Location: Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Surnames/tags: Slye Green Day
On June 10, 1925 Miss Minnie Farr gave Nellie G Slye a book to record birth dates.
Notes from the Book
9th 1877 John Day Green
17th 1943 Jean "Tyler" Somers
18th 1944 Carol "Ann" Cran???
19th 1946 Jack and Judy Slye Twins
20th Rosalie D Freeman
23rd 1915 Dororthy Day Green
27th 1881 27th Nellie G Slye - Maggie Cockerell
4th 1944 Baby Joyce
5th 1817 William B Day - 1874 Mary White McMillen - 1874 John W Steele
9th 1881 Ella Embrey
18th Eleanor Barr
25th 1803 Henry Green
7th Kenneth E Bickel
9th Bessie Freeman
12th 1868 W H Thomson - 1939/4? Mary Daly
17th 1942 Patricia Jones
19th 1818 Emily P Day - 1871 Chas(Charles) Ashby Thomas (father of Hilda Thomas Henry [1])
22nd 1875 Virgie R Freeman - 1937 Billy Barr
24th 1903 Julian Day Freeman
30th 1897 Hilda (Norene) Thomas Henry (bride of Charles Patton Henry on 4 april 1925 Miss Nellie Slye cousin of the bride [1])
9th Elizabeth Miskell - Bert Miskell
13th 1913 - Freeman D Slye & William Taylor Slye
14th 1942 Elaine Von Bernewitz
15th 1871 Minnie R Farr (Mrs. Rezin A. Farr is sister of Charles Patton Henry [1])
20th Gail Tyler H/Koss?
21st Mr Ray Lewis
30th 1872 Julia Freeman
3rd 1909 Joseph Hyde
4th Eileen Daly
7th Theodore Southwick
19th 1940 Susan Scharf
22nd Nora Thomas
6th 1908 A Lacey Embrey Jr
9th 1939 Jennie Anderson Slye - 1940 Frank Day Kreuzburg
10th 1907 Nellie G Slye Schweitzer - Annie D Kerby - Mr L H Fink
17th 1849 Sarah W Green
26th Mary Nelson Syle - 1930 Mary Ann Newman
27th 1877 Fannie Jenkins Lonner?
2nd 1935 Richard D Hyde
9th 1865 Fred Thomas
14th 1848 William T Green - 1833 Nellie Thomas - Mr George Slye
24th 1878 Harry L Slye - 1879 Louis Saphar Reed
26th Mr Raymond Lewis
30th 1910 Harry L Slye Jr
5th 1898 Taylor Freeman
6th Mrs Chase
13th 1938 Harry L Syle III
15th 1943 Trump Freeman
21st 1913 Inez? Hyde
24th 1927 Gloria Lipphard
25th 1943 Elaine Jeanette Day
27th 1942 Freeman Nelson Slye
29th Hazel Thomas Freeman (sister of Hilda Thomas Henry [1])
2nd 1849 "Aunt Kate"
6th 1941 William Taylor Slye
15th 1942 Jack Kreuzburg
16th 1937 Margeret Daly
19th 1941 John J Freeman
23rd 1943 Rebecca Reid
24th Esther Slye - Mrs Claggett
27th Mrs Jones
28th 1929 Jacqueline Slye Schweitzer
30th J B Shaw
4th 1869 Hannah M Schweitzer
5th 1942 Nancy Lee Joyce
7th 1919 Thelma Schmidt
16th 1929 Nancy Mulgannon
20th 1919 Jean Fielding
9th 1868 J S Freeman - 1858 Cousin Molly Thornton
10th 1873 Henry G Thomas - Wilson L Thomas
21st 1931 Christian F Schweitzer Jr - 1911 Frank Thomas
1st Mildred Green
10th 1901 Christian Schweitzer Sr
19th 1857 Roberta Day Hodgkin
23rd 1936 Sandra Sarah Slye
24th Mary Ann Joyce
25th 1936 Virginia Lee Freeman - Virginia Maore??
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