Location: [unknown]
My Scratch Pad on my Nav Home Page started to become a bit over loaded, so I created this page for my important/favorite links I refer to most often. Saves looking them up again. Hence, My Cheat Sheet.
This is not a complete list of WikiTree's favorite or most used Links. It's use is only as a reference for additions to Profiles and not a how to guide. It will always be under construction as WikiTree changes with new additions or changes. If there are any you think should be added or there has been a rule change not reflected here, please Private Message me.
- Please note as I live in the United States some may find this skewed that way. Well, it is because that is mostly what I look up. ;) Many of the links below are World Wide in scope, you just may have to check the higher(Parent) or lower(Child) categories to find references to your regional location.
See: Profile Help If you don't find what you're looking for on this page, that one probably has it and then some.
Cheat Sheet
WikiTree Help Pages
Templates & Stickers
- Some Templates perform a Function like the Find A Grave Template and some produce Informational Stickers that appear in the Bio of a Profile like the WW 2 Sticker.
- List of Stickers World Wide.
- Here is a great Page on WikiTree Templates that is more of a How To than offered on this Cheat Sheet. Kudos to Lucy Selvaggio-Diaz for creating this.
- Space:WikiTree_Templates Excellent explanations of various Templates available on WikiTree.
Function Templates
Informational Templates/Stickers
- There are various Information Stickers to Display Personal History, Occupation, Location, etc. Use of these may or may not Place the Profile in a Category.
- Examples:
Descendant Sticker For showing you descended from this person, preferably with a WikiTree ID. Result:
US Southern Colonist Sticker For those who lived in the South before the formation of the United States. Result:
German_Roots_Sticker For those persons with German Ancestry. Result:
Template:Multiple_Births Sticker Templates for Twins, Triplets, Quadruplets, etc.
Template:Occupation Create your own Occupation sticker with Image and description of your choice.
- List of Stickers. These Informational Stickers and many more can be found here
Navigation Profile Boxes (aka Succession Boxes)
- These boxes combine Function and Information to help define a Profiles Achievements or define a Childs Links to Parentage, Biological and Adoptive. See also Example Page.
- Succession Box v.1 Also known as a Navigation Box.
- Succession Box v.2 Also known as a Navigation Box.
- Adopted Child Template A Navigation Box to link Biological Parents and Adopting Parents to a Child.
Military Templates/Stickers & Categories
- Sticker Templates and includes some pertinent Military Categories for your Service Member Profiles.
Not all Conflicts are listed below. See Military Categories - World Wide for those listed on WikiTree]
- Military Categories - World Wide Main Index for All Military Sub-Categories on WikiTree.
- If you unsure of where to begin looking for a Military Related Category, start here.
- If you know a specific conflict for your Profile go to Wars Category. This lists time periods so you can find the conflict by when it occurred.
Project:Military_and_War The Military and War project is a top-level project focused on maintaining sub-projects for the various military and war related events and people in our family histories.
- Military Categories have a clearly defined hierarchy on Category creation and usage. Before creating a category please read: Help: Military Categories A how page on adding or creating Military Categories.
For a list of Military Forces by Country use the following.
United States Military
- US Military History Go here to find sub-categories for US Military History.
- United States Armed Forces Nested under the Main Military Category.
Flags Images
- Country Flags World Wide. Some Military Stickers Permit You to Choose a Flag.
- United States State/Possessions/Territories Flags Some Military Stickers Permit You to Choose a Flag. From Revolution to Present.
Military Badges, Insignias and Decorations
- Military Badges and Insignias World Wide.
- Military Decorations World Wide.
- United States Military Decorations.
War/Conflict Specific Stickers/Categories: World Wide
Category: Wars This list Wars/Conflicts since the Year 1 World Wide.
War/Conflict Specific Stickers/Categories: United States
- Please notice in the following examples that different countries/combatants are available for most conflicts, you just need to use them.
French and Indian War: Seven Years' War - Guerre de la Conquête
French & Indian War Sticker Template.Click for instructions on using Template.
French_and_Indian_War Project Page
American Revolutionary War: 1776
Revolutionary War Sticker Template. Click for instructions on using Template.
