meeting, IndianaWest Grove Monthly Meeting, Cicero, Indiana and West Grove Monthly Meeting, Centerville, Indiana
IndianaWestfield Monthly Meeting, IndianaWestfield Monthly Meeting, Westfield, Indiana
IndianaWhite Lick Monthly Meeting, IndianaWhite Lick Monthly Meeting, Mooresville, Indiana
IndianaWhite River Monthly Meeting, IndianaWhite River Monthly Meeting, Winchester, Indiana
IndianaWhitewater Monthly Meeting, IndianaWhitewater Monthly Meeting, Richmond, Indiana
IowaBloomington Monthly Meeting, IowaBloomington Monthly Meeting, Muscatine, Iowa
MarylandClifts Monthly Meeting, MarylandClifts Monthly Meeting, Calvert County, Maryland
MarylandGunpowder Monthly Meeting, MarylandGunpowder Monthly Meeting, Sparks, Maryland
MarylandIndian Spring Monthly Meeting, MarylandIndian Spring Monthly Meeting, Prince George's County, Maryland
MarylandMonie Meeting, MarylandNot a MM - merge into Somerset MM
MarylandNottingham Monthly Meeting, MarylandNottingham Monthly Meeting, Cecil County, Maryland
MassachusettsDartmouth Monthly Meeting, MassachusettsDartmouth Monthly Meeting, Dartmouth, Massachusetts
MassachusettsSandwich Monthly Meeting, MassachusettsSandwich Monthly Meeting, Sandwich, Massachusetts
MichiganAdrian Monthly Meeting, MichiganAdrian Monthly Meeting, Adrian, Michigan
New JerseyBurlington Monthly Meeting, New JerseyBurlington Monthly Meeting, Burlington, New Jersey
New JerseyChesterfield Monthly Meeting, New JerseyChesterfield Monthly Meeting, Burlington County, New Jersey
New JerseyEvesham Monthly Meeting, New JerseyEvesham Monthly Meeting, Mount Laurel, New Jersey
New JerseyGreat Egg Harbor Monthly Meeting, New JerseyGreat Egg Harbor Monthly Meeting, Atlantic County, New Jersey
New JerseyHaddonfield Monthly Meeting, New JerseyHaddonfield Monthly Meeting, Haddonfield, New Jersey
New JerseyKingwood Monthly Meeting, New JerseyKingwood Monthly Meeting, Hunterdon County, New Jersey
New JerseyLittle Egg Harbor Monthly Meeting, New JerseyLittle Egg Harbor Monthly Meeting, Tuckerton, New Jersey
New JerseyMount Holly Monthly Meeting, New JerseyMount Holly Monthly Meeting, Mount Holly, New Jersey
New JerseyRahway and Plainfield Monthly Meeting, New JerseyRahway and Plainfield Monthly Meeting, Rahway, New Jersey
New JerseyRancocas Friends Meeting, New JerseyRancocas Monthly Meeting, Burlington County, New Jersey
New JerseySalem Monthly Meeting, New JerseySalem Monthly Meeting, Salem, New Jersey
New JerseyShrewsbury Monthly Meeting, New JerseyShrewsbury Monthly Meeting, Shrewsbury, New Jersey
New JerseyStony Brook Monthly Meeting, New JerseyPrinceton Monthly Meeting, Princeton, New Jersey (met at Stony Brook Meeting house)
New JerseyUpper Evesham Monthly Meeting, New JerseyUpper Evesham Monthly Meeting, Medford, New Jersey
New JerseyWoodbury Monthly Meeting, New JerseyWoodbury Monthly Meeting, Woodbury, New Jersey
New YorkHudson Monthly Meeting, New YorkHudson Monthly Meeting, Hudson, New York
New YorkJericho Monthly Meeting, New YorkJericho Monthly Meeting, Jericho, New York
New YorkNew York Monthly Meeting, New YorkNew York Monthly Meeting, Manhattan, New York
New YorkNine Partners Monthly Meeting, New YorkNine Partners Monthly Meeting, Millbrook, New York
New YorkOblong Monthly Meeting, New YorkOblong Monthly Meeting, Pawling, New York
New YorkWestbury Monthly Meeting, New YorkWestbury Monthly Meeting, Westbury, New York
North CarolinaBack Creek Monthly Meeting, North CarolinaBack Creek Monthly Meeting, Randolph County, North Carolina
North CarolinaCane Creek Monthly Meeting, North CarolinaCane Creek Monthly Meeting, Snow Camp, North Carolina
North CarolinaCenter Monthly Meeting, North CarolinaCenter Monthly Meeting, Greensboro, North Carolina
North CarolinaContentnea Monthly Meeting, North CarolinaContentnea Monthly Meeting, Pikeville, North Carolina
North CarolinaDeep Creek Monthly Meeting, North CarolinaDeep Creek Monthly Meeting, Yadkinville, North Carolina
North CarolinaDeep River Monthly Meeting, North CarolinaDeep River Monthly Meeting, High Point, North Carolina
North CarolinaDover Monthly Meeting, North CarolinaDover Monthly Meeting, Guilford County, North Carolina
North CarolinaGreensboro Monthly Meeting, North CarolinaGreensboro Monthly Meeting, Greensboro, North Carolina
North CarolinaHopewell Monthly Meeting, North CarolinaHopewell Monthly Meeting, Greensboro, North Carolina
North CarolinaJack Swamp Monthly Meeting, North CarolinaJack Swamp Monthly Meeting, Northampton County, North Carolina
North CarolinaMarlborough Monthly Meeting, North CarolinaMarlborough Monthly Meeting, Randolph County, North Carolina
North CarolinaNeuse Monthly Meeting, North CarolinaNeuse Monthly Meeting, Goldsboro, North Carolina
North CarolinaNew Garden Monthly Meeting, North CarolinaNew Garden Monthly Meeting, Greensboro, North Carolina
North CarolinaNew Garden Friends Meeting, North CarolinaMerge into New Garden Monthly Meeting, Greensboro, North Carolina
North CarolinaPasquotank Monthly Meeting, North CarolinaPasquotank Monthly Meeting, Elizabeth City, North Carolina
North CarolinaPerquimans Monthly Meeting, North CarolinaPerquimans Monthly Meeting, Perquimans County, North Carolina
North CarolinaRich Square Monthly Meeting, North CarolinaRich Square Monthly Meeting, Woodland, North Carolina
North CarolinaSpring Monthly Meeting, North CarolinaSpring Monthly Meeting, Snow Camp, North Carolina
North CarolinaSpringfield Monthly Meeting, North CarolinaSpringfield Monthly Meeting, High Point, North Carolina
North CarolinaWestfield Monthly Meeting, North CarolinaWestfield Monthly Meeting, Pilot Mountain, North Carolina
OhioCenter Monthly Meeting, OhioCenter Monthly Meeting, Wilmington, Ohio
OhioConcord Monthly Meeting, OhioConcord Monthly Meeting, Belmont County, Ohio
OhioFlushing Monthly Meeting, OhioFlushing Monthly Meeting, Freeport, Ohio
OhioGreen Plain Monthly Meeting, OhioGreen Plain Monthly Meeting, South Charleston, Ohio
OhioMiami Monthly Meeting, OhioMiami Monthly Meeting, Waynesville, Ohio (note: FGC)
OhioMill Creek Monthly Meeting, OhioMill Creek Monthly Meeting, Dayton, Ohio
OhioPlainfield Monthly Meeting, OhioPlainfield Monthly Meeting, St. Clairsville, Ohio
OhioPlymouth-Smithfield Monthly Meeting, OhioPlymouth Monthly Meeting, Jefferson County, Ohio and (Smithfield Monthly Meeting, Jefferson County, Ohio or Smithfield Monthly Meeting, Smithfield, Ohio)
OhioShort Creek Monthly Meeting, OhioShort Creek Monthly Meeting, Jefferson County, Ohio
OhioUpper Springfield Monthly Meeting, OhioUpper Springfield Monthly Meeting, Columbiana, Ohio
OhioWest Branch Monthly Meeting, OhioWest Branch Monthly Meeting, West Milton, Ohio

