Location: Union Co., Kentucky, United States

Surname/tag: Floyd
I, Nathaniel Floyd of Henderson County and commonwealth of Kentucky, being in a low state of health but of sound mind, and being assured of the uncertainty of life, and the certainty of death, and believing that I must soon depart this life I do make and ordain this my last will and Testament, revoking all other wills, that I may have heretofore made.
I will and bequeath to my daughter Fanny Warthan one dollar with what I have heretofore given her.
I will and bequeath to my daughter Sally Murray one dollar with what I have heretofore given her.
I give and bequeath to my daughter Peggy Bowman and one dollar with what I have heretofore given her and no more.
I give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Besett one dollar with what I have heretofore given her and no more.
I give and bequeath to my daughter Nancy Cavender one dollar with what I have heretofore given her and no more.
I give and bequeath to my grandson Hardin Floyd one dollar with what I have heretofore given his Father and no more.
I give and bequeath to my son Armistead Floyd one dollar with what I have heretofore given him and no more.
All the rest of my personal estate household furniture and Kitchen furniture, with all my stock and farming utensils which I wish to be sold and residue profits to be divided between my four youngest children.
My son Nathaniel Floyd, I wish to have one fourth.
And my daughter Lucy I design shall have one hundred and fifty dollars with one bed and furniture, and one womans saddle now at Nicholas Murry's, the balance to be equally divided between my two sons Alexander and Charles Floyd.
I wish my Negro man to be hired for ten years which I decide to be appropriate to the use of educating my two sons Alexander and Charles. And at the end of which time I wish him to be set at liberty.
I wish the property assigned my four youngest children to be applied for the support and heritcoin as the executors may think best when they arrive at the proper age, to be given to them.
I appoint Mr. John Lockheart, Joseph Warthan, and Henry C. Floyd Executors and wish them or some one of them to act as such . Given under my hand and seal this 22th day of August in the year of our Lord 1824.
Signed, Sealed and delivered in presence of} James T. Hughes John Floyd Henry C. Floyd Nathaniel Floyd Seal
My last will is that my place whare [sic} my daughter Peggy Bowman lives containing fifty acres by survey be given to her rent free for the term of ten years if she sees proper to live on it that long. After that time or when she moves from the place, I wish it disposed of in the following manner, that my executioners dispose of it in the best way possible for the benefit of my to [sic] children Alexander and Charles Floyd.
Given under my hand this 22 day of August 1824. James T. Hughes John Floyd Henry C. Floyd Nathaniel Floyd Seal
At a county court began and held for Union County at the courthouse in Morganfield on Monday the 18th day of October 1824. This last will and testament of Nathaniel Floyd deceased together with the postscripts thereon endorsed and the separate clause therewith filed was produced in court. And severally Proven by the oaths of James T Hughes and John Floyd two of the subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded.
Attest James R Hughes clk
1824 Nathaniel Floyd Will. Kentucky, Union County, Probate Court, Wills, Vol. A, p. 152, 22 August 1824, digital image 84 of 282, FamilySearch.org ([1]: accessed 6 December 2023)
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