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My Puritan Migration Group Relatives

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Date: 1630 to 1640
Location: Massachusetts Bay Colonymap
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Vessels and Dates

Many relatives joined he 163 men and women who followed the charismatic Puritan minister, Rev. Thomas Hooker (who was also a relative), traveling over a hundred miles through the wilderness to found Hartford, Connecticut

1620 Mayflower (John and Priscilla Alden; William and Mary Brewster, Katherine White Carver [wife of John Carver, first Plymouth Bay Colony governor], Edward Doty, William and Priscilla Mullins, George Soule Sr., Ezekial Turner (via. Mildred White Preston and Linnea Mae Mace Preston) - also (?) William Latham and Rebecca Simmons Southworth. Note Brewster is recognized as a key figure in decision to leave for Holland and then to leave Holland for New England.

1621 The Fortune - Robert Hicks, Philip Delano, a French Hugenot (Protestant in Holland), Moses Simonson

1621 - John Dunham which ship? 1621 - The Marmaduke - Edmond Chamberlain I

1622 Phoebe Hicks Watson - followed her father by a year.

1623 The Anne - Julian Carpenter Kempton, John Faunce, Patience and George Morton II, Joshua Pratt

1623 - John Harlow arrive by 1624.

1620-1626 John Shaw, Sr.

1629 The Four Sisters (Grace Palmer Miner)

1629-30 Thomas Dexter [Dexter-94]. He either came over with Mr. Endicott in 1629 or in the fleet with Governor Winthrop in 1630. See his story. He came to "own Nahant" having bought it from the native "Harry" for a suit. There followed a 30 plus year lawsuit with other puritans - which he lost.

1630 ? ship (Thomas Painter came with Winthrop Fleet, joiner, Baptist)

1630 Rober Abell with Winthrop Fleet, tavern keeper

1630 ? ship (James Cole is in the 1632 census for Plymouth, MA. Shoemaker and Innkeeper and surveyor - first Inn in Plymouth - rowdy, he a drinker. 1st to own on Coles Hill where Plymouth Rock is located).

1630 Mary and John (John Bidwell I, Thomas Ford, Stephen Terry, Henry Smith)

1630 [Winthrop fleet] (William Odell -friend of Chetwood and Bulkeley. His wife is Goody Odell who accused a woman of being a witch in Salem.

1630 circa. Thomas Harris/Williams [Harris-640] was a ferryman.

1631 The Lyon. Roger and Mary Williams, Thomas Hooker, George Dennison Sr, settled at Roxbury. (Rev. John Elliot was traveling with them perhaps as teacher of the Dennison boys.) Also Capt John Prentice - to New London blacksmith and sea captain who owned ship the John & Hester - fought pirates. (Cotton also on this voyage). Other passengers - John Winthrop, Jr. and Mrs. Margaret Winthrop (the wife of Gov Winthrop) and the Richard Lyman family (he left Newtowne for Hartford with Hooker in 1635) and John Steele & family (who also left for Hartford) and George Steele & family (who also went to Hartford). See Steeles, Lyman and others on Cambridge History.

1631 Richard Raymond arrives in Salem

1631 (by this time) Thomas Lombard

1631 The White Angell. Kenelm Winslow (to Saco Maine)

1631-2 John Gibson - stayed in Cambridge

1632 The Lyon (Eliz Crow Goodwin, w. her parents John Crow and Eliz White Crow).

1632 The Whale 1(Nathaniel Merriman - fought in Pequot war/Native)

1632 The William and Francis (Thomas Woodford - to Hartford, William Sanborn to Saugus then Hampton NH)

1632 William Pontus First residence: Plymouth.

1632 The ? (George Carr [Carr-174] arrived in Ipswich - a shipwright and ferryman granted what became known asCarrs island between Ma. and NH and controlled ferrly for generations.

1632 Henry Howland Jr. in Plymouth by 1633

1633 The Griffin (Thomas Hooker, Capt. Edward Hutchinson, Barthelemew Green and his daughter - Cambridge then Hartford founder, Samuel Stone - with Cotton) - also Thomas Seldon (?) who goes to Hartford.

1633 The Hecter (Capt. John Moss)

1633 (circa) on which ship? Robert Linnell, Hannah Pontus Rickard.

1633 (on which ship? William Cornwell (Cornwell-113) honored on Hartford memorial though arrived late; someone started belief he married Native princess unfounded.

1633 (circa) Editha Stebbins [Stebbins-304]likely came with her brother Edward Stebbins. Considered the "mother" of Hartford. She married Day the first minister, then married Holyoke [grandfather of Harvard's president] and moved to Springfield. Town attacked by 100 natives, king Phillip's war. [see this one]

1634 The Elizabeth (John Clarke, Robert Day [ Day-268] Samuel and Elizabeth Smith). Day was in Newtown then left for Hartford.

1634 The Francis (William Holden, founder of Hartford, Thurstan Clark)

1634 Major Simon Willard [Willard-10] -Cambridge, Concord, Charlestown and elsewher; He was an innkeeper, soldier, magistrate, surveyor, and furtrader..

