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Nelson - Gallia Co. Ohio Records

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Date: 2024 [unknown]
Location: Gallia, Ohio, United Statesmap
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NELSON GROUP REPOSITORY home page https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:NELSON_GROUP_REPOSITORY


Nelson in Gallia Co. Ohio Records

From KS – 2/21-2019 Tired of working the Hampshire Co. land-grants—though I will get them out soon—and frustrated trying to sort Lemons and Throckmortons, I wanted to get back to some concrete ground, which means the Jackson Co., OH area. The statement regarding Moses Nelson’s sister, Elizabeth (Nelson) Bunn, that she was “a native of Kentucky, who came to Gallia County, when seven years old, and in 1812 came to Jackson County” has always struck me as possibly significant. [The statement appears in the bio of her son Harman Bunn in History of Lower Scioto Valley.] If her father William died in 1810, as we are led to believe from the old Jackson Standard-Journal article, then she [b. c1804] should have had a guardian appointed. The Gallia Co. guardianship files are accessible now on the LDS FamilySearch website – but, alas, no Elizabeth, no Moses Nelson. The file could have been lost, of course, or combined into another file. Unfortunately LDS does not show any Gallia court journal holdings before 1811 and Vol. C 1811-1813 isn’t accessible online, so can’t cross-check to establish whether there was such a guardianship.

There are several Nelson families represented in early Gallia Co. records. There a few couples I haven’t identified yet—one that went to Laporte/and later Porter Co., IN and another to Jackson Co., IN. There is the John Nelson m1 Elizabeth Kirby, m2 Isabella Blair who I wrote about in a Jan 10 email. Also the Nathaniel Nelson of Halifax Co., VA mentioned in the same email. Turns out the slaves he sought to emancipate and settle in Ohio was his own family. I doubt that he is significant, his interest in OH seemingly simply that it was a free state. Likewise, the Daniel Nelson of Shrewsbury, Worcester Co., MA is probably not significant; he went on to found Nelsonville in Athens Co., OH. Many of the early Gallia records relate to the John Nelson and Sarah Stearns family of Pendleton County, outlined in Morton’s History of Pendleton County, WV. Morton provides little context for the family, other than that his father “when over 60 rode to Ky. to visit his half brother and sister.” Of John and Sarah’s children, Benjamin and Solomon Nelson removed from Gallia/Lawrence Co. to Madison Co., IN.

The matter of John Griffin Nelson having gone to Gallia Co., OH (as evidenced by his marriage to Mary Arbuckle there) has a new development. Turns out there is a marriage license for them in Mason Co., VA about a week before. Were they needing to get out of Mason Co. quickly, or to get to Gallia Co. quickly?

One record that did raise my interest was the Gallia Co. marriage of John G. Nelson and Polly Arbuckle, 22 May 1806—in part because of its being close to when Elizabeth (Nelson) Bunn was said to have come to Gallia Co. Arbuckle researchers identify this couple as John Griffith Nelson and Mary Dickerson/Dickinson Arbuckle, d/o Capt. William Arbuckle and Catherine Madison of Mason Co., VA. Most treatments of this couple are from the Arbuckle side, but there are a few sources which identify John Griffith Nelson’s father as Richard, his parents as Richard and Elizabeth, and/or—at least one—as the Richard Nelson in Hampshire Co., VA.

A John G. Nelson/John Griffin Nelson is named in two Hampshire Co. land surveys—and Richard’s wife was named Elizabeth. 12 Aug 1801 survey, 283a, 15 Mar 1803 grant to Richard Nelson – By virtue of part of two Land Office Treasury Warrant No 3011 Dated November 3d 1800 and N 3051 Dated December 20th 1800…I [John Mitchel Junr] have surveyed for John Griffin Nelson assee of Jacob Jenkins for 200a on Wt No3011 and assee. of Andw. Wodrow for 83a on Wt No 3051 a Tract of Land in Hampshire County and Hardy Countys on Horn Camp run and drains bounded…East side of Plumb Lick Mountain in Fredrick Starkeys line corner to George Gilpin…pine in or near the line between Hampshire and Hardy Counties thence crossing said line and Horn Camp run…James Martins line…land in possession of Wm. I/J? Hagger… chain carriers: James Nelson, Henry Nelson (Endorsed) I do hereby assign my right and title of the within mentioned Platt of Land unto Richard Nelson his heirs or assigns for Value Rec’d as witness my hand this twentieth day of September 1801 John G Nelson wit: Patk Baker

11 Dec 1801 survey, 128a, 28 Jun 1803 grant to John G. Nelson – By virtue of part of a Land Office Treasury Warrant No 3011 Dated November 3rd 1800…I [John Mitchel Jur] have surveyed for Richard Nelson assee of Jacob Jenkins a Tract of Land in Hampshire County between Hardikens Fork and Stoney lick Forks of Littel Cacapehon bounded… intersection of Brian Bruins and Steels lines…west corner of Bruins stony Lick Survey chain carriers: John Nelson, Jno P?wason (Endorsed) I do heare by assine over to John g Nelson this within plot of 128 acres Augt. 9 1802 Richd. Nelson

NOTE: This is a tough one to evaluate. Is the John G. Nelson-Polly Arbuckle couple married in Gallia Co. the same as the John G. Nelson-Mary Arbuckle, d/o Capt. William Arbuckle? Their marriage dates – Bible record & county record – match exactly. Hard to believe in coincidence with those names and exact marriage date match. So probably them, but what accounts for them individually being in Gallia Co? Is John Griffith Nelson and John Griffin Nelson of Hampshire Co. the same? An appealing explanation for John Griffin being in Gallia Co. would be that he came to help Nelson kin (ours) with farming or caring for family. By 1810, John G. & Polly (Arbuckle) Nelson were back in VA, in her native county of Mason. An older Richard Nelson appears in the 1820 Mason Co. census. 1805 was the last year Richard Nelson appears in Hampshire Co. tax lists, the same year that Ross Nelson last appeared. Is it significant that when John G & Mary (Arbuckle) Nelson removed from Mason Co. in the 1830s, they located in Madison Co., IN, where elements of the John & Mary (Stearns) Nelson family settled after Gallia Co.? And I note that John G.’s son, Arbuckle Nelson, named a son French Nelson—might that hark back to Robert French in Hampshire Co.?

