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Mount Breckan - History Tree

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 1879 [unknown]
Location: Victor Harbor, South Australiamap
Surnames/tags: Connell History Hay
This page has been accessed 212 times.

Left to right: back row:
Aircraftwoman (ACW) D. Dawson, ACW W.A. Long, ACW M.F. Harris,
ACW Z.I. Cowan, ACW V.L. Read, ACW S.H. Pitcher;
second row: ACW J.A. Wickham, ACW C.M. Crowhurst, ACW D.G. Forbes,
ACW I.F. Fisher, ACW B.L. Althorp, ACW G.M. Abbott, ACW S.M. Lihou;
third row: ACW A.M. White, ACW C.A. Crawford, ACW S.S. Jones,
ACW M.A. Todd, ACW J.M. Moncrieff, ACW D.M. Baillie,
ACW A.E. Moore, ACW D.W. Cross, ACW P.M. Darwent;
front row: ACW J.L. Wells, ACW Joan C. Wellington, ACW D.K. Harvey, ACW M. Haskett,
Corporal Roberts, ACW E.J. Roberts, ACW J.D. Hutchins, ACW J.Z. Jensen, ACW D. Moran.
(Donor J Wellington)

  1. Encounter Bay Family History Group and photos

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