1634/5 The Hercules 1 (Anne Hatch Torry Phillips; William and Jane Hatch, children)

1634-5 which ship? (Vincent Meggs [Meggs-48] along with family, including a son, a furrier - who moved to New Haven)

1635 The Abigail (Ann Almy Greene. Married Dep.Gov. John Greene [Jr] 1648 at Warwick. Margaret Reade ([Reade-15]or arrived in 1638 - came with her sister Elizabeth who was the wife of Gov. John Winthrop).

1635 The Angel Gabriel (ship wrecked off Maine with John Bailey [Bailey-799]; - a real bad bloke - criminal). He came with his son.

1635 The Blessing (Thomas King w.William Vassall & wife Anna King, Thomas' sister, and John Vassall (son of William Vassall a key investor in the Massachusetts Bay Company).

1635 The Defiance (Thomas Wheeler)

1635 The Elizabeth and Ann (William and John Goodrich - Cambridge to Hartford)

1635 The Increase (Joseph Morse)

1635 The Assurance (John Bouton - Boston moved to Hartford)

1635 The Defense (Jasper Gunn, Roxbury Physician, sealer of weights)

1635 The Elizabeth and Ann (William Lord - Cambridge then Hartford)

1635 The James (Sarah Learned Ewer Lathrop, Anthony Besse, John Emory [Emery-20 -and wife, Matthew Mitchell [Mitchell-1313], Susan Wood [Wood-2488]). This ship called the cleric ship. Richard Mather was also on board (he left an interesting journal); some ships headed for Newfoundland. Winthrop describes this journey in notebook - see Susan Wood - she was at Springfield during Pequot war and her husband was killed).

1635 The Planter (George Giddings - Ipswich, John Greene, John and Sabel (Harper) Pabodie, Joan Tattersall Green and son Major James Greene- deputy Gov of RI; William and Mary Tuttle with family -Charlestown then Hartford - he miller, surveyer; Margaret Harvey [Harvey-1871]and son; William Wilcockson [Wilcockson-61] - a linen weaver).

1635 The Bachelor (Thomas Hurlbut - blacksmith, soldier, Native Americans)

1635 The Defense (Richard Brownson [Brownson-360] came with his brother John and Sister. Left to found Hartford (with Hooker).

1635 The True Love (Richard Hawes, William Ives, Thomas and Mary Birchard, William and Marie Preston, Thomas Tibbals [Tibbals-10 - founder of Milford, served in the Pequot war])

1635 The Hopewell (John Strong)

1635 The Increase (James Rogers)

1635 The Matthew (John Greene) -St. Christopher, British West Indies, Kingston R.I., & Native Americans

1635 The Susan & Ellen (Grace Chetwood and Peter Bulkeley)

1635 ship unknown (Edmund Sherman & family.)

1635 ship unknown (Elizabeth Cooke's family [Cooke-2187] her later husband executed for complicity against Charles I)

1635-36 ship unknown (Nicholas Lobdell)

1636 The Anne (Abraham and Bridget Shaw - settled in Watertown, then Dedham).

1637 The Hecter (Thomas Buckingham, New Haven and poss. George Smith a Hartford founder, Isaac Beecher, New Haven, William Fowler - New Haven)

1637 The Mary Anne (John Gedney and family)

1637 Speedwell (Mary and Walter Harris)

1637 unknown (Alice and abraham Kimberly, Edmund Tapp - founders New Haven)

1637 "John and Dorothy" or the "Rose" (John Moulton and family - orig settlers of Hampton NH - came on boat with Rev. Stephen Bachilor)

? 1637 (Susanna Buck on unnamed ship arrived Ipswitch in 1637. She came as a "servant" to Henry Bachelour later married Thomas Hartshorne)

?1637 James Moulton

1638 The Castle (Joan Rucke [Rucke-2]). She would divorce while here.

1638 The Martin (Sylvester Baldwin, wife & daughter- he dies, his wife marries founder of Hartford).

1638 The Martin (Chad Brown)

1638 The Diligent (to Ipswich) John Beal, Martha Beal Dunham, Joseph Peck Sr (Ipswich)

1638 The? Elizabeth Brewster Emerson ([Brewster-147]with husband Thomas Emerson). He child marries a Bulkeley and Ralph Waldo Emerson is a descendant.

1638 which ship? Thomas Fox [Fox-118] likely came as a servant. Was in Cambridge moved to Concord where his house still stands.

1638? Thomas Upson [Upson-14] a founder of Hartford.

1639 which ship? Henry Brooks (Brooks-178) in Concord by this time.

1639 which ship? Abraham Pierson [Pierson-149] trained at Trinity, a preacher, very "conservative" moved to New Haven, then founded Newark, N.J. When he died he had one of the largest libraries in the colonies.

1640 The Charles or Hopewell (James Torrey - Scituate interesting history)

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