Census and Tax Records

OHIO Gallia formed 1803; parent counties: Washington & Adams Lawrence formed 1815; parent counties: Gallia & Scioto Jackson formed 1816; parent counties: Gallia, Scioto, Athens, Ross Meigs formed 1819; parent counties: Gallia & Athens

CENSUS 1820 Walnut Twp, Gallia Co., OH - William Nelson & John Nelson(2) listed William Nelson M45+ 3M<10, 2M10-15, M16-25, F45+, F<10, F10-15, F16-25, F26-44 (listed next) John Nelson M16-25, 2F16-25 (listed a few lines further) John Nelson M&F16-25, M<10


Duplicate of Lands Taxed in Gallia County for the year AD 1825 - William Nelson

Bureau of Land Management records 16 Sep 1819, Lawrence Co. – William Pence, assignee of William Nelson; NE¼ Sec12 T6N R17W Tract Book record (Chillicothe Vol3, p 683; image 108 of 293) “William Nelson Gallia Co Ohio For NE¼ of section No. 12E in township No. 4 of range No. 17 conts 160 acres, at 2 per acre”; date of purchase and first instalment, 24 Jan 1815, instal=$80.00

27 May 1820, Jackson Co. – Samuel Bunn, assignee of Ralph Nelson; NE¼ Sec23 T6N R18W; 160.66 acres Tract Book record (Chillicothe Vol7, p1745; image 26 of 304) “Ralph Nelson of Gallia For NE¼ Sect No. 23 in township No 6 of range No 18 contg 160.66 acres at $2 pr acre”; date of purchase and first instalment, 4 Mar 1816, instal=$80.33

26 Apr 1827, Gallia Co. – Walter Neal assignee of William Nelson; E½ NE¼ Sec19 T4 R16; 80a Tract Book record (Chillicothe Vol1, p174; image 177 of 293): “William Nelson, of Gallia county, For NE¼ of section No. 19E in township No. 4 of range No. 16 conts 160 acres, at $2 per acre”; date of purchase and first instalment, 20 Mar 1818, instal=$80.00

28 Jul 1838, Lawrence Co. – Elias Nelson; NE¼ SE¼ Sec10 T4N R17W; 40a Tract Book record (Chillicothe Vol3, p 680; image 105 of 293) Elias Nelson For NE¼ of SE¼ sec No. 10W in T No. 4 of range No. 17 conts 40a; date of purchase 2 Feb 1837, $50 These are essentially contiguous tracts. Patent images on BLM website show names “of Lawrence County”:

'Jane Nelson' of Lawrence County, Ohio, 5 Aug 1837, 40a, Sec10 T4N R17W (Tract Book, Chillicothe Vol 3, p679; image 104 of 293 – Jane Nelson, date of purch 14 Oct 1836)

William Nelson of Lawrence County, Ohio 5 Mar 1834 40a SE¼ NE¼ Sec10 T4N R17W (Tract Book, Chillicothe Vol 3, p679; image 104 of 293 – William Nelson, date of purch 30 May 1832, $50; William Nelson 4 Jan 1832 entry directly above, for 80 acres, is marked cancelled with note “Change of entry authorized by Secretary of Treasury on 6 Aug 1832)

William Nelson of Lawrence County, Ohio, 5 Nov 1835 40a, SE¼ SW¼ Sec10 T4N R17W (Tract Book, Chillicothe Vol 3, p679; image 104 of 293 – William Nelson, date of purch 25 Mar 1833, $50)

Gallia Co. Land Deeds - Nelson

21 May 1811 – Daniel Nelson of Shrewsbury, Worcester Co., MA to Nahum Ward of Worcester of same co., various tracts “comprising all the right or share which was drawn in the name of John Stanton of Boston, One of the Associates of the Ohio Company”, wf Sarah relinquished dower right [DB4, p233]

5 Oct 1814 – Daniel Nelson of Marietta, Washington Co., OH to Benjamin Flagg of Gallia Co., one section “in the Ohio Company’s purchase,” Sec17 T7 R5; wit: Arch. Murray, Enoch Murray [DB5, p272, 275]

8 Dec 1832 – Solomon Nelson from Alexander McDaniel (wf Margaret), 47a, part of SW¼ Sec 30 T4 R16 (mentions Symms Creek, “within a half rod of Nelsons fence where it now stands”); wit: Jesse Vermillion, Wm. Martin [DB12, p388]

21 Jun 1834 – John Nelson of Lawrence Co. from Alexander McDaniel of Gallia Co. (wf Margaret), 80½a, SW¼ Sec30 T4 R16 (mentions Symms Creek); wit: Robert Gillespie, Otheneal Bacus [DB12, p511]

