Location: England

Surnames/tags: Portraits Art_Tree NPG_London
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William Cavendish-Bentinck. | Image: William Henry Cavendish-Bentinck-Scott, 4th Duke
William Henry Cavendish (Bentinck) | The 3rd Duke of Portland on horseback at Welbeck, George Stubbs, 1767
Margaret Cavendish (Harley) Bentinck | Margaret Cavendish Bentinck (née Harley), Duchess of Portland, Collector of art and natural history . . image . . 4 portraits npg uk
Daniel Charles Solander FRS | Daniel Charles Solander, Botanist . . photo . . 3 portraits npg uk
- Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) . . photo . . 9 portraits npg uk
- Robert Stephenson Smyth (Powell) Baden-Powell . . images . . 48 portraits npg uk
Charles Robert Darwin (1809-1882), Naturalist, geologist . . photo . . 34 portraits npg uk
Sir Roderick Impey Murchison, 1st Bt (1792-1871), Geologist and geographer . . photo . . 22 portraits npg uk
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