Location: Ireland, South Carolina, Illinois, Kansas

Surnames/tags: Hughey Rainey Gillum
Here are open questions about our family. Please edit this text, upload unidentified pictures, add your questions to the bulletin board, post fuzzy memories you want to clear up, etc.
Who are the parents and siblings of William Rainey Hughey, Sr. born in 1831 in Spartanburg, S.C. and died in Oswego, Labette, Kansas in 1907? Two census records state his parents were born in South Carolina. This family line goes to Ireland. I'd like to know where it connects and to whom. He married twice. First wife was Sophronia Caroline Gillum and second wife was Rosaltha Gillum. They were not sisters because they had different fathers. So far I have not been able to connect them as cousins either. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
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