12 Sep 1834 – Solomon Nelson of Lawrence Co (wf Elendor) to George Irwin of same, 10a, part of SW¼ Sec 30 T4 R16; wit: John McDaniel, Walter Neal [DB14, p454]

19 Mar 1841 – Benjamin Nelson of Lawrence Co. from John Jefferson Price of Gallia Co., 120a, NW¼ of NW¼ Sec9 T6 R17, also E½ of NW¼ Sec9 T6 R17; wit: Orson McClaflin, Thomas Bartley [DB17, p69]

5 Sep 1841 – Benjamin B. Nelson of Lawrence Co. (wf Delphina) to James M. Cole of Jackson Co., 120a, NW ¼ of NW ¼ Sec9 T6 R17; wit: Ann Gates, Nathl Gates [DB17, p206]

22 Jan 1849 – Henry Nelson of Gallia Co. from James M Gates (wf Catharine) of same, 30a, part of NE¼ of NE¼ Sec32 T5 R16 (mentions Simms Creek) and E½ of SE¼ of Sec29 T5 R16 (3a); wit: George L Wickline, William Hunt [DB22, p134]

19 Jun 1847 – Henry Nelson of Gallia Co. from J. L. Armstrong (wf Elizabeth) of same, all of SW¼ Sec28 T5 R16, also NW¼ of SE¼, also parts of some other qtrs (mentions Symms Creek); wit: Friend McDaniel, Charles Chick [DB22, p135]

20 Feb 1852 – Henry Nelson of Lawrence Co. (wf Polly) to Lewis Gillispie of same, 37a, part of NE¼ of NE¼ of Sec32 T5 R16 (mentions Symms Creek) and also part of E½ of SE¼ of Sec29 T5 R16 (3a); wit: Henry Neal, Wm Wiley Smith [DB24, p183, 184]

20 Feb 1852 – Henry Nelson of Lawrence Co. (wf Polly) to William Wiley Smith of same, the NW¼ of SE¼ also E½ of SW¼ of Sec28 T5 R16 & 14a out of W½ of same qtr (mentions Symm’s Creek, Sandfork Creek); wit: Henry Neal, Lewis Gillispie [DB24, p375]

2 Dec 1852 – William Wallace (wf Rachel) to Mary Nelson & her children Coleman Nelson, Mary Nelson Jr., Martha Nelson, Sally Nelson, & Susan Nelson all of the county of Halifax, State of VA, 40.03a, NW¼ of Sec30 T3 R14 in the Ohio Company Purchase; wit: Edward Menager, Louisa C Morrison [DB24, p328]

12 Oct 1854 – Mary Nelson of Gallia Co. to Sarah Patrick Nelson, for natural love of dau, all right in farm & premises heretofore owned by Buck Wallace and conveyed by him to myself and others situate in Gallipolis Twp, Gallia Co; wit: Wm S Kerr, Mary Ann Kerr [DB26, p49]

26 Mar 1861 – Nathaniel Nelson of Gallia Co. (wf Mary Ann) to Rufus White of same, undivided ½ of all that part of N½ of Sec 11 T5 R16 lying on east side of Raccoon Creek, it being the south ½ of said tract said lot containing 40a; wit John Norman, David Blair [DB31, p433]

Gallia Co., Marriages – Nelson

John G Nelson m. Polly Arbuckle, 22 May 1806, Gallia Co. John Nelson m. Aveseter Sarting, 15 Jun 1819, Gallia Co. John b c1795 SC, wife’s maiden name: sarton/sarten; went to LaPorte/then Porter Co, IN John Nelson m. Nancy Davis, 18 Aug 1831, Gallia Co. Benhan Nelson m. Lydia Smith, 10 Aug 1837, Gallia Co. [s/o Benjamin Nelson & Delphia Miller; see below] Sidney Nelson m. Samuel C. Bandy, 6 Aug 1840, Gallia Co. [d/o Benjamin Nelson & Delphia Miller; see below] John Nelson m. Mary Russel, 16 Mar 1843, Gallia Co. William Nelson m. Arthasa Copler, 24 Nov 1845, Gallia Co. Mary Nelson m. Daniel Newman, 3 Mar 1855, Gallia Co. [mulatto, probably Nathaniel Nelson’s dau] Mary Nelson m. William Simmons 8 May 1855 Gallia Co. [she is marked “col” on marr record; had children with Nathaniel Nelson of Halifax Co.]


9 Feb 1815 LWT of Jesse George, Gallia Co. names daughter Nelly Nelson. (Will Bk A, p323) Probated by James George, sole executor, 20 Apr 1815; wit: Mitchell Ward and Jacob Ward. Nelly’s husband (per postings) was a Samuel Nelson who went to Jackson Co., IN, named sons William, Joseph, John & George.

There was a Jesse George m. Mercy Lupton, 14 Jan 1795 Hampshire Co., VA (Quaker records) But this one appears to have removed to Highland Co., OH; also children’s names in a geni.com genealogy do not match those in the Gallia Co. will. There is a Rootsweb genealogy for another Jesse George out of Stokes Co., NC who came through Mason Co. (W)VA before settling in Gallia Co. Per Rootsweb, “In 1805 Jesse bought 73 acres from the Mercer estate in Mason County, W. Va.” Also quotes Hardesty's West Virginia Counties. History of Mason Co., p30: “Soon Jesse George purchased seventy acres of land at the mouth of Flatfoot Creek, (owned now by Gideon Brown, Esq.), and became the second actual settler.” [First settler named Thomas Hannan, in 1790.]

