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NC VanPelts

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Date: 26 Feb 2018 [unknown]
Location: Bertie County North Carolinamap
Surnames/tags: Van_Pelt VanPelt
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The Van Pelt (VanPelt) Family in Colonial Bertie Co. NC (1600-1763)

editing note: all instances of Vanpelt, and been replaced with Van Pelt.


James Van Pelt & Catherine Hugh 10 Jan 1793

Source: Fouts, Raymond Parker, comp. Marriages of Bertie County North Carolina 1762-1868. Baltimore, MD: Clearfield Company, Inc., 2005.

Misc source depository

1757 Bertie County, NC Tax List

  1. John Van Pelt Schooner (?)- Quaminer, Hanover, Jemima - 3
  2. Simon Van Pelt, Johannas Vanpelt - 2
  3. Harmon Van Pelt- 1 (would this be Hendrick?)
  4. Daniell Van Pelt and his Son John and Negroes Hanover, Dick, Sesor, Tom, Jane, Hannah -8
Source: Rogers, Glenn Norman. "Tax lists & Constable lists for Bertie County in the year 1757." [USGenWeb Archives - census wills deeds genealogy.]

Herman Van Pelt of Bertie County, Master Sloop Polly. 20 July 1749 (Hendrick?)

Source: Hathaway, James Robert Bent. "Merchant Marine Port of Roanoke, (Edenton NC)." The North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register Volume 1, January 1900, pages 433-37. February 1, 2008. Accessed February 20, 2018.

Deeds & Land Records

13 Jun 1724
Deed Book A 291 Martin Cromen to John Van Pelt of New York. 13 Jun 1724. £35 for 200 acres on Casiah Neck on NS Herrin Creek. Wit: William Lattimer, Edward Wingate. By power of atty form Martin Cromen to William Charlton proved by oath of William (Lattemer). 23 Jul 1724 C. Gale C/C

17 Sep 1733
Deed Book D19 John Swenny to Capt John Van Pelt 100 acres “for some money discounted by Capt. John Van Pelt.” On ES Deep Branch. Wit John Wynns, Jurat. Nicholas Sessoms. November Court 1733 John Wynns D. C/C

17 Jan 1733
Deed Book D44 John Willson (Wellson) & wife Priscilla to Capt. John Van Pelt, Sen. £200 for 640 acres on west-side Chinkopen (Chinquapin ) Creek at “upper most side of” Miery Branch. Wit: John Wynnsm jurat, Francis Browne, February Court 1733. John Wynns D. C/C

12 Feb 1725/26
Deed Book D262 John Gilbert & wife Sarah to John Holley. 120 acres ”… (for) love, good will & effections which we have and do bear unto our son in law & son John Holley … (two parcels) joying together …” On south-side Wiccacon Creek adj. John Morriss, John Van Pelt, “Bushes land … being the manner plantation and lands adj. whereon we lastly Dwelt as by the Deed of Sale from Richard Mapass to John Bush ….” Wit: John Wynns, Joseph Maynor. February Court 1735

10 Nov 1736
Deed Book E 64 Thomas Banks to William Lewis, “Cordwainer”. Deed of Gift. 200 Acres. Greetings. Know ye that I Thomas Banks of the Precinct of Bertie for sundry good causes and considerations me hereunto moving but more particular for the good will and Effection which I have & do bear unto my son-in-law William Lewis of Bertie Precinct Cordwainer, I have and hereby do give, grant, transfer, assign, and set over unto my said son in law William Lewis and his heirs and assigns forever one certain Plantation & Tract of Land lyeing & being in Bertie prect aforesaid Chinkopen Neck Containing by Estimation two hundred acres (more or lefs) Bounded thus Viz Beginning at a marked Oak Thence running along a line of mark trees to John Vanpelt's land it being my Plantation in Plum Tree Neck formerly Conveyed to Abraham Bewlet from William Bushas Records will appear. Wit: Isaac Lewis, Thomas Lee, jurat. November Court 1736.

