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Murder, Mystery and Mayhem In Our Family

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: hogan, missel, saliger, leister, hurst
Profile manager: Diane Hogan private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 254 times.

This is a list of family situations that might warrant additional research. Many are connected by marriage only.

Thomas James Hogan Murdered by the railroad watchman in Brooklyn, Illinois on 12 October 1899. Read about it here : Hogan-3161

John Missel 10 year old child was kidknapped by a Hobo in Muscatine, Iowa on 31 October 1887 and found in Indiana on 8 Dec 1887. Actually he was kidknapped twice - seriously.

Ann M Saliger Murdered by her husband, Stephen Meyer in their home on Lemp Ave in St Louis, Missouri on 12 May 1960.

Charles E Hurst Murdered by his boss in St Louis on 18 June 1919, son of Johanna Zeller.

Phillip Leister Was an innocent bystander who was shot on 18 May 1861 at Camp Jackson during the civil war and died of his wounds.

Norris Colburn Murdered in March 1847 on the Santa Fe Trail in the state of Kansas, husband of Josephine Leitensdorfer. Although the accused murderer was a Native American, See See Sah Mah, the evidence proved otherwise. Possible actual murderer was brother-in-law and partner Thomas Leitensdorfer. An excellent history of the events can be found by reading "Murder on the Santa Fe Trail" here https://www.kshs.org/publicat/history/2009summer_foley.pdf .

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