11 Feb 1851 LWT of Nathaniel Nelson of Halifax Co., VA. The will was challenged by Nathaniel’s siblings at the Halifax County court, held 26 Apr 1852; subsequently, the opposition was withdrawn and the will was entered and recorded, 28 Jun 1852. A copy of the will was presented to the Gallia Co. Probate Court by the executor, Beverly R. Fleming, 4 Dec 1852. The will provided for “the following slaves to wit Mary, Coleman, Mary Jane, Betsey, Martha, Sally & Susan, and all their increase at the time of my death” to be set free and “carried by my Executor…to Ohio, or some other State where the laws will permit them to settle and live as free people of colour.” The executor was directed to sell the whole estate, both real and personal, and use the money to carry out freeing the named slaves, moving them, buying them homes, providing them necessities and dividing any remainder equally among them. Gallia Co. Probate file N-31 (#31 in Ns), Nathaniel Nelson Minors, reveals this was Nathaniel’s family. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSK4-XQMW-T?i=435&cat=2827731 File contains final statement & settlement of Claudius J. Menager, as “guardian of Martha, Sally and Susan Nelson minor children of Nathaniel Nelson deceased,” dated 28 Feb 1856. Another item shows payment to “Mary Nelson (now Simmons) their Mother for supporting, clothing, schooling &c.” the children. There is an account statement by Menager for Coleman Nelson, minor child of Nathaniel, and a receipt of Coleman Nelson: “Received Gallipolis June 5th 1854 of Claudius J [torn] Guardian of Coleman Nelson one hundred three [torn] and forty cents in full of my share of the e[torn] my Father Nathaniel Nelson deceased;” wit: S.B. Rathburn.

Civil War Draft Registrations, 1863

Nathaniel Nelson, 35, white, blacksmith, b. OH, res: Perry Twp, Gallia Co. [son of John Nelson & 1st wife Elizabeth Kirby; they said to be from Fairfax Co., VA; he and parents were covered in 1/10/19 email] Thornton Nelson, 23, colored, single, b. VA, res: Gallipolis Twp, Gallia Co. (1845-16 Aug 1907, OH; bur Pomeroy OH) OH Soldier Home Records 1888-1919 has him b. James River, VA 4 Jul 1841; Bettie Nelson, free colored, b. 9 Apr 1873 Tinkersville, Kanawha Co, WV, par: Thornton Nelson (b. Botetourt Co, VA) & America Randolph (b. Kanawha Co) m. 1872 Silas Nelson, res: Morgan Twp., Gallia Co. 1860 Morgan, Gallia, OH – Silas Nelson 33, Eliza J. 25, William 9, Charles 7, Albert 5, Nancy 3, Rosetta 1; all b. OH; m. Eliza J. Wood in Meigs Co 1851; 1850 Meigs Co. census he is in Sampson Nelson family/hhold [Sampson Nelson b. Fairfax Co., VA, said brother of John Nelson m. Elizabeth Kirby]

Other Nelson Families - detail

https://www.ohgen.net/ohathens/nelson.htm Daniel Nelson's biography from the "History of the Hocking Valley 1883" In 1814 Mr. Daniel Nelson, an intelligent and prosperous citizen of Shrewsbury, Mass., purchased a large tract of land from an agent of the Ohio Company, and came with his family to settle and improve it. He reached the site of Nelsonville in August, 1814, and, as soon as possible, erected a double log-cabin for a dwelling, on the ground where now stands the dwelling of Mr. John Burberry, just west of W.B. Brooke's store. The following is from the Centennial address of W.C. Hickman at Nelsonville, July 4, 1876."In June, 1818, York Township was organized and on the 16th of the same month Daniel Nelson laid out the village of Nelsonville, which was properly named in honor of the founder, who well deserved that and greater acknowledgement, for his public-spirited energy of character, and for his foresight and generosity to the then weak, struggling village. Let me say here, that no selfish act nor and instance of close exacting dealing is shown by such items of history as we can now gather, to have been perpetrated by Daniel Nelson toward the village he founded, or toward those who had cast their lot in it. He has long since passed to his final account; but these words can truthfully be said of him, and it is his due that they be thus publicly expressed. His death occurred on the 20th of May, 1835. The original plat comprised fifty-seven lots, numbering from one to fifty-seven. Two streets were named--Columbus and Mulberry. In the month of October 3d day, 1825, Mr. Nelson laid out twenty additional town lots, numbering from fifty-eight to seventy-seven, both inclusive. At that time the town had not developed to any great extent; but those who lived there had faith in its future, and were getting ready for it's growth." He was postmaster at Nelsonville Jan 1, 1824 he held this position until 1832. (transcribed by Betty Leeper)

The Nelson's were the parents of 12 children born between the years 1809 to 1832. Daniel's wife was Sarah Smith. They had three sons. Two of the children died in infancy, one of which died in 1814 en route from Massachusetts to Ohio and was buried in Marietta, Ohio. The following are the names of the 10 children of Daniel and Sarah Nelson who survived and married in Athens County. Elizabeth Nelson married J. R. Howe, Sarah Nelson married Nathan Woodard, Mary Nelson married Lewis Steenrod, Eleanor Nelson married Ichabod Woodard, Daniel Nelson married Catherine Comstock, Aurilla Nelson married Cornelius Steenrod, Alexander Ward Nelson married Alpha Steenrod, Lucy Nelson married Judge Jacob C. Frost, Melissa Nelson married Judge Rudolph DeSteiguer and John S. Nelson married Ehilena Hamilton De Steiguer Street is named after Judge Rudolph and wife Melissa.