30 Jul 1739
Deed Book E 506 John Van Pelt to Jacob Van Pelt.

To all people to whom these presents shall come Greeting & Know ye that I John Van Pelt of Bertie County Grant for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred pounds currency to me in hand paid or sworned to be paid by Jacob Van Pelt of said County plantes with which I own myself Content Have Bargained and sold and by these presents Do fully freely clearly and absolutely Give Grant Bargain sell all*n --- Release confey confirm assign Transfer and set over unto him the said Jacob Van Pelt his heirs and assign forever a certain Plantation & Parcell of Land Situate Lying and being in Bertie County aforesaid in Chinkafr-neck containing by Estimation one hundred acres more or less Bounded this viz Beginning at a forked Red oak on the East Side of the Deep Branch Thence moving Eastwardly to a fence Thence to a Red Oak at a corner Then Southwardeth to a fence a corner Thence westwardly to the said Deep Branch thence along the Branch to the first station To Have adn to Hold the said Land Bargained and sold as aforesaid and all and register the Rights, Privileges, Commodities hereditaments --- & appendants thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining unto him the said Jacob Vanpelt his heirs and assigned forever in --- simple absolutely -- as full and simple manner to all intents and purposes as the most Learned in the Law can devise fall from all Incumbrances whatsoever (accruing Quitrents only excepted) hereby covinanting to warrant & Defend the same unto him and his Heirs, Execrs and administers and assigns forever against all other claims whatsoever in Witness whereof I the said John Van Pelt have hereunto set my hand & seal this 30th day of July anno Dano 1739. . Wit: Daniel Van Pelt, Henry Vize. August Court 1739
2nd Source: Beem, Marceline . "Deed: John Van Pelt to Jacob Van Pelt-1739, Bertie Co., NC." USGenWeb Archives - census wills deeds genealogy. September 28, 1998.

29 Sep 1739
Deed Book F 152 Jacob Van Pelt, yeoman to John Van Pelt, yeoman. £160 for * land in Chinkopen Neck “… which the said John Van Pelt lately Conveyed me an was Conveyed to him by John Swenney …” Wit.: John Wynns, Jurat, Daniel Van Pelt, William Wynns, Benjamin Wynns. November Court 1740

11 Mar 1741
Deed Book F 480 Dom. Rex to John Van Pelt. Grant 150 acres “… grant … As of Manner of East Greenwich in Our County of Kent …” Yearly rent of 4 shillings/100 acre. Land on north side of Barbeque Swamp adjoining Thomas McClendon. Signed Gabriel Johnson Capt. General & Gov. in Chief. At Edenton. John Rice, Gov. of Sec’t’y.

Deed Book F 481 Note: A map appears here. “Pursuant to a warrant from his Execly the Gov. bearing the date the 20th of Sept 1739 … (to lay) for John Van Pelt one hundred & fifty acres … on North side of Barique Swamp … (adjoining Thomas McClendon .. John Conner Dep. Survey’r.”

11 Jun 1742
Deed Book F 482 John Van Pelt to Elias Stallings, yeoman, £400 for 150 acres with mentioned patents. Wit: Daniel Van Pelt, Mary Van Pelt. August Court 1743

12 May 1741
Deed Book E22 John Wynns to Henry Vanpelt. £50 for 150 acres. “… my right title and interest … to within tract ….” Wit: William Bly, John Kenney. May Court 1741. Benjamin Hill C/C John Wynns D. C/C

4 Feb 1742/43
Deed Book F 515 Dennis McClendon, yeoman, of Craven Co. to Richard Brown 4 Feb 1742/43. £30 for 440 acres on south side Wiccacon Creek in Chinkopen Neck adj. John Earley, Isaac Hill, William Lewis, Capt. Van Pelt, Thomas Banks, John Wynns, Richard Brown, Wit: John Thomas, Benjamin Wynns. Aug Court 1743

2 Mar 1746
Deed book G 67 William Wynns to John Van Pelt, yeoman. 80 pds for 353 acres on West side Chinkopen Swamp. William Wynns acting as attorney for Thomas McClendon of Craven County. Wit: Henry Vize, William Sharp, Daniel Van Pelt, November Court 1747 Benjamin Wynns DC/C

7 Aug 1747
Deed Book G 92 Richard Blizard to Timothy Van Pelt. £123 for 150 acres on north side Wills Quarter Swamp adj, James Currie on Pell Mell Pocoson. Wit: Abraham Jordan, James Castellaw, William Jenkins. February Court 1747.

