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Morse Family Bible

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Date: 1753 to 1916
Surname/tag: Morse, Lee, Mann, Rogers, Curtis, Bradley, Hartwell, Babcock
Profile manager: Lorena Wolfe private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 25 times.

"Bible Records with family names from Mickley to Murray" FamilySearch.org
Transcribed by Lorena Wolfe (nee Lori Foley) Sep 2021

This document, images 281-282:
Family data, Morse and Curtiss Family Bible, Holy Bible, (Philadelphia, PA: W. Carey, 1815).

This is my transcript of an image of a typed transcript of a Morse family Bible. It isn't indexed on that site. The current holder of the original Bible is unknown, and the Chautauqua Institution didn't respond to my query.

My notes are added in {curly brackets}. Anything I thought might be an error/typo on the image, or mistaken for an error in my transcription, is marked {sic}. Given that there are two citations involved -- one for the imaged on Family Search and the other for the original Bible, I would appreciate corrections to my citation formatting.

My interest in this family: Celestia Curtiss and Stephan A. Ferguson are my third great-grandparents.


Family records found in Bibles donated to Chautauqua Institution,
Chautauqua, N.Y. by the Rev. Mr. Gould of Deland, Fla.

Holy Bibly{sic}/Printed and Published by W. Carey/121 Chestnut St./

(Morse and Curtiss)
Timothy Morse m. Miriam Lee, 10/2/1774
Timothy Morse m. Dorcas Mann, 3/26/1805
Anna Morse m. Matthew Rogers, 4/21/1793
Mary Morse m. William Kinney, 11/13/1796
Elizabeth Morse m. {"Polly" struck out} Charles Coon, 11/21/1802
Samuel Morse m. Polly Aiken, 12/22/1808
William C. Morse m. Triphena Bradley 1/22/1813
Jedidiah Morse m. Fulda Bolton, 12/21/1815
Timothy Morse, jun., m. (Lory?) Neft, 11/ /1816 {sic, no day}
Martha Morse m. Eben Curtis, 9/29/1799
Annis Curtis m. Cyrus Hartwell, 1/14/1818
John M. Curtiss m. Editha{sic} Davis, 6/17/1828
Matilda B. Curtiss m. Loren Babcock, 2/4/1829
Celestia Curtiss m. S. A. Ferguson, 1/1/1832
Samuel B. Hartwell m. Mary Stoddard, 9/1/1839
Stephen M. Curtis m. Mary Messenger, 9/23/1840
Stephen M. Curtis m. Alsina Lee, 12/17/1846
Births and Deaths
Mary Morse b. 10/3/1775
Anna Morse b.3/8/1777 {"Anna" is typed over something else}
Martha and Elizabeth Morse, b. 3/20/1779
Timothy Morse, 1st., b/3/17/1782, d. 6/27/1792
    Miriam Morse, mother of the aforesaid children, b. 2/3/1753,
    d. 9/13/1801
John Morse, b. 3/5/1784, d. 4/17/1804
Samuel Morse, b. 5/2/1786
William C. Morse, b. 8/17/1788
Jedidiah Morse, b.8/7/1791
Timothy Morse (2nd.), b. 2/ /1794 {sic, no day}
Miriam Morse, b. 4/1/1796
Timothy Morse, Esq., b. ... , d. 1821
(Under this last name is written "3/31/1754". I suspect this is the
date of his birth. B.H.S.)
Children of Stephen M. Curtis
Mary Curtis, b. 7/20/1848, d. 7/5/1861
John Curtis, b. 12/8/1859
Alsina Curtis, b. 4/12/1824, d. 10/(1?)/1872

{image 282}

Children of Martha Curtis {nee Morse, wife of Eben Curtis}
Annis Curtis, b. 10/25/1800, d. 6/20/1847
Mordicai Curtis, b. 6/14/1802, d. ...
John M. Curtis, b. 5/6/1804
Matilda Curtis, b. 1/18/1807; Matilda Babcock d. 11/8/1836
Dyer Curtis, b. 4/1/1809, d. ...
Celestia Curtis, b. 7/3/1810
S. Morse Curtis, b. 8/25/1812
Cyrus Hartwell, b. 10/18/1797, d. 11/14/1823 {Annis' husband}
Loring Babcock, b. 5/25/1805 {Matilda's husband?}
S.A. Ferguson, b. 4/8/1806 - Mary, wife of S. M. Curtis, d. 8/8/1844 {Stephen A. Ferguson was Celestia's husband; S.M. Curtis may be Stephen Morse Curtis}
Children of Annis Hartwell
Samuel B. Hartwell, b. 11/24/1818
Willard B. Hartwell, b. 2/20/1823
Mary E. Stoddard, b. 3/10/1823
Children of John M. Curtis
Mathew{sic} E. Curtiss, b. 8/25/1831
Cornelius D. Curtiss, b. 1/9/1835
Children of Matilda Babcock
Wm. Oscar, b. 5/2/1830
Orren Babcock, b.8/8/1832, d. 5/6/1916
Martha Babcock, b. 4/24/1834, d. 8/ /1908 {sic}
Children of C. Curtiss
Arminda Ferguson, b. 5/8/1833
Savanna Ferguson, b. 2/20/1835 {Celestia Curtiss and S.A. Ferguson had six known children}
On a sheet of loose paper, folded in this Bible:
Children of Matilda Babcock
Matilda Curtis, b. 1/18/1807
W. Oscar, b. 5/2/1830
Orrin Babcock, b.8/8/1832
Martha Babcock, b. 4/24/1834
A second sheet of loose paper:
Lorin Babcock was born May 25, 1805
Matilda Babcock died Nov. 8, 1836
Lorin Babcock died March 13, 1863.
This Bible contained a government post card, stamped March 23, 1898,
from (J?) S. Curtis, Concord, to Mrs. Mary Curtis, Lottsville,
Warren Co., Penna. A second post was dated April (1?), 1898,
and was from Elgin, Pa.
(There is a Concord in Penna., s.e. corner of Erie Co., in an 1896
Rand McNally Atlas.)

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