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Mount Olive Larger Parish

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Mount Olive Larger Parish

"The Mount Olive Larger Parish" existed in 1935, when Ruthlydia Slayton was Education Director for the parish.

Participating Churches

Participating churches included:

Additional Reference Sites

Pleasant Hill Cemetery: http://pleasanthillcemetery.org/PHC%20History.pdf Pleasant Hill Cemetery: http://www.historicchesternj.com/churches/pleasanthillcemetery.html Mount Olive Union Cemetery: https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/1993367/mount-olive-union-cemetery

The 1935 Memorial Book

In 1935, upon the completion of service of Ruthlydia Slayton to the Mount Olive Larger Parish, the "United Young Peoples' Society" fo the Mount Olive Larger Parish presented her with a memorial book including photographs and names of leaders from the participating churches. These are

United Young Peoples' Society

Chairman: Margaret Lindbloom
Photography: John S. Dufford, Jr
Album Cover: Josephine McLaughlin
Rev & Mrs. Joseph Short

Mount Olive Presbyterian Church

Mrs. Lucas, Superintendent

Flanders Presbyterian Church

Joseph Parliament, Superintendent

Flanders Methodist Church

Drakestown Church

Mr. Thomas, Superintendent

The Young Peoples' Society Members Photos

Judging by the photos, the young people in the photos appear to range in age from 18 to 25. Since the commemorative book is dated 1935, their birth years would be in the range 1910 to 1917.

Margaret Lindbloom, President
Herbert Ashley, Secretary
Margaret Williamson, Treasurer
May Smith
Ruth McMurtey
Jesse Webb
Harry Sutton
Raymond McMurtey
Russell McMurtey
Roy, Sutton, Jr
Watson Sutton
Dana Knox
Herbert Myers
Harriet Lindbloom
Josephine McLaughlin
George Starr
Evelyn Mooney
John S. Dufford
Carl Erickson
George and Clifford Parliament
Harriet Salmon
Josaeph Tinc
Hazel Miller
Barbara and Oscar Seals
Alice Chamberlaind
Margaret Lindbloom ( (There are Lindblooms in the Mount Olive Union Cemetery.


Alice Lozier
Junior Dufford. (There are Duffords in the Mount Olive Union Cemetery.


Helen Lindbloom

Julie Van Luvender

Harriet Salmon (There is an Eliza Salmon Hulse (1810-1868) in the Mount Olive Union Cemetery) https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/93193213/eliza-hulse
Silas Chamberlain
Nettie, Helen, Addie, Alice, Grace, Dorothy Leland

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