2 Feb 1748
Deed Book G 175 Timothy Van Pelt, carpenter to Thomas Ryan. £336 for 300 acres and personal property. (1) 200 acres on North side Pell Mell Pocoson by patent 14 Feb 1739 (2) 100 acres on Great Beaver Dam dated 7 Feb 1746. “… Likewise, all my Hoggs mark’d with a Swallow(for?) in the left ear and two under keels in the right ear …” Wit: Thomas Turner, David Ryan, Edward Howard February Court 1748

18 Feb 1756
Deed Book H 309 Burrill Bell & wife, Sarah to Daniel Vanpelt. £20 for 157 acres adj. James Jones & Thomas Sissons, Peter Evansm John Davidson, John Smith on Chinkopen Swamp. Wit: John Van Pelt, Mary Ann Wyanns. July Court 1756 Benjamin Wynns C/C

26 Feb 1757
Deed Book H 636 John Williams to Ezekiel Williams. Deed of Gift. "640 acres to my to my grandson ..." Witnesses: Thomas Whitmell, Priscella Van Pelt & Nathaniel Cooper. July court 1757

12 May 1756
Deed Book H 321 Peter Evans, carpenter to Simon Van Pelt. £25 for 640 acres on WS Cypress Swamp adj. Col. Wm. Maul. Wit: William Wynns, Benjamin Wynns July court 1756

Nov 1757
Benjamin Norville & wife Margaret to John Van Pelt £22 150 acres on NS Wiccacon Creek adj William Baker (Bacor). Wit: John Flemming, Thomas Williams Oct. Court 1757.

July 24, 1759
John Van Pelt of Bertie Co to John Barrett of same, 20 Jan 1758, L25 Carolina, 100 acres in CHINKOPEN NECK joining DEEP BRANCH. Wit: James Boon Wynns, Catren VanPelt. April Court 1758 (Ref: Bertie Co NC Deed Book I p56); Barrett seems to have sold this land to Chamblee: John Barrett of Bertie Co, cooper, to Robert Chamblee, Bertie, in Bertie Co, NC, for £35 proclamation money "one plantation...tenement tract of parcel of land...lying and being in Chinkopen Neck in Bertie County...containing..100 acres..bounded: beginning at a forked red oak on the east side of the Deep Branch running thence eastwardly to a pine, then to a red oak a corner, thence southwardly to a pine corner, thence westwardly to the said Deep Branch thence along and down the branch to the first station and also all sands... Wit: Richard Brown, Benjamin Wynne of Bertie Co July Court 1759. (Bertie Co NC Deed Bk I, p 357) July 24, 1759 Court sessions, Bertie Co NC, Deed from John Barrett to Robert Chamblee proved by Benjamin Wynns.

19 Nov 1767
Deed Book L 109 David Standly Shf to Walkins William Wynns Wit: David Gaskins, Elisha Freeman, Tho's Ward, Dan Van Pelt.

page 391. Jacob Van Pelt and Elizabeth Van Pelt of Northampton County to James Taylor (no Co. ID) 05 Jul 1749 43 pounds current money of Virginia 500 acres more or less on the north side of Roanoak river, joining other lands of Jacob Van Pelt, James' run, and William Allen. Wit: John Moore, John Gillum Reg. Northampton Co Aug. Ct. 1749 J. Edwards C. Ct.