Nelsons in Lawrence Co. were from John Nelson + Mary Stearns 1830 Symmes, Lawrence, OH – John Nelson (50-60 &fam), Solomon Nelson (40-50 &fam), Daniel Nelson (20-30 &fam) and Benjamin Nelson (50-60 &fam) 1840 Aid, Lawrence, Oh Wm Nelson (30-40 &fam)

John Nelson (1750- )+ Sarah Stearns Source of the John Nelson-Sarah Stearns descent: https://archive.org/stream/historyofpendlet00mort/historyofpendlet00mort_djvu.txt Oren F. Morton, A History of Pendleton County, West Virginia (April, 1910) p. 270 Essentially descent only, no context, other than that John Nelson when over 60 rode to KY to visit his half brother and sister. 1830 Symmes, Lawrence, OH – John Nelson (50-60 &fam), Solomon Nelson (40-50 &fam), Daniel Nelson (20-30 &fam) and Benjamin Nelson (50-60 &fam) 1840 Aid, Lawrence, Oh Wm Nelson (30-40 &fam) John Nelson (1771 Greenbrier VA-1852 Cedar, Knox, IL) + Mary Eve Cassell 1773-1846 1886 Portrait & Biographical Album of Knox Co., IL – Bio of Angeline Whipple The father of Peter C. Nelson was John Nelson, a native of Pendleton County, Va. He married Mary E. Castle, also a native of Virginia. They both died at their home on section 9, Cedar Township, Knox County, having settled there in the fall of 1839. John Nelson died in1852, his wife having preceded him seven years. The father of John Nelson served as a soldier during seven years of the War of the Revolution. William Nelson (11 Jul 1805-31 May 1874 Aid, Lawrence, OH) + Ginsey Jane Russell m 22 Sep 1831 Lawrence Co Elias Nelson (27 May 1822 Greenbrier WV-24 Jul 1903 Keokuk, IA) + Emily D. Brown A Genealogical and Biographical History of Keokuk County, Iowa - Bio of J.M. Nelson: For almost a half century J. M. Nelson has been a resident of Keokuk county and now resides upon the old family homestead which his father entered from the government upon locating here in 1853. It is located in Washington township and was one of the first farms settled in the locality. The subject of this review was born in Knox county, Illinois, May 5, 1844. His father, Elias Nelson, was a native of Virginia, born in Greenbrier county, May 27, 1822, and when five years of age left the Old Dominion in company with his parents, who removed to Lawrence county, Ohio, where they remained for about eight years, and then took up their abode in Knox county, Illinois, making their home upon a farm there until called to their final rest. Elias Nelson was married in Knox county in 1843 to Miss Emily Brown, a native of Pennsylvania, who with her parents left that state when she was four years of age, locating in Meigs county, Ohio, where she spent her early childhood. At the age of eighteen she went with her parents to Knox county, Illinois, where she gave her hand in marriage to Mr. Nelson. She became the mother of eleven children, six sons and five daughters; Jonathan, of this review; John Columbus, who died in the army; William Oregon, deceased; a son who died in infancy; Mary Jane, who has also passed away; Virginia E., the wife of Henry King; Perry F.; Julia, the wife of John Axtell, of Poweshiek county, Iowa; Florence, the wife of Alexander Zerring; Annie, the wife of John Colbert, of Washington township; and Grant, who completes the family Benjamin Nelson (1781-1846 Madison Co., IN) + Delphia Miller m. 10 Jan 1809 Greenbrier Co., VA Nelson Cemetery, Richland Twp, Madison Co., IN http://www.cemeteries-madison-co-in.com/nelson_cemetery.htm Other members of the large Nelson family soon accompanied Tobitha [to the grave], and among those with stones that could be transcribed was Benjamin, who was born in 1781 and who died in 1846. According to family genealogist J.G. Nelson of Pennsylvania, Benjamin Nelson started life in Greenbriar County, Virginia (now West Virginia). His father was John Nelson and his mother was Sarah Stearns; both were born around 1760. The Nelson family originally hailed from England from which Nelson emigrants settled first in Virginia. In Pendleton County, Virginia, (now WV), Benjamin married Delphia/Delphena Miller, whose father was Henry and whose mother was Barbara Arbaugh. Benjamin and Delphena eventually had thirteen children. The first two were born in what is now West Virginia. Sometime before 1813 Benjamin moved with his family, parents, and brother Solomon's family across the Ohio River to Lawrence County, Ohio. While living there the Nelson patriarch John died. Fortunately, Benjamin and Delphena would eventually have an additional nine offspring. The names of all their children were Sidney, Henry, Mahala, Benham, Isiah, William, John, Matilda, Isaac, Amos, Eliza, Nancy, and Benjamin Jr. In 1841, Benjamin decided to sell his property in Ohio and follow his brother Solomon and other Nelsons here to the Killbuck Creek area of Richland Township. At this new Hoosier homestead, fields were cleared for plowing, and a home and fences erected from the surrounding timber. Benjamin died only five years after arriving, but some of his Nelson roots were firmly planted in Madison County. Benjamin's brother Solomon, who settled here first, also died in 1846 at "57y 8m 11d." Benjamin's wife Delphena followed in 1876. She, like her husband, had been born in the 18th century, specifically 1792. Portrait and Biographical Album of Champaign Co., IL – bio of Henry Nelson Henry Nelson resides on section 28, Pesotum Township….Mr. Nelson is a native of Pendleton County, W. Va., and born March 1, 1811. He was the second child of Benjamin and Delphia (Arbaugh) Nelson, both natives of Greenbrier County, W. Va., the father born in 1781, and the mother in 1792. They remained in their native State after their marriage until 1822, and then removed to Lawrence County, Ohio, where Benjamin Nelson purchased a quarter section of land in Symmes Township….In 1841 the father of our subject sold his farm in Lawrence County, and removed to a point near Anderson, Madison County, [Indiana] where he purchased 280 acres of improved land, which he occupied until his death in 1846. The mother died in 1877….The subject of this biography remained a member of the parental household until his marriage, on the 9th of February, 1832. The maiden name of his choice was Miss Polly Smith, of Gallia County, Ohio…. Benham Nelson Hines, An Illustrated History of the State of Oregon – bio of Abraham Nelson, vice-president of the Independence National Bank, is one of Polk county’s most worthy capitalists…He was born in Iowa, October 29, 1839, of Scotch ancestry, and is the son of Isaac Nelson, a native of Pendleton county, Virginia, born October 10, 1810. Grandfather Banham Nelson was also a Virginian and a soldier in the war of 1812. He was taken sick and given a leave of absence, but died at Norfolk in the fall of 1814, when on his way home….[continues, family of five children left homeless and poor; Isaac the youngest; married Phebe Harper in Pendleton Co, 5 Jun 1835; after marriage removed to Vermilion Co., IL, then Van Buren Co.] Solomon Nelson (3 Mar 1789-14 Nov 1846 Madison Co., IN; bur Nelson Cem.) + Elender “Nellie” McGraw