Main Revolutionary War Index. Go here to find sub-categories for Revolutionary War.
War of 1812
War of 1812 Sticker Template. Click for instructions on using Template.
1812 Category Main Index. Go here to find sub-categories for War of 1812.
Mexican-American War
Service Started: unknown
Unit(s): unknown
Service Ended: unknown
Mexican-American War Sticker Template.
Mexican-American War Main Index Go here to find sub-categories for Mexican-American War.
Mexican-American War Project Page
US Civil War
US Civil War Sticker Template Both North & South inclusive.
Click for instructions on using Template.
US Civil War Main Index To find specific events, battle, units and ships of North and South
Various State and Army Flags You can use a Flag from this selection in the sticker.
US Civil War: War Between the States Project Page
Spanish-American War (1898)
Service Started: unknown
Unit(s): unknown
Service Ended: unknown
Spanish-American War Sticker Template. Click for instructions on using Template.
Spanish-American War Main Index. Go here to find sub-categories for Spanish-American War.
Spanish-American War Project Page
Philippine-American War (1899-1902)
- Do not confuse those who served during these years as being involved in Spanish-American War. Check service dates carefully.
- No Template for Sticker at this time.
Philippine-American War Main Index. Go here to find sub-categories for Philippine-American War.
World War 1: The Great War
WW 1 Sticker Template. Click for instructions on using Template.
US WW 1 Main Index. Go here to find sub-categories for WW 1.
US Army WW 1 Main Index. To find specific Army units that served in WW 1.
United States WW 1 Conflicts. To find Specific Campaigns/Battles of WW 1.
US Navy_Ships WW 1. List of US Navy Ships that participated in WW 1 on WikiTree. Not all ships are listed yet.
The Great War 1914-1918 Project Page
World War 2
Service started:
Service ended:
WW 2 Sticker Template. Click for instructions on using Template.
World Wide WW 2 Index Go here to find World Wide Sub-categories for WW 2.
US Armed Forces Main Index. Go here to find United States Military Sub-categories. By Conflict.
US WW 2 Main Index. Go here to find US Armed Forces specific Sub-categories for WW 2 only.
US Navy Ships Index. List of US Navy Ships on WIkiTree that participated in WW 2. Not all ships are listed yet.
Campaigns/Battle of WW 2. Go here to find World Wide Specific Campaigns/Battle Sub-categories for WW 2.
Korean War
Service started:
Service ended:
Korean War Sticker Template. Click for instructions on using Template.
Korean War Main Index. Go here to find sub-categories for the Korean War.
US Korean War Index. Go here to find American specific sub-categories for the Korean War.
Vietnam War
Service started:
Service ended:
Vietnam War Sticker Template. Click for instructions on using Template.
US Vietnam War Military Main Index. Go here to find American Military sub-categories for the Vietnam War.
US Vietnam War History Main Index. Go here to find American History sub-categories for the Vietnam War.
Persian Gulf War: Desert Storm
- No Template for Sticker at this time.
Persian Gulf War Main Index. Go here to find sub-categories for the Persian Gulf War.
US Persian Gulf War History Main Index. Go here to find American History sub-categories for the Persian Gulf War.
Iraq War
- No Template for Sticker at this time.
Iraq War Main Index Go here to find sub-categories for the Iraq War.
War in Afghanistan
- This is a New Project and is looking for volunteers
Service started:
Service ended:
War in Afghanistan Template Click for instructions on using Template.
War in Afghanistan Category Index Go here to find American specific sub-categories for the War in Afghanistan.
War in Afghanistan Project Page.
Veteran Recognition
- If you know someone served in a branch of the military service of any country during peacetime you can use this Sticker. You can replace the image in the Sticker with the image of the flag or military insignia of that country
{{Veteran Recognition
| badge-image =Military_Badges_and_Insignia-3.png
| nationality =United States
| branch =Army
| start-year =1956
| end-year =1958
| text = Germany
- Notes on using this Template.
- | badge-image = You can use an image of your own choice here.
- | text = area is an open field and you can type in whatever you want.
- Veteran Recognition Template Click for instructions on using Template.