(Source: Hofmann, Margaret M. Abstracts of Deeds, Northampton County, North Carolina, 1741 through 1759, Public Registry Deed Books One and Two. Weldon, NC: Roanoke News, 1983. Page 64.}

Land Patents found at McCorkle, David M. "North Carolina Land Grant Images and Data." North Carolina Land Grants. Searching all North Carolina grants where Subject is "Van Pelt" (more is available for later dates)

Name County Entered Issued Acres Location
Benjamin Hickman Craven - 1765 100 On So. side of Swifts Creek including the Vacant Land Between Daniel Cox and Henry Van Pelt
Edward Gardner, assignee, [of Moses Chance and Henry Van Pelt another assignee was Mary Gardner] Pitt 1793 1800 100 Between Swift Creek and Clarute Swamp
Henery Van Pelt [Henry Van Pelt]Pitt 1791 1791 10 On N. side of Swifts Creek
Henry Van Pelt Craven - 1766 180 On the Clay root swamp joining Benjamin Hickmans line
Henry Van Pelt Craven - 1766 180 On the Clay root swamp joining Benja. Hickmans line
Henry Van Pelt Craven - 1768 85 The South side of Little Contentney Creek
Henry Van Pelt Craven - 1768 96 On the south side of Little Contentney Creek
Henry Van Pelt Dobbs 1772 1772 170 On the Wt. side of Little Contentnea
Henry Van Pelt, and John Van Pelt, [assignee of Moses Chance] Pitt 1793 1800 100 In Clarute Swamp.
John Van Pelt, (assignee), [of Henry Van Pelt] Pitt 1794 1799 35 South Side Clayroot Swamp.
Reuben Powell Dobbs 1772 1774 300 On Watery Branch Beg. at a Pine Henry Van Pelt's line
John Van Pelt Bertie - 1740 100 -
Isaac Hill Bertie - 1742 569 Joying John Van Pelt and Denis McClendons line
Jacob Van Pelt Craven - 1760 100 Between Great and Little Contentney
Jacob Van Pelt Craven - 1760 100 Between Great and Little Contentney
John Van Pelt Bertie - 1740 150 -

Misc Wills

Will of Allen, Andrewm Newbern, NC 29 Oct 1762; probated 15 Nov 1762. Thomas Wallton son of John and Hannah in the County of Kent, Md, Grace Meers wife of Elisha Meers, Grace being the daughter of Stephen Walton of Accomack County, VA wife Priscilla daughter of Jacob Van Pelt in Craven Co, NC * Jacob Van Pelt, wife and Gilbert Ker executors. Test, Anthony Van Pelt, Frederick Gibble, Ann Gibble.

Source: Hathaway, James Robert Bent, ed. "Abstract of Wills Executed & Probated prior to 1760." The North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register Volume 1, January 1900, 163-234. February 1, 2008. Accessed February 20, 2018. Page 168

Will of John Van Pelt

22 Nov 1734, probated 17 Jun 1748 Bertie Co., NC

City of New York, Mariner. Sons: John (land in Bertie known as John Swann's plantation), Daniel, (land in Bertie known as Chinckapin Neck and John Wilson's plantation). Daughters: Mary and Elslie (five lots in Bath Town). Wife: Mary. Executor: John Van Pelt (son). Witnesses: Andrew Moor, John Pratt, Henry Demeyer. Proven before Gab. Johnston.

In the name of God Amen, I John van Pelt of the City of New York, marriner, being in perfect health and of sound mind, memory, and understanding, thanks be to Almighty God for the same, and calling to remembrance the uncertainty of this life, do make, constitute, ordain, and declare this my last will and testament in manner and form following, revoking and annulling by those present all and every will and wills heretofore by me made and declared, either by word or in writing, and this only to be my last will and testament, and first being heartily sorry for my sins past most in humbly desiring forgiveness of the same, I commit my soul to Almighty God, trusting to be saved through the merits of Jesus Christ and my body to the earth to be buried in a Christian-like manner, where it shall please my executors hereinafter named _____ appoint and as to the settling of the temporal estate as it has pleased God to bestow upon me, I do order, give, and dispose of the same in manner and form following (that is to say).