John Nelson (1778-1853 bur Standish, Salem Twp, Meigs Co) + Elizabeth Kirby (1792-1853) from Fairfax Co. +2 Isabella Blair Entered service 1812 at Meadville, Crawford Co., PA; his company served in regiment commanded by Col. David Nelson Res: 1830-1860 Meigs Co., but son Nathaniel had couple of Gallia Co records Subject of my email 10 Jan 2019-Cuious case of John Nelson of Meigs Co. Beyond the familiar Kentucky migration path, there was one other aspect of the family that was interesting. [I won’t burden you with other detail on the family.] Son Nathaniel was traced because his name appeared in Isabella’s pension application, some small matter like a mailing address or witness to a signature, but without explanation of his relationship. At any rate, he goes to Gallia Co., after leaving his parents’ household and before settling in Pike Co. 1850 Salem, Meigs, OH – John Nelson 69 VA, Elizabeth 69 VA, Nathaniel 23 OH 1860 Perry, Gallia, OH – Nathaniel Nelson 32 OH, Mary 28 OH, Nelson 8, Ellen 7, Nancy 5, Lydia 3 CW draft registration, Perry Twp, Gallia Co, OH – Nathaniel Nelson 35 blacksmith b OH 1870 Seal, Pike, OH – Nathaniel Nelson 42 OH, Mary A 37 OH, Lando 18, Ellen 16, Lydia C 12, James W 9 1880 Scioto, Pike, OH – Nathaniel Nelson 54 OH VA VA, Mary A 47 OH, Leondo 27, Ellen 25, Nancy A 23, Lydia C 22, James W 19, Isabell 78 Ireland Ireland Ireland mother 1900 Seal, Pike, OH – Nathaniel 72 OH VA VA, Mary A 67 OH, William L Moody gr-son 21 OH

Capt. William Arbuckle Sr (3 Mar 1752-21 Mar 1836 Grimms Landing, Mason Co) Catherine “Kitty” Madison (1754-1818 Grimms Landing, Mason Co.) Parents: James Arbuckle (1713-1783) & Margaret Thompson (1714-1761) Brothers: Matthew Arbuckle (1740-1781) (above) & Thomas Arbuckle (1747-15 Jan 1843 Jefferson Co, IN) "In Memory of Kitty Died July 18, 1818 age 64 years" [Catherine Madison Arbuckle was born in Virginia in 1754 - she was the wife of 1st husband Capt Robert McClanahan who she married 15 May 1770,and 2nd Husband William Arbuckle. Frances Littlepage “Fannie” Arbuckle died in youth Elizabeth Arbuckle (1790-1861) + Samuel Alexander Catherine Brown Arbuckle (1793 Pt Pleasant, Mason Co-16 Oct 1859 Grimms Land) Catherine Brown "Kitty" Arbuckle is the fifth of six known children of Captain William Arbuckle and Catherine Madison. In 1819 at the age of 26, Catherine married William Langry. William passed away in 1824. Catherine then married James Kennerly Craig in 1825. James is the son of George Craig and Catherine Kennerly. They had four known children: George William, Kennerly, Harriet Elizabeth and Mary Jane. Mary Dickenson Arbuckle (1786-21 Sep 1847 Pendleton, Madison Co, IN Mary Dickenson Arbuckle is the third of six known children of Captain William Arbuckle and Catherine Madison. Mary is named after her maternal grandmother, Mary Dickenson. On 22 May 1806, Mary married John Griffith Nelson, son of Richard Nelson and Elizabeth Griffith, in Gallion County, Ohio. They had fourteen known children: William Arbuckle, Davis Griffith, Eliza Jane (twin of Thompson), Thompson, John, Mary Ann, Catherine Madison, Elizabeth R, Nancy Jane, Frances, John William, Susan, Agnes and Maglin. https://www.robinrichmond.com/family/showmedia.php?mediaID=1782&medialinkID=58072 + John Griffith Nelson (17 Jan 1777-4 Mar 1847 Pendleton, Madison, IN; Gilmore Cem) The stone says " in memory of John G. Nelson who died March 4, 1847 aged 70 years 1 month and 15 days." John and relatives Archibald and William Nelson are listed in The Pioneer by county historian Samuel Hardin as among the first to settle in the township.

https://archive.org/stream/reverendjohncrai00crai/reverendjohncrai00crai_djvu.txt has Arbuckle info

1774 - Arbuckle's Fort in Greenbrier area [at the mouth of Mill Creek in Greenbrier County] Arbuckle's Fort was a militia fort built on Muddy Creek in Greenbrier County, Virginia (now West Virginia) during the Indian-Virginia War of 1774, commonly called Lord Dunmore's War. The fort was built and initially occupied by Captain Matthew Arbuckle and his militia company to guard the Muddy Creek settlers. This website covers the 1997 and 2000 excavations.

