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Native Americans Project Teams

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: United States of Americamap
Surnames/tags: Native_Americans indigenous First_Peoples
This page has been accessed 3,647 times.

WikiTree Native Americans Project members organize into teams based on their more specific interests. Everyone who wants to join the project is asked to find a team they'd like to join, and express their interests when requesting to join the project. Note that you are not required to be a project (or team) member in order to help create or improve Native American profiles.

To check out what project members are currently working on, see Native Americans Project Member Contributions.

Don't see what you're interested in on the following list?
Take a look at the index all pages of teams and other sub-projects on the Native Americans Project Teams Category Page. This collection has a number of inactive teams, and we seek volunteers to activate or reinvigorate them. Please leave a Comment if you're interested!


Topical Teams

Notable Lines

Tribes & Nations

General Teams Coordinator: Robert Teague

Native Americans Project teams focused on specific tribes and nations are typically developed based on where there seems to be common interest. Active teams maintain team pages describing the team's scope and goals, and research resources to help team members with creating and improving individual profiles. These teams are currently active:

Functional Teams


This team, in collaboration with the Categorization project, reviews and updates category usage pertaining to profiles of Native Americans.

Myths & Legends

Coordinator: Kathie Forbes

There are quite a few fictional, fraudulent, or mythical people who have been included as Native American or married to a Native American. If you would like to work with this team on identifying and correcting those profiles, let Coordinator Kathie Forbes know that you would be willing to help.

Profile Management and Improvement

Coordinator: Jillaine Smith

The goal of the Native Americans Project is to raise profiles of Native Americans to the highest standard possible and make them the best that they can be. This Team is on the front line of the coordinated effort to achieve this. Whether it be by working through the Project Maintenance Category, sourcing, profiling, connecting or data-doctoring, profilers are continuously making contributions to improve Native American profiles.

In addition, the Native American Project manages a number of profiles where extra focus is given, including Project Protected Profiles (aka PPPs). These are profiles of historically-significant people and widely-shared ancestors that are at least 200 years old or notable, and where there is some sort of controversy or duplication problem, or reasonable expectation that there will be.

If you would like to work on this team, let Coordinator Jillaine Smith know you are interested and would be willing to help.

Resources & Integration

Do you enjoy researching, locating and organizing resources related to Native Americans? Live in or near an area where Native Americans live or lived? Have the time to do some research for other WikiTreers? This might be a good place for you to contribute to the Native Americans project. This Team works to identify viable project resources relating to Native Americans in general, or a specific Tribe/Nation, and add them to our pages of Native Americans Project Reliable Sources or Native American History Research Resources.

You also might be able to answer project-related questions posted to G2G with the Native_American or Native_Americans tag, or offer other research assistance as needed. If you don't know an answer, you may be able to point to a person or project who might know the answer.

  • Login to edit this profile and add images.
  • Private Messages: Contact the Profile Managers privately: Jillaine Smith and Native Americans Project WikiTree. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
  • Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)

Comments: 10

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Hi Jillaine -

I'm going to go ahead and update this page to reflect & point to current project team info & structure. Let me know if any concerns.

Cheers, Bob

posted by Robert Teague
Thank you, Robert. Much appreciated!
posted by Jillaine Smith
OK - done! Might be ok to remove the NA Category Review category if this looks like current info. I will create a link to this space page from the NA Project page, so updates only need to be done in one place.
posted by Robert Teague
I would like to work on the Lenape, Munsee, Ramapough and related nations of NY, NJ and PA.
posted by Lorraine O'Dell M.L.S.
I would suggest the addition of the Salish Indians or Flathead Indians of Montana to your list.
Would you be willing to take the lead in working up pages for each of these, Carrie?
posted by Jillaine Smith
Today is the first time I've ever looked at the Native American Project. Earlier, I looked a a picture of Chief Charlo of the Salish tribe and came to this page. I was checking to see if he was on Wikitree and seeing how individuals are added. So I admit, I am not a knowledgeable person for the task. :-) It is just one tribe, the Salish/Flathead tribe of Montana, with two commonly used names. I can look at other pages and attempt to build a similar page for the Salish/Flathead tribe. I need to research the tribe for a while to learn about them. So yes, I can do it, given some time. I also do not see the Blackfoot tribe on the list, I grew up hearing about them.
Thanks, Carrie. But let's make sure there isn't already a page. You question about the Blackfoot has made me realize the above list is not complete:


Here's a category page for the Salish: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Category:Salish

All that text at the top needs moving to a freespace page,

It does t look loke we have a space or category page for the Flathead tribe. BUT.... googling it, I see there is no Flathead or Salish *tribe*; see:




posted by Jillaine Smith
And.. there are a slew of tribes and nations that don't have teams. See https://www.wikitree.com/index.php?title=Category:Tribes
posted by Jillaine Smith
Sarah, this was a start at trying to convert the various sub projects to Teams. I haven't had a moment to work on it for quite some time.
posted by Jillaine Smith