—Item I will and order that my just debts and legacies and fines or all charges be first paid and satisfied within convenient time after my decease.
—Item I give and bequeath unto my son John the sum of five pounds current money of New York in full of his claim or pretense of being my eldest son or heir at law and as a barr forever to the same.
—Item I give and bequeath unto my said son John all that my plantation in Bertie Precinct commonly known and distinguished by the name of John Swang's plantation to him and his heirs forever.
—Item I give and bequeath unto my son Daniel all that my plantation in Bertie Precinct commonly known by the name of Chinckapin nearby and John Wilson's plantation unto him and his heirs forever.
—Item I give and bequeath to my daughters Mary and Elshe all those my five lots of land in Bath Town to be equally divided between them and to their heirs forever.
—Item All the rest of my estate both real and personal whatsoever and wheresoever I give and bequeath unto my said sons and daughters to be equally divided amongst them share and share alike to them and their and every of their heirs forever.
—Item It is my will notwithstanding the bequests as aforesaid so bequeathed that my dear and well beloved wife Mary van Pelt shall have, hold, occupy, possess, and enjoy all the rents, issues, and profits of all and _____ my estate both real and personal whatsoever and wheresoever during her natural life if she so long remains my widow, and further, it is my will and desire that no division be made of my real and personal estate during her widowhood but lie and remain under the command of my said wife Mary whilst sole.
And Lastly, I the said John van Pelt have to this my last will and testament set my hand and seal in New York this 22nd day of November in the eighth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George II of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King Defender of the Faith in 1734.
—Item I so nominate, constitute, and appoint my said loving wife Mary and my said sons John and Daniel executors of this my last will and testament and that the same may be duly and truly be performed.
John van Pelt (SEAL)
Signed, sealed, published and declared by the testator in the presence of us: Andrew Moor, John Pratt, Henry Demeyer
Source: North Carolina Will Abstracts, 1660-1790. Original data: Grimes, John Bryan. Abstracts of North Carolina Wills. Raleigh, NC, USA: North Caroline Department of State, 1910.
Source: Crowder, Cheryl. "Will of John Van Pelt 1734." USGenWeb Archives - census wills deeds genealogy. Accessed February 17, 2018.

Brown, Francis, Sr. Bertie 7 Nov 1748; probated November Court 1750. Sons Francis, William, and John, daughters Anna, Mary, Sarah, Jame, Elizabeth, youngest son Benjamin, John Wynns overseer of my will. Test, Isaac Hill, Daniel Van Pelt, Geo Riviet.

Source: Hathaway, James Robert Bent, ed. "Abstract of Wills Executed & Probated prior to 1760." The North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register Volume 1, January 1900, 163-234. February 1, 2008. Accessed February 20, 2018. Page 170.


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Here's an additional citation:

John VanPelt of Bertie Co to John Barrett of same, 20 Jan 1758, L25 Carolina, 100 acres in CHINKOPEN NECK joining DEEP BRANCH. Wit: James Boon Wynns, Catren VanPelt. April Court 1758 (Ref: Bertie Co NC Deed Book I p56); Barrett seems to have sold this land to Chamblee: John Barrett of Bertie Co, cooper, to Robert Chamblee, Bertie, in Bertie Co, NC, for L35 proclamation money "one plantation...tenement tract of parcel of land...lying and being in Chinkopen Neck in Bertie County...containing..100 acres..bounded: beginning at a forked red oak on the east side of the Deep Branch running thence eastwardly to a pine, then to a red oak a corner, thence southwardly to a pine corner, thence westwardly to the said Deep Branch thence along and down the branch to the first station and also all sands... Wit: Richard Brown, Benjamin Wynne of Bertie Co July Court 1759. (Bertie Co NC Deed Bk I, p 357) July 24, 1759 Court sessions, Bertie Co NC, Deed from John Barrett to Robert Chamblee proved by Benjamin Wynns. --D.A. Stoddard

posted by Anonymous Stoddard