1781 Matthew Arbuckle was trapped in a violent storm near the banks of the Jackson River [Greenbrier] and killed by a falling tree. He was laid to rest where he fell and was survived by his widow (Frances Lawrence Arbuckle Hunter Welch; 1749 – 1834) and six sons (Charles, 1768–1846; John, 1771–1843; James Harvey, 1774–1869; Mathew Jr, 1778–1851; Thomas, 1780–1838; and Samuel, 1782–1831).

Nancy Arbuckle m. James Fletcher 2 Mar 1816, Gallia There was a Joseph Fletcher in Gallia in 1810 per tax list

In 1870 Gallia Co also; 1860 she is in parent’s household, Greenbrier VA 1880 Gallia, OH Sarah Hannan 34 WV WV WV (wife of Henry Henderson Hannan, he d. 1879) Children b. in OH James Arbuckle 28 WV WV WV brother Austin 18 WV WV WV brother

HENRY H. HANNAN Henry H. Hannan and Sarah Arbuckle were married near Lewisburg, Greenbrier county, West Virginia, June 2, 1868. He was a native of this county, born February 7, 1844; and his wife was born in Greenbrier county, West Virginia, January 4, 1845. They have the following children: Mary M., born September 13, 1869; Kate A., July 2, 1871; James H., March 5, 1873; John C., December 25, 1875; Rosa M., April 15, 1878. The parents of Mr. Hannan were Henry and Rhoda (Henderson) Hannan, settlers of this county in 1819. His father died October 16, 1852, and his mother April 2, 1879. The parents of Mrs. Hannan are James H. and Mahala F. (McPherson) Arbuckle, who are residents of West Virginia. Mr. Hannan held the office of justice of the peace two years, and was holding the office at the time of his death, which took place January 18, 1879. His wife is managing the farm which is located in Ohio township. Her postoffice address is Swan Cree, Gallia county, Ohio. [SOURCE: History of Gallia County: Containing A Condensed History of the County; Biographical Sketches; General Statistics, Miscellaneous Matters, &c; James P. Averill; Hardesty & CO., Publishers, Chicago and Toledo. 1882.]

1830 Madison, IN - William Nelson M60-70, M<5, M5-10, 2M10-15, M15-20, M20-30 F30-40, F5-10, F15-20

1840 Madison, IN John Nelson M60-70 M10-15, 30-40 F50-60, F<5, F5-10, 2F10-15, 2F15-20, F20-30 Arbuckle Nelson M30-40, 2M<5, M5-10 F20-30, 2F<5, F10-15

1850 Stony Creek, Madison Co., IN - Arbuckl Nelson 42, Jane 38, Martha Ann 19, Marshel 17, Jane 15, Nancy 14, Mary Eliza 12, French L 9 (m) Clark 12, Elizabeth A 8, Francis 4, James L 2

https://wc.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=ksoper-sullivan&id=I0131 • Name: John Griffith NELSON • Birth: 17 JAN 1777 in Charles County, MD • Death: 4 MAR 1847 in Pendleton, Madison Co., IN • Note: John and Mary are buried at Gilmore Cemetery, Madison Co., IN. His original stone shows he died March 15, 1847 at age 70y 1m 15d. Mary's original stone shows she died Sept 23, 1847 at age 63y 5m 19d

Names of parents, grandparents, and siblings obtained from letter written by Jessie Sullivan Carr to her uncle Allen M. Sullivan in 1917.

Genealogy of the Greenlee Families in America, Scotland, Ireland and England John Griffith Nelson (1777-1847) + Mary (Polly) Nelson This parentage from other source, not Greenlee Families William Arbuckle Nelson (1807-4 Aug 1876 Cambria, Wayne,IA) +Nancy Jane Greenlee b 20 Nov 1811 Nancy Jane Greenlee, daughter of Morris Greenlee and Nancy E. Kimberling, was born November 20, 1811 in Mason Co., West Virginia; died July 2, 1890 at Cambria, Wayne Co., Iowa; married in 1830 in West Virginia, William Arbuckle Nelson, born September 13, 1807 in West Virginia, died August 4, 1876 at Cambria, Iowa. John Morris Nelson (26 Sep 1834 Mason Co, WV-2 Jul 1901 Clay, Wayne, IA Nancy Jane Nelson b. 20 May 1835 Madison Co., IN; m. in Wayne Co., IA, + Andrew Jackson Chapman (s/o Thomas Chapman & Rachel Griffith) French L Nelson + Mary Elizabeth Greenlee d/o Morgan Greenlee & Eliza Jane Greenlee Mary Elizabeth Greenlee, daughter of Morgan Greenlee and Eliza Jane Greenlee, was born June 4, 1846 at Leon, Mason Co., West Virginia; died October 14, 1890 at Allerton, Wayne Co., Iowa; married French L. Nelson, who was born in Indiana, son of William Arbuckle Nelson and Nancy Jane Greenlee [No. 26].