Service Related Deaths - POW/MIA - Wounded in Action
- The Following Categories are for those who died in the service of their country. Also this includes those who were Prisoners of War or are Missing In Action
- Died in Military Service World Wide Index
- Killed in Action World Wide Index
- Died of Wounds World Wide Index
- Died of Disease World Wide Index
- Died While Prisoner of War World Wide Index
- Missing in Action World Wide Index
- Prisoners of War World Wide Index
- Wounded in Action World Wide Index
- Roll of Honor Main page for Above Stickers
Military Cemeteries
United States National Cemeteries Military WikiTree list of cemeteries where service members are buried in the United States or its Territories.
US Veterans Dept Grave Locator Search for graves of US Service Men/Women buried in the United States or its Territories.
American Battle Monuments Commission WikiTree list of grave sites and cemeteries where service members are buried on foreign soil.
American Battle Monuments Commission Grave Locator Search for graves of US Service Men/Women buried on foreign soil.
Fields of Honor - Database Fields of Honor - Database lists those Americans buried in European Memorial Cemeteries.
Commonwealth War Graves Commission Grave Locator Search the database for the men and women of the British Commonwealth forces who died in the First and Second World Wars.
Gold Star Mothers
The American Gold Star Mothers Inc. was formed in the United States shortly after World War I to provide support for mothers who lost sons or daughters in the war and all conflicts thereafter where American Service Personal are deployed.
Navigation or Succession Boxes
- Easier to See What Succession Box Does: Example Page
Creates a Preceded by and Succeeded By Box in a Profiles.
Same thing as above with width and color changes.
Great addition to anyone who was adopted.
- Categories Main Index- World Wide
- If you unsure of where to begin looking for a Category, start here.
Help:Categorization The Basics of What Categories Are and Their Function. Updated 3 May, 2019
Request a New Category Form Not sure how to create a new Category, use this form. New 9 April, 2019
Adding, Deleting, Renaming and Merging Categories Updated 3 May , 2019
Levels of Categories Categories are hierarchical. This page helps to explain this.
Help on Creating Personal Categories Easier to show example than explain, see: My Personal Category
- Cemeteries Cemetery Categories. - Main Index - World Wide.
- If you unsure of where to begin looking for a Cemetery Related Category, start here..
- How to Create or Update a Cemetery Category
United States General
Unitied States Military Related
- Military Cemeteries Main Index - World Wide
- United States National Cemeteries Military List of cemeteries where service members are buried in the United States or its Territories.
- American Battle Monuments Commission List of cemeteries where service members are buried on foreign soil.
Some Popular Categories
One Name Study Main Index - World Wide. See if Your Family Name(s) Are In a One Name Study.
One Place Study Main Index - World Wide. Like the One Name Study, this involves locations: Township, City, County/Parrish. etc.
Occupations Main Index - World Wide
- The Regions Category is extremely varied and covers many different aspects of Specific Regions in the World. This is a Category to Browse to see what is available.
United States Specific Region Categories. Nested Under Regions Main Index.
- The History Category is extremely varied and covers many different aspects of Specific Locations, Eras, Events, etc., in the World. This is a Category to Browse to see what is available.
United States Specific History Categories. Nested Under History Main Index.
Category:Causes_of_Death Categories covering Cause of Death - Index Removed as of 1 march 2019: See G2G Discussion on removal of Causes of Death Category
The Proper Care and Feeding of Profiles
WikiTree Help Pages on Guidelines for Profiles
Living Persons
- The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) does not permit the names or data of living person to be viewed. Children under the age of 13 can only be added by a WikiTree Member parent.
Why Does Grammar, Style, and Formatting Matter?
Read this for for one explanation of why Standards are good for WikiTree by WikiTree Founder, Chris Whitten..
Editing Profiles - Text and Sourcing
Basic Help
- Help:Duplicates What to do if you find a Duplicate Profile.
Data Fields
- These are the Name, Date, and Location Fields where you enter the Profiles Basic Data. These are Important as this is what WikiTree uses in its Searches.
- Interactive map of US States and counties from Colonial Period on. Mapofus Org
- Help:Uncertain When to mark data fields Uncertain.
Style Guidelines
- Help Style FAQ Guidelines on Styles.
