
Moweaqua Mine Disaster 1932

Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Date: 24 Dec 1932 [unknown]
Location: Moweaqua, Shelby County, Illinois, United Statesmap
Surnames/tags: disasters mining disasters Illinois
This page has been accessed 183 times.

Disasters | Mining Disasters | United States Mining Disasters | Northeast United States Mining Disasters | Moweaqua Mine Disaster 1932

This mining disaster is in need of help developing it. Are you interested in adopting this location?
Contact: United States Mining Disasters


History and Circumstances


Name Sourced Bio Connected Category
Birley, James
Birley, Thomas
Board, Kenneth
Burrell, George, Jr.
Cabacchi, Loui
Campbell, Charles
Campbell, Ed
Castinoulis, Jules
Cathergood, Roy
Cooley, David
Corby, Andy, Sr.
Corby, Andy, Jr.
Corby, John
Craven, Chester
Crinock, Mike
Davidson, William
Davis, Zelva
Dove, Arthur
Dowd, Earl
Green, Lynn
Hartman, Charles
Hartman, Leonard
Hartselle, John
Hudson, Oliver
Jackson, Thomas
Jurick, Joe
Jurick, Max
Kapilla, Andy
Krall, Joe
McDonald, Charles, Jr.
McDonald, Charles, Sr.
McDonald, Karl
Negri, Joe
Negri, Mike
Ondes, George
Ploski, Mike
Portwood, Ross
Potsie, Andy
Potsie, Mike
Reatherford, Roy
Roff, Charles
Roff, James
Rogilis, Mike
Sarver, Berne
Sarver, Raymond
Sigloski, Sam
Smorado, Andy
Supina, Andy
Supina, John
Thompson, Hugh, Jr.
Tirpak, Andy
Tirpak, Mike
Woodring, Charles
Yonikus, Charles

Rescue Efforts

Results and Findings

To Create the Category

To create the category for this Disaster, please add [[Category:Moweaqua Mine Disaster, Moweaqua, Illinois, 1932]] at the top of this page. When the category link shows up red at the bottom of the profile, click it to add the parent categories [[Category:Illinois, Mining Disasters]] and [[Category:Moweaqua, Illinois]]. Please remove these category instructions after the category has been added.




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