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Comments: 15

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Sorry everyone, I’ve realized I sent the message from the page titled “Monthly Meeting Category Names”, which has a list of PROPOSED RENAMES. Obviously, I’m sticking my nose where it doesn’t belong. Sorry, I was on a Categorizing Frenzy earlier.

All is good. I will continue to use the easily found Walnut Ridge MM, IN.

I can't speak for the cat drop-down menu; but, the Walnut Ridge MM at https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:Quakers_in_Indiana is in Rush county. Hopefully, this helps.
posted by David Wilson
I just found this page and realized I might have incorrectly categorized people in Walnut Ridge MM, IN. Should I have used Walnut Ridge MM, Rush Co, IN? If so, why isn’t it a choice on the Category drop down menu? Thanks.
Resource shared by Steven Tibbetts in G2G:

UMassAmherst, Special Collections and University Archives, "Account of the Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly, & particular Meetings of the people called Quakers in the several provinces in America, when & where held and how constituted," ca 1763

"Index to the authorized Quaker meetings in British North America, locations, and times of meeting. Yearlies noted include: Rhode Island (now New England Yearly), Flushing, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, West River, Virginia, and North Carolina."


Handwritten, this pamphlet records which prep meetings belonged to which monthly meeting, monthly meetings in quarterly meetings, etc. Not indexed.

posted by Debi (McGee) Hoag
How does EditBot delete Mount Pleasant (Chestnut Creek) category? The category has no deletion or rename template on it, so nothing will happen, until a better name is found. It needs one. Mount Pleasant (Chestnut Creek) is not the sort of name that is recommended, anyway.
I am running into categories being deleted by edit bot and trying to format them into a better documented category. Ex: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Category:Mt._Pleasant_%28Chestnut_Creek%29_Monthly_Meeting
posted by David Wilson
Oh dear. I see no point in having a separate category for the same entity, especially as the records are grouped together. People take the “use their conventions not ours” directive too literally. I’m in the cat project as well but we all have our own philosophies. I’ll try to find that thread on meeting name changes over time. :-/
posted by H Husted
Indeed, Woodstown, not Worthington.

The "Woodstown" MM was not started before 1827 and Woodstown is only the current name of the place. It must have been rural back then.

It does not appear there could have been a meeting in Woodstown, Salem, New jersey, in 1672 as it only became a borough in 1882 see map history at http://philadelphiaencyclopedia.org/archive/salem-county-new-jersey/

Where is Worthington coming from?

posted by David Wilson