9 Jan 1932 obit, William Nelson Kerns – “Death Beckons to W.N. Kerns” Nelson Kerns, a native of Gallia county..was born in Harrison township. Apparently son of Jacob, son of Frederick Kerns of Frederick Co., VA (1 Jan 1776 Frederick Co, VA-9 Apr 1867 Green Twp, Gallia Co., OH) m. 22 Mar 1807 Susannah Syler, Gallia Co., OH. Said he built the first cabin in Green Twp, Gallia Co. Jacob Kearns 10 Mar 1820-6 Aug 1880 Gallipolis, bur Mound Hill) From Galliopolis Journal 11 Apr 1867. d. Frederick Kerns, in his 92nd year, in Green Twp. on Saturday last. The Journal was published on Monday so FK died on 9 April, 1867. The 1860 census lists FK as 85, male, born in VA. Farm valued at $1700, personal property at $50. He was a veteran of the War of 1812. Cemetery records show death date to be Apr 6, 1867, age 91y 4m 6d and a veteran of the War of 1812. From the Gallia Co Chancery records: Philip Blaser vs Skinner, Wright, Washburn and Frederick Kerns- Ch1 140-143 Jul 28, 1838 Sect 7-5-15 which is Green Twp. Blaser says other four are tenants in common and he seeks to have the land divided.

Possible namesake connection? Kerns line from Frederick Co., VA

William Nelson Kerns (11 Dec 1857 Gallia Co.-8 Jan 1932 Marietta, Washington Co, OH; bur Mound Hill Cem, Gallipolis) William N Kerns m. Laura E. Phillips 25 Dec 1879 Gallia Co Death Beckons To. W. N. Kerns Once Gallipot End Comes Friday Evening At Home in Marietta Burial Here Sunday P.M. Nelson Kerns, a native of Gallia county, and former resident of the city, died suddenly about 5 p.m. Friday at his home in Marietta. Mr. Kerns, the only surviving son of Jacob and Elizabeth Kerns, was born in Harrison township about seventy-five years ago. In early manhood, he married Miss Ella Phillips of Springfield township, and soon after came to Gallipolis to reside. He built the house where Dr. J. P. Haskins now resides, and lived there until about twenty years ago when he located in Ironton. He was a traveling salesman for an Ironton Stove concern, moving to Marietta, perhaps ten years ago. He retired from active business five years ago, since which time he has been failing in health. Surviving are the widow and two daughters, Barbara, at home, and Hazel, wife of Sheldon Gilman, who lives in New York. A third daughter, Ethel, died when but a small child. He also leaves two sisters, Mrs. J. W. Stone and Mrs. Dora Rife, of Columbus. Funeral services will be conducted Sunday at 1 p.m. at his late home, burial to follow in the family burial lot here in Mound Hill Cemetery. Gallipolis Daily Tribune Saturday, January 9, 1932 1900 Dist 28, Gallipolis, Gallia, OH – W. Nelson Kerns 43 (Dec 1856) OH OH OH, Ella 41 (Sep 1858) OH VA KY, Barbara 11 OH, Hazel 8 OH 1880 Addison, Gallia, OH – Wm. N. Kerns 25 OH OH OH miller, Laura E 25 OH OH OH, Wm R. Roberts 30 VA VA VA servant, works on farm 1880 Addison, Gallia, OH – Jacob Kerns 60 OH VA VA, 56 OH OH OH, Dora F 25, Susan 18, Edward 15, Leslie R. 12 1870 Harrison, Gallia, OH – Jacob Kerns 50 OH, Elizabeth A 44 OH, Anthony K 22 OH, Joannnah L 17 OH, Dora F 15 OH, William N 13 OH, Effie E 11 OH, Susie B 9 OH, Edward S Kerns 4 OH, Leslie R 1 OH, Thomas Gilbert 10 farm laborer 1860 Harrison, Gallia, OH – Jacob Kerns 40 OH, Elizabeth 34 OH, Francis 16 OH, Anthony 13 OH, Joanna 8 OH, Dord 5 OH, William 3 OH, Effie 11mo OH listed next abv John Rodarmer 75 VA, Barbary 69 VA 1850 Harrison, Gallia, OH – Jacob Carns 30 OH, Elizabeth 25 OH, Francis R 6 OH, Anthony W 3 OH Jacob Kerns m. Elisabeth Roadarmour 4 May 1843, Gallia Co 1840 Green, Gallia, OH – Frederick Kern 50-60, F40-50 plus 2M & 5F 1830 Green, Gallia, OH – Frederic Kerns 50-60, F40-50 plus 4M& 6F Frederick Kerns 1810 Gallia Co taxlist said s/o of Henry Kearns & Catherine Hotsinpiller of Frederick Co., VA Frederick Kerns m. Susannah Syler 22 Mar 1807, Raccoon Twp, Gallia Co. History of Gallia County: Containing a Condensed History of the County – The first actual settler in Green township was Frederick Kerns, who located upon what is now known as the Warren Hulbert farm, and erected a cabin there at an early date. John, a son Frederick and Susannah Kerns, was the first child born in the township. Among the early settlers may also be mentioned Alexander, John, and James Waddell, Samuel Boggs, Abraham Hutsinpiller, Abraham and John Rader, and Abraham Blessing. The first election was held at the house of Nicholas Thevenin, June 24th, 1809, who was at that time elected a justice of the peace. In 1810 Robert Safford built the first grist-mill; …Nicholas Thevenin, in 1816, erected the first saw-mill on the banks or Big Raccoon creek.

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