Surnames/tags: Musselman Quarles Becker
Genetic Distance 0
David Reed Seay - Paternal: James Leonard Seay, b. 1821 Washington Co, KY Maternal: Hermann Schneider
Lisa Lynn McCoy - Paternal: Tony D Quarles Maternal: Mary Catherine Quarles
- Lisa Lynn McCoy - Ancestral Surnames - Quarles (Dalton Ga) Estep (Ga) Moore (Missouri) Dixson (Missouri)
Doug Smith - Paternal: Arnoldus of Saxony Ferreolus Bishop Metz (565-601) Maternal: Hrothisteus Westgoten Visigoths (294-354)
- Doug Smith - Ancestral Surnames - Atwater Albrighton Allen Alleyne Anstell Anscell Argall Archer Beaufitz Beauchamp Baker Ball Bolin Bolling Bowling Ballard Bray Brock Brooke Bruce Brugge Burgess Barrington Branch Chiche Cocke Chichele Catlett Callaway Calston Callahan Canute Carew Carr Corbet Cross Crichton Carter Charlemagne Cranfield Cornett Cornutt Cornwell Dabney Despencer DeClare Dale Darcy Durkee Durrett Darell Elliot FitzAlan Fitzwilliam Fletcher Filmer Ferris Gooch Godfrey Goodloe Glover Gaines Grey Grosvenor Gorsuch Green Greene Garnett Hobson Hibbard Hubbard Hody Holloway Haney Hambleton Honywood Hammon Harvey Hervey Harris Ironmonger Jackson Johnston Jennings Kelloway Kane Kempe Kincaid Lucombe Lewknor Latimer Lunsford Mosby McMortimer McCarty Mathew Martin Marney Pepin Posey Phelps Pilkington Pelham Plantagenet Palmer Pierce Quinn Reffitt Richardson Shipp Skipwith Sheffield Scott Stone Staunton Stewart Stuart Stearns Smith Shirley Talinger Townsend Throckmorton Turner Wythe Woodbridge Woodson Woodnoth Woodward Wells Welles Wills Willoughby Walker Walden Waldron Wolterton Womack Winston Wentworth Worsham Waring Waringe
Janice Huddleston - Paternal: Not Provided Maternal: Not Provided
Kyle David Erwin - Paternal: Not Provided Maternal: Not Provided
Genetic Distance 1
Virginia Massie-Schweyer - Maternal: Maria Catherina Becker
- Virginia Massie-Schweyer - Ancestral Surnames - Arkan Burger Burgar (Welland, Ontario) Carriere Ecker Haun Massie Nichols Overholt Warner
Cindy Lynn Kent - Paternal: Not Provided Maternal: Not Provided
Paul Thomas Fraser - Paternal: John Fraser, b 1783 and d 1862 Maternal: John Moulds, b 1760 and d 1846
- Paul Thomas Fraser - Ancestral Surnames - Begg (Straiton) Baird (New Cumnock) Baird (Old Cumnock) Cook (Suffolk England) Campbell Dempster Dempster (Aryshire) Fraser (Newmill Keith) Fraser (Banffshire) Fraser (Newton of Park farm Auldearn) Fraser (Golford Auldearn Invernesshire) Grant (Scotland) Hay (Inveravon) Hastings Hastings (Ayrshire) Hastings (Dumfries Ochiltree) Hastings (New Cumnock) Kennedy (Slains) Leslie (Inveravon) Leslie (Dallas Morayshire) Mackie (Nairnshire) Moggach (Banffshire) McTurk (New Cumnock) McWharrie (Ayrshire) Mitchell (Scotland) Mitchell (Cullen) Mould (Yorkshire England) Millar Millar (Ochiltree Ayrshire) Mann (Elgin County Canada) Mann (Syracuse NY Onodaga USA) Moir Moir (Aberdeen) Moir (Abredeenshire) Moir (Slains) Neil (Dalry Ayrshire) Rae (Forveron) Rankin (Scotland) Stephenson (Yorkshire England) Tait Tate (Armagh Ireland) Talbot Woodworth (New York state USA) Wilson (Scotland)
Gregory Bell - Paternal: Robert Bell, 1772 - 1858 Maternal: Hannah Maria Ricker, 1838 - 1912
Jan Stephan Hollyer - Paternal: Not Provided Maternal: Not Provided
Marcie A Linder - Paternal: Not Provided Maternal: Not Provided
- Marcie A Linder - Ancestral Surnames - Abbott (Kentucky, USA) Ballard Barnett (Kentucky, Virginia, USA) Otis (Kentucky, USA) Reffett (Kentucky, USA) Robbins (Kentucky, USA) Wills (Kentucky, Virginia, USA) Wright (Kentucky, USA)
Karen Denise Williams - Paternal: Not Provided Maternal: Not Provided
- Karen Denise Williams - Ancestral Surnames - goss (south carolina) hanson johnson (south carolina, georgia) mccall money rushing (alabama) rogers seay thompson (alabama) williams
Clint Stewart FTDNA kit # 1000896
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