
Navy Service Record for Raymond James Leonard

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 20 Apr 1918 to 11 Nov 1960
Location: National Personnel Records Center, Spanish Lake, Spanish Lake Township, St. Louis, Missouri, United Statesmap
Surnames/tags: Leonard Smalley
Profile manager: Kelly Leonard private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 379 times.

This is the Navy Service Record file for Raymond James Leonard (1896-1965). Thumbnails of the individual pages of the file are shown below. Click on any thumbnail to view the full-sized page.

The first two images of the record are the file folder that contains a summary of Raymond's service and other identifying information.

The next six pages contain the detailed service record. They include information about his next of kin, his motherAlta Belle Zora (Smalley) Leonard (1864-1945), more details about the vessels he served on, and miscellaneous details, such as that he qualified in swimming.

The next two pages is the Record of Allotments, Family Allowances and Insurance of Enlisted Men. It indicates that Raymond's mother, Alta Belle Zora (Smalley) Leonard (1864-1945) was covered by $10,000 in insurance and that her address was PO Box 211, Liberty, Ind. Raymond's father, George Washington Leonard (1854-1933), was listed as an emergency contact.

The next two pages are the Shipping Articles. These were legal contracts between the Navy and the naval recuit on their term of enlistment. It includes an Oath of Conduct.

The next page is a Veterans Administration Request for Information dated November 7, 1960.

After that appears to be a duplicate copy of the Record of Allotments, Family Allowances and Insurance of Enlisted Men. It's assumed this was an error on the part of the scanning technician.

Next is an Application for a World War I Victory Medal. This was a campaign medal awarded to military personnal who served in World War I. It was issued by several countries, including Great Britain, Austrailia and the United States. The location of Raymond's medal is unknown by this researcher.

The next 10 pages show various notes and transfer records, including a record of when Raymond was transferred to Europe.

Following that is a Change of Rating form. This is for changing the job or specialty within the Navy. To change your rating, you need to meet certain requirements, such as time in service, aptitude and interest.

The last set of documents in the file relate to the compensation for Raymond's service.

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