- Category:Styles and Standards List of WikiTree Style and Standards Guidelines on Profiles - Index.]
- Help:Biographies What can be included and proper order.]
- Help:Copying Text When and what can I copy and paste?
- Help:Uncertain What information is may be considered an Uncertain Source.
- How to Share Sources on WikiTree Tips on creating a Free Space Profile for sources. See Free Space Profiles below.
- Space:WikiTree Templates: How_to_Source. Excellent How To Page on adding Sources.
- Category:Source Compendium of different Research Sources members have added to WikiTree.
- Category:Fictitious and Legendary Genealogy. A Category listing known References/Sources that have been found to be in error. For those Profiles that are believed to have been created by false or bad research.
Adding images or Documents
The Free Space Profile
- The Free Space Profile If you have a great deal of information that is relevant to more than one Profile, you should create a Free Space Profile that can be shared by multiple Profiles. Here you can add photos, images, documents, text, etc. without filling each Profile with this data on an individual basis.
- The Free Space Profile How to create Free Space Profiles.
- Free Space Profile Index Alphabetical Listing of Existing Free Space Profiles on WikiTree, Look here to find out if a Free Space Profile has already been created.
Advanced Editing Techniques
- Editing Tips. How to Bold, indent, make bulleted lines, etc.
- Linking to External Websites Index of various templates to Ancestry, 23andme, etc.
- Succession Box v.1 Also known as a Navigation Box. See also Example Page.
- Succession Box v.2 Also known as a Navigation Box. See also Example Page.
- Adopted Child Template A Navigation Box to link Biological Parents and Adopting Parents to a Child. See also Example Page.
- Using <ref name=" "> in Inline Citations. Repeated use of the same source in the same profile See also:
- Wikipedia: Special Characters. So you want to add a ß or Æ to your Profile. See here for a list of Special Characters. Copy and paste from the Glyph Column.
- Help:HTML and Inline_CSS The basic style rule on HTML and inline CSS is: It's not recommended unless it's specifically recommended.
Deleting Profiles
- Deleting Profiles FAQ Why we Merge Profiles and don't Delete or Recycle Profiles. See also Recycling WikiTree IDs below.
Recycling WikiTree IDs
- Reusing the WikiTree ID of a Profile Instead of Merging is Prohibited with Certain Exceptions
- Help:Recycling WikiTree IDs Why we Merge Profiles and don't Recycle Profiles.
Research Notes
- Research Notes not only includes a section you can add to a Profile detailing research on the individual. It also includes the Tags such as {{Estimated Date}} and {{Unsourced}} which can highlight a specific point about a Profile.
Working With Existing Profiles
Very Important on what to do when working with a Profile Managed by another WikiTree Member
- Communication Before Editing Help to decide when and if it OK to Edit an Existing Profile.
- WikiTree Guidelines on Profile Ownership and Control. Why we don't 'OWN' the Profiles we create.
- How to Clean Up GEDCOM created profiles. GEDCOM created Profiles
UsuallyAlways Need to be Modified After Creating.
- Examples of Profiles. A Sample of Excellent WikiTree Profile. Yours may differ. LOL
Protected Profiles
Some Profiles are protected from general modification and or require certain Certifications to Create or Modify.
- Project Protected or PPP files. How to work with Project Protected Profiles. May Require Project Membership.
- Certification For Pre-1700 Profiles. How to work with Pre-1700 Profiles. Requires Certification to Add or Modify these Profiles.
- Certification For Pre-1500 Profiles. How to work with Pre-1500 Profiles. Requires Special Certification to Add or Modify these Profiles.
Merging Profiles
How WikiTree handles Duplicate Profiles.
Orphaned Profiles
- Help:Orphaned_Profiles What is an Orphaned Profile.
Problem(s) With Other Members
Every family can sometimes have problems.
- WikiTree Guidelines on Profile Ownership and Control. We don't 'OWN' the Profile We Create.
- Help:Unresponsive Profile Managers What to do if a Manager does not respond to attempts to Contact them. Possibly they are not involved with WikiTree anymore.
WikiTree Projects
- A project is a group of members organized around a topic or volunteer activity. There are "top-level" projects like the ones you see below, sub-projects, and easy-to-start free-space projects. See the Project FAQ for more information.
