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Mount Bassett Cemetery, Mackay, Queensland

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Mount Bassett Cemetery, Mount Bassett Cemetery Road, Mackay Harbour, Queensland, Australiamap
Surnames/tags: cemeteries queensland mackay
Profile manager: Gaz Thomas private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 86 times.

General Information

Image:Cemetery entrance image here

Cemetery name:


GPS Coordinates:


Use this area to document a history/description of the cemetery.

Notable Monuments

This section is optional. Are there any notable monuments located at the cemetery?

Notable Interments

This section is optional. Are there any notable interments located at the cemetery? War heroes? Political figures? Even local historical figures count in this area (location namesakes, etc.). This section should contain no more than 5-6 profile links. If you need more room, why not start a new Free-space page for the notable interments and just provide a general description of the types of notables one may find buried here?

More Information

This should be a bulleted list of links/resources for the cemetery itself, such as the cemetery category where profiles are attached, the cemetery's website (if available), a link to the FindAGrave cemetery page, a Wikipedia entry for the cemetery?

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  • Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)


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