- Help Projects Simple explanation and examples of Projects. Also has a great list of Projects too.
- Project FAQ More details on what Projects are and their use on WikiTree.
- Category: Projects Projects Category Main Index.
- Some Popular Research Projects.
- Project:Global Cemeteries. Global Cemeteries Project is to document the final resting place of our deceased ancestors and others we come across.
- Project:Military and War. The Military and War project is to provide a framework for the remembrance of those who fought, for whatever reason, lest we forget ...
- Project:Notables. Identify "famous" and "notable" people on WikiTree.
- Project:One Name Studies. Genealogical research project to investigate the origins of a family name and sort out the various family lines.
- One Name Studies FAQ PageDetails of what a One Name Study is and how it is set up.
- One Name Studies Index Lists Names Currently With a One Name Study Project.
- Project:One Place Studies. A One Place Study (OPS) is a complete study of the Genealogy and History of a specific place.
- One Place Studies FAQ Page Details of what a One Place Study is and how it is set up.
- One Place Studies Index Lists Current One Place Study Projects.
- Some Popular Volunteer Projects.
- Categorization. To help manage the category hierarchy and encourage the use of categorization.
- Data Doctors. To help WikiTree members create more accurate profiles which equates to better overall genealogy.
- DNA. To help members understand and use DNA information on WikiTree, manage DNA information accuracy, and expand DNA features in the One World Tree.
How to use a GEDCOM File to transfer your research to WikiTree
- The GEDCOMpare File Primer Page is a compendium of tips, hints and links to WikiTree Help Pages to help the new GEDCOMpare user.
- GEDCOMpare File Primer Page Links to WikiTree Help Pages and some tips and hints on the GEDCOMpare Utility to transfer your research.
- The GEDCOMpare Help Page. Basic Directions on GEDCOMpare Functions.
- Mindy's Help Page. A Basic Visual Lesson on using GEDCOMpare.
- Help for splitting larger GEDCOM files. WikiTree has a 5,000 name limit on GEDCOM FIles. Files, over 500 Names, should be split into smaller files to ease transition.
- Splitting GEDCOMs With GRAMPS New 5/18/2020 Using the Free Genealogy software GRAMPS to split large GEDCOM FIles. Thanks to Dave Ebaugh.
- Category:Source Compendium of different Research Sources members have added to WikiTree.
- Project:Data Doctors Data Doctor Guidelines
- Description of Codes on Suggestion Page] Just what does that code mean.
- Space:Date_Suggestions_Group Go here to find latest DD Error Report, Weekly.
- Drafting New Rules How to Propose a New Rule or Change in a Rule.
- See also G2G Forum Post: https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/1051431/new-tag-proposals
- Category:Fictitious and Legendary Genealogy. A Category listing known References/Sources that have been found to be in error.
WikiTree Tools
WikiTree Plus
- A powerful tool that permits you to search the WikiTree Database. Multiple Search Variables permit you to create reports on Profiles, Categories and much more.
WikiTree X
- WikiTree X is a special extension to the Chrome web browser that enables you to create and edit WikiTree profiles using data from other genealogy websites directly to WikItree.
WikiTree Sourcer
- WikiTree Sourcer is a Browser Extension developed by Rob Pavey that helps the user to search for sources and cite them, thus saving a lot of time and manual typing.
About This Page
- I created this page as catch all for those learning to use WikiTree or just have a rough time finding the right Help or Category Page sometimes like I do. This is not a sanctioned WikiTree Help Page. As I am my own proofreader, if you see any mistakes in grammar or possibly just not clear enough, please let me know. LJ
My Golden Rule for WikiTree
If you haven't learned anything new about WikiTree in the last week,
you haven't made enough mistakes. ;)
- Login to request to the join the Trusted List so that you can edit and add images.
- Private Messages: Send a private message to the Profile Manager. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
- Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)
- Public Q&A: These will appear above and in the Genealogist-to-Genealogist (G2G) Forum. (Best for anything directed to the wider genealogy community.)
[Category:US Flag Images]] has been changed to [Category:United States Flag Images]] and it needs to be changed on this page.
Thanks, Natalie